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Aarskog’s syndrome Q87.19

Abandonment—see Maltreatment

Abasia (-astasia) (hysterical) F44.4

Abderhalden-Kaufmann-Lignac syndrome (cystinosis) E72.04

Abdomen, abdominal—see also condition

   muscle deficiency syndrome Q79.4

   angina K55.1

   acute R10.0

Abdominalgia—see Pain, abdominal

Abduction contracture, hip or other joint—see

    Contraction, joint

Aberrant (congenital)—see also Malposition, congenital

   adrenal gland Q89.1

   artery (peripheral) Q27.8

      basilar NEC Q28.1

      cerebral Q28.3

      coronary Q24.5

      digestive system Q27.8

      eye Q15.8

      lower limb Q27.8

      precerebral Q28.1

      pulmonary Q25.79

      renal Q27.2

      retina Q14.1

      specified site NEC Q27.8

      subclavian Q27.8

      upper limb Q27.8

      vertebral Q28.1

breast Q83.8

endocrine gland NEC Q89.2

hepatic duct Q44.5

pancreas Q45.3

parathyroid gland Q89.2

pituitary gland Q89.2

sebaceous glands, mucous membrane, mouth,

      congenital Q38.6

spleen Q89.09

subclavian artery Q27.8

thymus (gland) Q89.2

thyroid gland Q89.2

vein (peripheral) NEC Q27.8

   cerebral Q28.3

   digestive system Q27.8

   lower limb Q27.8

   precerebral Q28.1

   specified site NEC Q27.8

   upper limb Q27.8



   distantial —see Disturbance, visual

    mental F99 

Abetalipoproteinemia E78.6 

Abiotrophy R68.89

Ablatio, ablation

    retinae—see Detachment, retina

Ablepharia, ablepharon Q10.3

Abnormal, abnormality, abnormalities—see also


   acid-base balance (mixed) E87.4

   albumin R77.0

   alphafetoprotein R77.2

   alveolar ridge K08.9

   anatomical relationship Q89.9

   apertures, congenital, diaphragm Q79.1

   auditory perception H93.29-

      diplacusis—see Diplacusis

      hyperacusis—see Hyperacusis

      recruitment—see Recruitment, auditory threshold shift—see Shift, auditory threshold

autosomes Q99.9

     fragile site Q95.5

basal metabolic rate R94.8

biosynthesis, testicular androgen E29.1

bleeding time R79.1

blood amino-acid level R79.83

blood level (of)

   cobalt R79.0

   copper R79.0

   iron R79.0

   lithium R78.89

   magnesium R79.0

   mineral NEC R79.0

   zinc R79.0

blood pressure

   elevated R03.0

   low reading (nonspecific) R03.1

blood sugar R73.09

blood-gas level R79.81

bowel sounds R19.15

   absent R19.11

   hyperactive R19.12

brain scan R94.02

breathing R06.9

caloric test R94.138

cerebrospinal fluid R83.9

   cytology R83.6

   drug level R83.2

   enzyme level R83.0

   hormones R83.1

   immunology R83.4

   microbiology R83.5

   nonmedicinal level R83.3

   specified type NEC R83.8

chemistry, blood R79.9

   C-reactive protein R79.82

   drugs—see Findings, abnormal, in blood

   gas level R79.81

   minerals R79.0

   pancytopenia D61.818

   PTT R79.1

   specified NEC R79.89

   toxins—see Findings, abnormal, in blood

chest sounds (friction) (rales) R09.89

chromosome, chromosomal Q99.9

   with more than three X chromosomes, female Q97.1

   analysis result R89.8

      bronchial washings R84.8

      cerebrospinal fluid R83.8

      cervix uteri NEC R87.89

      nasal secretions R84.8

      nipple discharge R89.8

      peritoneal fluid R85.89

      pleural fluid R84.8

      prostatic secretions R86.8

      saliva R85.89 

      seminal fluid R86.8

     sputum R84.8

     synovial fluid R89.8

     throat scrapings R84.8

     vagina R87.89

      vulva R87.89

      wound secretions R89.8

dicentric replacement Q93.2

ring replacement Q93.2

sex Q99.8

   female phenotype Q97.9

      specified NEC Q97.8

   male phenotype Q98.9

      specified NEC Q98.8

   structural male Q98.6

    specified NEC Q99.8 

clinical findings NEC R68.89

coagulation D68.9

newborn, transient P61.6

profile R79.1

time R79.1

communication—see Fistula conjunctiva, vascular H11.41-

 coronary artery Q24.5

cortisol-binding globulin E27.8

course, eustachian tube Q17.8

creatinine clearance R94.4

cytology anus R85.619

atypical squamous   cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC-H) R85.611 atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) R85.610

cytologic evidence of malignancy R85.614

high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL) R85.613 human

papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test high risk positive R85.81

low risk positive R85.82

inadequate smear R85.615

low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) R85.612

satisfactory anal smear but lacking transformation zone R85.616

specified NEC R85.618

unsatisfactory smear R85.615

female genital organs—see Abnormal, Papanicolaou (smear) dark adaptation curve H53.61

dentofacial NEC—see Anomaly, dentofacial development, developmental Q89.9

central nervous system Q07.9

diagnostic imaging abdomen, abdominal region NEC R93.5

biliary tract R93.2

bladder R93.41

breast R92.8

central nervous system NEC R90.89

cerebrovascular NEC R90.89

coronary circulation R93.1

digestive tract NEC R93.3

gastrointestinal (tract) R93.3

genitourinary organs R93.89

head R93.0

heart R93.1

intrathoracic organ NEC R93.89

kidney R93.42-

 limbs R93.6

liver R93.2

lung (field) R91.8

musculoskeletal system NEC R93.7

renal pelvis R93.41

retroperitoneum R93.5

site specified NEC R93.89

skin and subcutaneous tissue R93.89

skull R93.0

testis R93.81-

ureter R93.41

urinary organs specified NEC R93.49

direction, teeth, fully erupted M26.30

ear ossicles, acquired NEC H74.39-

 ankylosis—see Ankylosis, ear ossicles discontinuity—see Discontinuity, ossicles, ear partial loss—see Loss, ossicles, ear (partial)

Ebstein Q22.5

echocardiogram R93.1

echoencephalogram R90.81

echogram—see Abnormal, diagnostic imaging electrocardiogram [ECG] [EKG] R94.31 electroencephalogram [EEG] R94.01

electrolyte—see Imbalance, electrolyte electromyogram [EMG] R94.131

electro-oculogram [EOG] R94.110

electrophysiological intracardiac studies R94.39

electroretinogram [ERG] R94.111

erythrocytes congenital, with perinatal jaundice D58.9

feces (color) (contents) (mucus) R19.5

finding—see Findings, abnormal, without diagnosis fluid amniotic—see Abnormal, specimen,

specified cerebrospinal—see Abnormal, 

cerebrospinal fluid peritoneal—see Abnormal,  specimen,

digestive organs pleural—see Abnormal,  specimen,

respiratory organs synovial—see Abnormal, specimen,

specified thorax (bronchial washings) (pleural fluid)—see Abnormal, specimen,

respiratory organs vaginal—see Abnormal, specimen,

female genital organs form teeth K00.2

uterus—see Anomaly, uterus function studies auditory R94.120

bladder R94.8

brain R94.09

cardiovascular R94.30

ear R94.128

endocrine NEC R94.7

eye NEC R94.118

kidney R94.4

liver R94.5 nervous system central

NEC R94.09

peripheral NEC R94.138

pancreas R94.8

placenta R94.8

pulmonary R94.2

special senses NEC R94.128

spleen R94.8

thyroid R94.6

vestibular R94.121

gait—see Gait hysterical F44.4

gastrin secretion E16.4

globulin R77.1

cortisol-binding E27.8

thyroid-binding E07.89

glomerular, minor—see also N00-N07

with fourth character .0 N05.0

glucagon secretion E16.3

glucose tolerance (test) (non-fasting) R73.09

gravitational (G) forces or states (effect of) T75.81

hair (color) (shaft) L67.9

specified NEC L67.8

hard tissue formation in pulp (dental) K04.3

head movement R25.0

heart rate R00.9

specified NEC R00.8

shadow R93.1 

sounds NEC R01.2

hemoglobin (disease)—see also Disease, hemoglobin D58.2

trait—see Trait, hemoglobin, abnormal histology NEC R89.7

immunological findings R89.4

in serum R76.9

specified NEC R76.8

increase in appetite R63.2

involuntary movement—see Abnormal, movement, involuntary jaw closure M26.51

karyotype R89.8

kidney function test R94.4

knee jerk R29.2

leukocyte (cell) (differential) NEC D72.9

liver function test—see also Elevated, liver function, test R79.89

loss of height R29.890

weight R63.4

mammogram NEC R92.8

calcification (calculus) R92.1


R92.0 Mantoux test R76.11

movement (disorder)—see also Disorder, movement head R25.0

involuntary R25.9

fasciculation R25.3

  of head R25.0

  spasm R25.2

specified type NEC R25.8

tremor R25.1

myoglobin (Aberdeen) (Annapolis) R89.7

neonatal screening P09.9

for congenital adrenal hyperplasia P09.2

congenital endocrine disease P09.2

congenital hematologic disorders P09.3

critical congenital heart disease P09.5

cystic fibrosis P09.4

hemoglobinothies P09.3

hypothyroidism P09.2

inborn errors of metabolism P09.1

neonatal hearing loss P09.6

red cell membrane defects P09.3

sickle cell P09.3

specified NEC P09.8

oculomotor study R94.113

palmar creases Q82.8

Papanicolaou (smear) anus R85.619

atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC-H) R85.611 atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) R85.610

cytologic evidence of malignancy R85.614

high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL) R85.613

human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test high risk positive R85.81

low risk postive R85.82

 inadequate smear R85.615

low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) R85.612

satisfactory anal smear but lacking transformation zone R85.616

specified NEC R85.618

unsatisfactory smear R85.615

bronchial washings R84.6

cerebrospinal fluid R83.6

cervix R87.619

atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC-H) R87.611 atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) R87.610

cytologic evidence of malignancy R87.614

high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL) R87.613

inadequate smear R87.615 low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) R87.612

non-atypical endometrial cells R87.618

satisfactory cervical smear but lacking transformation zone R87.616

specified NEC R87.618

thin preparation R87.619

unsatisfactory smear R87.615

nasal secretions R84.6

nipple discharge R89.6

peritoneal fluid R85.69

pleural fluid R84.6

prostatic secretions R86.6

saliva R85.69

seminal fluid R86.6

sites NEC R89.6

sputum R84.6 synovial fluid R89.6

throat scrapings R84.6

vagina R87.629

atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC-H) R87.621

atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) R87.620

cytologic evidence of malignancy R87.624

high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL) R87.623

inadequate smear R87.625

low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) R87.622

specified NEC R87.628

thin preparation R87.629

unsatisfactory smear R87.625

vulva R87.69 wound secretions R89.6

partial thromboplastin time (PTT) R79.1

pelvis (bony)—see Deformity, pelvis percussion, chest (tympany) R09.89

periods (grossly)—see Menstruation phonocardiogram R94.39

plantar reflex R29.2

plasma protein R77.9

specified NEC R77.8

viscosity R70.1

pleural (folds) Q34.0

posture R29.3 product of conception O02.9

specified type NEC O02.89

prothrombin time (PT) R79.1

pulmonary artery, congenital Q25.79

function, newborn P28.89

test results R94.2

pulsations in neck R00.2

pupillary H21.56-

 function (reaction) (reflex)—see Anomaly, pupil, function radiological examination—see Abnormal, diagnostic imaging red blood cell(s) (morphology) (volume) R71.8

reflex—see Reflex renal function test R94.4 response to nerve stimulation R94.130

retinal correspondence H53.31

retinal function study R94.111 rhythm, heart—see also Arrhythmia saliva—see Abnormal, specimen,

digestive organs scan kidney R94.4 liver R93.2

thyroid R94.6

secretion gastrin E16.4

glucagon E16.3

semen, seminal fluid—see Abnormal, specimen, male genital organs serum level (of) acid phosphatase R74.8

alkaline phosphatase R74.8

amylase R74.8

enzymes R74.9

specified NEC R74.8

lipase R74.8

triacylglycerol lipase R74.8

shape gravid uterus—see Anomaly, uterus sinus venosus Q21.1

size, tooth, teeth K00.2 spacing, tooth, teeth, fully erupted M26.30

specimen digestive organs (peritoneal fluid) (saliva) R85.9

cytology R85.69

drug level R85.2

enzyme level R85.0

histology R85.7

hormones R85.1

immunology R85.4

microbiology R85.5

nonmedicinal level R85.3 specified type NEC R85.89

female genital organs (secretions) (smears) R87.9

cytology R87.69

cervix R87.619 human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test high risk positive R87.810

low risk positive R87.820

inadequate (unsatisfactory) smear R87.615

non-atypical endometrial cells R87.618

specified NEC R87.618

vagina R87.629

human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test high risk positive R87.811

low risk positive R87.821

inadequate (unsatisfactory) smear R87.625

vulva R87.69

drug level R87.2

enzyme level R87.0

histological R87.7

hormones R87.1

immunology R87.4

microbiology R87.5

nonmedicinal level R87.3

specified type NEC R87.89

male genital organs (prostatic secretions) (semen) R86.9

cytology R86.6

drug level R86.2

enzyme level R86.0

histological R86.7

hormones R86.1

immunology R86.4

microbiology R86.5

nonmedicinal level R86.3

specified type NEC R86.8

nipple discharge—see Abnormal, specimen, specified respiratory organs (bronchial washings) (nasal secretions) (pleural fluid) (sputum) R84.9

cytology R84.6

drug level R84.2

enzyme level R84.0

histology R84.7

hormones R84.1

immunology R84.4

microbiology R84.5

nonmedicinal level R84.3

specified type NEC R84.8

specified organ, system and tissue NOS R89.9

cytology R89.6

drug level R89.2

enzyme level R89.0

histology R89.7

hormones R89.1

immunology R89.4

microbiology R89.5 nonmedicinal level R89.3

specified type NEC R89.8

synovial fluid—see Abnormal, specimen,

specified thorax (bronchial washings) (pleural fluids)—see Abnormal, specimen,

respiratory organs vagina (secretion) (smear) R87.629

vulva (secretion) (smear) R87.69

wound secretion—see Abnormal, specimen, specified spermatozoa—see Abnormal, specimen,

male genital organs sputum (amount) (color) (odor) R09.3

stool (color) (contents) (mucus) R19.5

bloody K92.1

guaiac positive R19.5

synchondrosis Q78.8

thermography—see also Abnormal, diagnostic imaging R93.89

thyroid-binding globulin E07.89

tooth, teeth (form) (size) K00.2

toxicology (findings) R78.9

transport protein E88.09

tumor marker NEC R97.8

ultrasound results—see Abnormal, diagnostic imaging umbilical cord complicating delivery O69.9 

  urination NEC R39.198

urine (constituents) R82.90

bile R82.2

cytological examination R82.89

drugs R82.5

fat R82.0

glucose R81

heavy metals R82.6

hemoglobin R82.3

histological examination R82.89

ketones R82.4

microbiological examination (culture) R82.79

myoglobin R82.1

positive culture R82.79

protein—see Proteinuria specified substance NEC R82.998

chromoabnormality NEC R82.91

substances nonmedical R82.6

uterine hemorrhage—see Hemorrhage, uterus vectorcardiogram R94.39

visually evoked potential (VEP) R94.112

white blood cells D72.9

specified NEC D72.89

X-ray examination—see Abnormal, diagnostic imaging.

Abnormity (any organ or part)—see Anomaly

Abocclusion M26.29

   hemolytic disease (newborn) P55.1

   incompatibility reaction ABO—see Complication(s),

      transfusion, incompatibility reaction, ABO

Abolition, language R48.8

Aborter, habitual or recurrent—see Loss (of), pregnancy, recurrent

Abortion (complete) (spontaneous) O03.9


      retained products of conception—see Abortion,


    attempted (elective) (failed) O07.4

      complicated by O07.30

      afibrinogenemia O07.1

      cardiac arrest O07.36

chemical damage of pelvic organ(s) O07.34

circulatory collapse O07.31

cystitis O07.38

defibrination syndrome O07.1

electrolyte imbalance O07.33

embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (fat) (pulmonary) (septic) (soap) O07.2

endometritis O07.0

genital tract and pelvic infection O07.0

emolysis O07.1

hemorrhage (delayed) (excessive) O07.1

infection genital tract or pelvic O07.0

urinary tract tract O07.38

intravascular coagulation O07.1

laceration of pelvic organ(s) O07.34

metabolic disorder O07.33

oliguria O07.32

oophoritis O07.0

parametritis O07.0

pelvic peritonitis O07.0

perforation of pelvic organ(s) O07.34

renal failure or shutdown O07.32

salpingitis or salpingo-oophoritis O07.0

sepsis O07.37

shock O07.31

specified condition NEC O07.39

tubular necrosis (renal) O07.32

uremia O07.32

urinary tract infection O07.38

venous complication NEC O07.35

embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (fat) (pulmonary) (septic) (soap) O07.2

complicated (by) (following) O03.80

afibrinogenemia O03.6

cardiac arrest O03.86

chemical damage of pelvic organ(s) O03.84

circulatory collapse O03.81

cystitis O03.88

defibrination syndrome O03.6

electrolyte imbalance O03.83

embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (fat) (pulmonary) (septic) (soap) O03.7

endometritis O03.5

genital tract and pelvic infection O03.5

hemolysis O03.6

hemorrhage (delayed) (excessive) O03.6

infection genital tract or pelvic O03.5

urinary tract O03.88 intravascular coagulation O03.6

laceration of pelvic organ(s) O03.84

metabolic disorder O03.83

oliguria O03.82

oophoritis O03.5

parametritis O03.5

pelvic peritonitis O03.5

perforation of pelvic organ(s) O03.84

renal failure or shutdown O03.82

salpingitis or salpingo-oophoritis O03.5

sepsis O03.87

shock O03.81

specified condition NEC O03.89

tubular necrosis (renal) O03.82

uremia O03.82

urinary tract infection O03.88

venous complication NEC O03.85

embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (fat) (pulmonary) (septic) (soap) O03.7

failed—see Abortion, attempted habitual or recurrent N96 with current abortion—

see categories O03-O04

without current pregnancy N96

care in current pregnancy O26.2-

✓ incomplete (spontaneous) O03.4

complicated (by) (following) O03.30

afibrinogenemia O03.1

cardiac arrest O03.36

chemical damage of pelvic organ(s) O03.34

circulatory collapse O03.31

cystitis O03.38

defibrination syndrome O03.1

electrolyte imbalance O03.33

embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (fat) (pulmonary) (septic) (soap) O03.2

endometritis O03.0

genital tract and pelvic infection O03.0

hemolysis O03.1

hemorrhage (delayed) (excessive) O03.1

infection genital tract or pelvic O03.0

urinary tract O03.38

intravascular coagulation O03.1

laceration of pelvic organ(s) O03.34

metabolic disorder O03.33

oliguria O03.32

oophoritis O03.0

parametritis O03.0

pelvic peritonitis O03.0

perforation of pelvic organ(s) O03.34

renal failure or shutdown O03.32

salpingitis or salpingo-oophoritis O03.0

sepsis O03.37

shock O03.31

specified condition NEC O03.39

tubular necrosis (renal) O03.32

uremia O03.32

urinary infection O03.38

venous complication NEC O03.35

embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (fat) (pulmonary) (septic) (soap) O03.2

induced (encounter for) Z33.2

complicated by O04.80

afibrinogenemia O04.6

cardiac arrest O04.86

chemical damage of pelvic organ(s) O04.84

circulatory collapse O04.81

cystitis O04.88

defibrination syndrome O04.6

electrolyte imbalance O04.83

embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (fat) (pulmonary) (septic) (soap) O04.7

endometritis O04.5

genital tract and pelvic infection O04.5

hemolysis O04.6

hemorrhage (delayed) (excessive) O04.6

infection genital tract or pelvic O04.5

urinary tract O04.88

intravascular coagulation O04.6

laceration of pelvic organ(s) O04.84

metabolic disorder O04.83

oliguria O04.82

oophoritis O04.5

parametritis O04.5

pelvic peritonitis O04.5

perforation of pelvic organ(s) O04.84

renal failure or shutdown O04.82

salpingitis or salpingo-oophoritis O04.5

sepsis O04.87

shock O04.81

specified condition NEC O04.89

tubular necrosis (renal) O04.82

uremia O04.82

urinary tract infection O04.88

venous complication NEC O04.85

embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (fat) (pulmonary) (septic) (soap) O04.7

inevitable O03.4

missed O02.1

spontaneous—see Abortion (complete) (spontaneous) threatened O20.0

threatened (spontaneous) O20.0

tubal O00.10- ✓

with intrauterine pregnancy O00.11- ✓

Abortus fever A23.1

Aboulomania F60.7

Abrami’s disease D59.8

Abramov-Fiedler myocarditis (acute isolated myocarditis) I40.1

Abrasion T14.8 ✓

abdomen, abdominal (wall) S30.811 ✓

alveolar process S00.512 ✓

ankle S90.51- ✓

antecubital space—see Abrasion, elbow anus S30.817 ✓

arm (upper) S40.81- ✓

auditory canal—see Abrasion, ear auricle—see Abrasion, ear axilla—see Abrasion, arm back,

lower S30.810 ✓

breast S20.11- ✓

brow S00.81 ✓

buttock S30.810 ✓

calf—see Abrasion, leg canthus—see Abrasion, eyelid cheek S00.81 ✓

internal S00.512 ✓

chest wall—see Abrasion, thorax chin S00.81 ✓

clitoris S30.814 ✓

cornea S05.0- ✓

costal region—see Abrasion, thorax dental K03.1 digit(s) foot—see Abrasion, toe hand—

see Abrasion, finger ear S00.41- ✓

elbow S50.31- ✓

epididymis S30.813 ✓

epigastric region S30.811 ✓

epiglottis S10.11 ✓

esophagus (thoracic) S27.818 ✓

cervical S10.11 ✓

eyebrow—see Abrasion, eyelid eyelid S00.21- ✓

face S00.81 ✓

finger(s) S60.41- ✓

index S60.41- ✓

little S60.41- ✓

middle S60.41- ✓

ring S60.41- ✓

flank S30.811 ✓

foot (except toe(s) alone) S90.81- ✓

toe—see Abrasion, toe forearm S50.81- ✓

elbow only—see Abrasion, elbow forehead S00.81 ✓

genital organs, external female S30.816 ✓

male S30.815 ✓

groin S30.811 ✓

gum S00.512 ✓

hand S60.51- ✓

head S00.91 ✓

ear—see Abrasion, ear eyelid—see Abrasion, eyelid lip S00.511 ✓

nose S00.31 ✓

oral cavity S00.512 ✓

scalp S00.01 ✓

specified site NEC S00.81 ✓

heel—see Abrasion, foot hip S70.21- ✓

inguinal region S30.811 ✓

interscapular region S20.419 ✓

jaw S00.81 ✓

knee S80.21- ✓

labium (majus) (minus) S30.814 ✓

larynx S10.11 ✓

leg (lower) S80.81- ✓

knee—see Abrasion, knee

upper—see Abrasion, thigh lip S00.511 ✓

lower back S30.810 ✓

lumbar region S30.810 ✓

malar region S00.81 ✓

mammary—see Abrasion, breast mastoid region S00.81 ✓

mouth S00.512 ✓

nail finger—see Abrasion, finger toe—see Abrasion, toe nape S10.81 ✓

nasal S00.31 ✓

neck S10.91 ✓

specified site NEC S10.81 ✓

throat S10.11 ✓

nose S00.31 ✓

occipital region S00.01 ✓

oral cavity S00.512 ✓

orbital region—see Abrasion, eyelid palate S00.512 ✓

palm—see Abrasion, hand parietal region S00.01 ✓

pelvis S30.810 ✓

penis S30.812 ✓

perineum female S30.814 ✓

male S30.810 ✓

periocular area—see Abrasion, eyelid phalanges finger—see Abrasion, finger toe—see Abrasion, toe pharynx S10.11 ✓

pinna—see Abrasion, ear popliteal space—see Abrasion, knee prepuce S30.812 ✓

pubic region S30.810 ✓

pudendum female S30.816 ✓

male S30.815 ✓

sacral region S30.810 ✓

scalp S00.01 ✓

scapular region—see Abrasion, shoulder scrotum S30.813 ✓

shin—see Abrasion, leg shoulder S40.21- ✓

skin NEC T14.8 ✓

sternal region S20.319 ✓

submaxillary region S00.81 ✓

submental region S00.81 ✓

subungual finger(s)—see Abrasion, finger toe(s)—see Abrasion, toe supraclavicular fossa S10.81 ✓ supraorbital S00.81 ✓

temple S00.81 ✓

temporal region S00.81 ✓

testis S30.813 ✓

thigh S70.31- ✓

thorax, thoracic (wall) S20.91 ✓

back S20.41- ✓

front S20.31- ✓

throat S10.11 ✓

thumb S60.31- ✓

toe(s) (lesser) S90.416 ✓

great S90.41- ✓

tongue S00.512 ✓

tooth, teeth (dentifrice) (habitual) (hard tissues) (occupational) (ritual) (traditional) K03.1

trachea S10.11 ✓

tunica vaginalis S30.813 ✓

tympanum, tympanic membrane—see Abrasion, ear uvula S00.512 ✓

vagina S30.814 ✓

vocal cords S10.11 ✓

vulva S30.814 ✓

wrist S60.81- ✓

Abrism—see Poisoning, food, noxious, plant Abruptio placentae O45.9- ✓

with afibrinogenemia O45.01- ✓

coagulation defect O45.00- ✓

specified NEC O45.09- ✓

disseminated intravascular coagulation O45.02- ✓

hypofibrinogenemia O45.01- ✓

specified NEC O45.8- ✓

Abruption, placenta—see Abruptio placentae Abscess (connective tissue) (embolic) (fistulous) (infective) (metastatic) (multiple) (pernicious) (pyogenic) (septic) L02.91

with diverticular disease (intestine) K57.80

with bleeding K57.81

large intestine K57.20

with bleeding K57.21

small intestine K57.40

with bleeding K57.41

small intestine K57.00

with bleeding K57.01

large intestine K57.40

with bleeding K57.41

lymphangitis—code by site under Abscess abdomen, abdominal cavity K65.1

wall L02.211

abdominopelvic K65.1

accessory sinus—see Sinusitis adrenal (capsule) (gland) E27.8

alveolar K04.7

with sinus K04.6

amebic A06.4

brain (and liver or lung abscess) A06.6

genitourinary tract A06.82

liver (without mention of brain or lung abscess) A06.4

lung (and liver) (without mention of brain abscess) A06.5

specified site NEC A06.89

spleen A06.89

anerobic A48.0

ankle—see Abscess, lower limb anorectal K61.2

antecubital space—see Abscess, upper limb antrum (chronic) (Highmore)—see Sinusitis, maxillary anus K61.0

apical (tooth) K04.7

with sinus (alveolar) K04.6

appendix K35.33

areola (acute) (chronic) (nonpuerperal) N61.1 puerperal, postpartum or gestational—see Infection, nipple arm (any part)—see Abscess, upper limb artery (wall) I77.89

atheromatous I77.2

auricle, ear—see Abscess, ear, external axilla (region) L02.41- ✓

lymph gland or node L04.2

back (any part, except buttock) L02.212

Bartholin’s gland N75.1

with abortion—see Abortion, by type complicated by, sepsis ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0

following ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0

Bezold’s—see Mastoiditis, acute bilharziasis B65.1

bladder (wall)—see Cystitis, specified type NEC bone (subperiosteal)—see also Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC accessory sinus (chronic)—see Sinusitis chronic or old—see Osteomyelitis, chronic jaw (lower) (upper) M27.2

mastoid—see Mastoiditis, acute, subperiosteal petrous—see Petrositis spinal (tuberculous) A18.01 nontuberculous—see Osteomyelitis, vertebra bowel K63.0

brain (any part) (cystic) (otogenic) G06.0

amebic (with abscess of any other site) A06.6

gonococcal A54.82

pheomycotic (chromomycotic) B43.1

tuberculous A17.81

breast (acute) (chronic) (nonpuerperal) N61.1

newborn P39.0

puerperal, postpartum, gestational—see Mastitis, obstetric, purulent broad ligament N73.2

acute N73.0

chronic N73.1

Brodie’s (localized) (chronic) M86.8X- ✓

bronchi J98.09

buccal cavity K12.2

bulbourethral gland N34.0

bursa M71.00

ankle M71.07- ✓

elbow M71.02- ✓

foot M71.07- ✓

hand M71.04- ✓

hip M71.05- ✓

knee M71.06- ✓

multiple sites M71.09

pharyngeal J39.1

shoulder M71.01- ✓

specified site NEC M71.08 wrist M71.03- ✓

buttock L02.31

canthus—see Blepharoconjunctivitis cartilage—see Disorder, cartilage, specified type NEC cecum K35.33

cerebellum, cerebellar G06.0

sequelae G09

cerebral (embolic) G06.0

sequelae G09

cervical (meaning neck) L02.11

lymph gland or node L04.0

cervix (stump) (uteri)—see Cervicitis cheek (external) L02.01

inner K12.2

chest J86.9

with fistula J86.0

wall L02.213

chin L02.01 choroid—see Inflammation, chorioretinal circumtonsillar J36

cold (lung) (tuberculous)—see also Tuberculosis, abscess, lung articular—see Tuberculosis,

joint colon (wall) K63.0

colostomy K94.02

conjunctiva—see Conjunctivitis, acute cornea H16.31- ✓

corpus cavernosum N48.21

luteum—see Oophoritis Cowper’s gland N34.0

cranium G06.0

cul-de-sac (Douglas’) (posterior)—see Peritonitis, pelvic, female cutaneous—see Abscess,

by site dental K04.7

with sinus (alveolar) K04.6

dentoalveolar K04.7

with sinus K04.6

diaphragm, diaphragmatic K65.1

Douglas’ cul-de-sac or pouch—see Peritonitis, pelvic, female Dubois A50.59

ear (middle)—see also Otitis, media, suppurative acute—see Otitis, media, suppurative, acute external H60.0- ✓

entamebic—see Abscess, amebic enterostomy K94.12

epididymis N45.4

epidural G06.2

brain G06.0

spinal cord G06.1

epiglottis J38.7

epiploon, epiploic K65.1

erysipelatous—see Erysipelas esophagus K20.80

ethmoid (bone) (chronic) (sinus) J32.2

external auditory canal—see Abscess, ear, external extradural G06.2

brain G06.0

sequelae G09

spinal cord G06.1

extraperitoneal K68.19

eye—see Endophthalmitis, purulent eyelid H00.03- ✓

face (any part, except ear, eye and nose) L02.01 fallopian tube—see Salpingitis fascia M72.8

fauces J39.1

fecal K63.0

femoral (region)—see Abscess, lower limb filaria, filarial—see Infestation, filarial finger (any)—see also Abscess, hand nail—see Cellulitis, finger foot L02.61- ✓

forehead L02.01

frontal sinus (chronic) J32.1

gallbladder K81.0 genital organ or tract female (external) N76.4

male N49.9

multiple sites N49.8

specified NEC N49.8

gestational mammary O91.11- ✓

gestational subareolar O91.11- ✓

gingival—see Periodontitis, localized gland, glandular (lymph) (acute)—see Lymphadenitis, acute gluteal (region) L02.31

gonorrheal—see Gonococcus groin L02.214

gum—see Periodontitis, localized hand L02.51- ✓

head NEC L02.811

face (any part, except ear, eye and nose) L02.01

heart—see Carditis heel—see Abscess, foot helminthic—see Infestation, helminth hepatic (cholangitic) (hematogenic) (lymphogenic) (pylephlebitic) K75.0

amebic A06.4

hip (region)—see Abscess, lower limb horseshoe K61.31

ileocecal K35.33

ileostomy (bud) K94.12

iliac (region) L02.214

fossa K35.33

infraclavicular (fossa)—see Abscess, upper limb inguinal (region) L02.214

lymph gland or node L04.1

intersphincteric K61.4

intestine, intestinal NEC K63.0

rectal K61.1

intra-abdominal—see also Abscess, peritoneum K65.1

following procedure T81.43 ✓

obstetrical O86.03

postprocedural T81.43 ✓

retroperitoneal K68.11

intracranial G06.0

intramammary—see Abscess, breast intramuscular, following procedure T81.42 ✓

obstetrical O86.02

intraorbital—see Abscess, orbit intraperitoneal K65.1

intrasphincteric (anus) K61.4

intraspinal G06.1

intratonsillar J36

ischiorectal (fossa) (specified NEC) K61.39

jaw (bone) (lower) (upper) M27.2

joint—see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic spine (tuberculous) A18.01

nontuberculous—see Spondylopathy, infective kidney N15.1

with calculus N20.0

with hydronephrosis N13.6

puerperal (postpartum) O86.21

knee—see also Abscess, lower limb joint M00.9

labium (majus) (minus) N76.4

lacrimal caruncle—see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, acute gland—see Dacryoadenitis passages

(duct) (sac)—see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, acute lacunar N34.0

larynx J38.7

lateral (alveolar) K04.7

with sinus K04.6

leg (any part)—see Abscess, lower limb lens H27.8

lingual K14.0

tonsil J36

lip K13.0

Littre’s gland N34.0

liver (cholangitic) (hematogenic) (lymphogenic) (pylephlebitic) (pyogenic) K75.0

amebic (due to Entamoeba histolytica) (dysenteric) (tropical) A06.4

with brain abscess (and liver or lung abscess) A06.6

lung abscess A06.5

loin (region) L02.211

lower limb L02.41- ✓

lumbar (tuberculous) A18.01

nontuberculous L02.212

lung (miliary) (putrid) J85.2

with pneumonia J85.1

due to specified organism (see Pneumonia, in (due to)) amebic (with liver abscess) A06.5

with brain abscess A06.6

pneumonia A06.5

lymph, lymphatic, gland or node (acute)—see also Lymphadenitis, acute mesentery I88.0

malar M27.2

mammary gland—see Abscess, breast marginal, anus K61.0

mastoid—see Mastoiditis, acute maxilla, maxillary M27.2

molar (tooth) K04.7

with sinus K04.6

premolar K04.7

sinus (chronic) J32.0

mediastinum J85.3

meibomian gland—see Hordeolum meninges G06.2

mesentery, mesenteric K65.1

mesosalpinx—see Salpingitis mons pubis L02.215

mouth (floor) K12.2

muscle—see Myositis, infective myocardium I40.0

nabothian (follicle)—see Cervicitis nasal J32.9

nasopharyngeal J39.1

navel L02.216

newborn P38.9

with mild hemorrhage P38.1

without hemorrhage P38.9

neck (region) L02.11

lymph gland or node L04.0

nephritic—see Abscess, kidney nipple N61.1

associated with lactation—see Pregnancy, complicated by pregnancy—see Pregnancy, complicated by nose (external) (fossa) (septum) J34.0

sinus (chronic)—see Sinusitis omentum K65.1

operative wound T81.49 ✓

orbit, orbital—see Cellulitis, orbit

otogenic G06.0

ovary, ovarian (corpus luteum)—see Oophoritis

oviduct—see Oophoritis

palate (soft) K12.2

      hard M27.2

palmar (space)—see Abscess, hand

pancreas (duct)—see Pancreatitis, acute

parafrenal N48.21

parametric, parametrium N73.2

     acute N73.0

     chronic N73.1

paranephric N15.1

parapancreatic—see Pancreatitis, acute

parapharyngeal J39.0

pararectal K61.1

parasinus—see Sinusitis

parauterine—see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory


paravaginal—see Vaginitis

parietal region (scalp) L02.811

parodontal—see Periodontitis, aggressive, localized

parotid (duct) (gland) K11.3

    region K12.2

pectoral (region) L02.213

pelvis, pelvic

female—see Disease, pelvis, inflammatory

male, peritoneal K65.1

penis N48.21

gonococcal (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1

perianal K61.0

periapical K04.7

    with sinus (alveolar) K04.6

periappendicular K35.33

pericardial I30.1

pericecal K35.33

pericemental—see Periodontitis, aggressive, localized

pericholecystic—see Cholecystitis, acute

pericoronal—see Periodontitis, aggressive, localized

peridental—see Periodontitis, aggressive, localized

perimetric—see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory N73.2

perinephric, perinephritic—see Abscess, kidney

perineum, perineal (superficial) L02.215

     urethra N34.0

periodontal (parietal)—see Periodontitis, aggressive,


        apical K04.7

periosteum, periosteal—see also Osteomyelitis, specified

           type NEC

with osteomyelitis—see also Osteomyelitis, specified

           type NEC

         acute—see Osteomyelitis, acute

         chronic—see Osteomyelitis, chronic

peripharyngeal J39.0

peripleuritic J86.9

with fistula J86.0

periprostatic N41.2

perirectal K61.1

perirenal (tissue)—see Abscess, kidney

perisinuous (nose)—see Sinusitis

peritoneum, peritoneal (perforated) (ruptured) K65.1

      with appendicitis—see also Appendicitis K35.33


            female—see Peritonitis, pelvic, female

            male K65.1

       postoperative T81.49 ✓

       puerperal, postpartum, childbirth O85

       tuberculous A18.31

peritonsillar J36

perityphlic K35.33

periureteral N28.89

periurethral N34.0

       gonococcal (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1

periuterine—see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory


perivesical—see Cystitis, specified type NEC

petrous bone—see Petrositis

phagedenic NOS L02.91

      chancroid A57

pharynx, pharyngeal (lateral) J39.1

pilonidal L05.01

pituitary (gland) E23.6

pleura J86.9

      with fistula J86.0

popliteal—see Abscess, lower limb

postcecal K35.33

postlaryngeal J38.7

postnasal J34.0

postoperative (any site)—see also Infection,

          postoperative wound T81.49 ✓

     retroperitoneal K68.11

postpharyngeal J39.0

posttonsillar J36

post-typhoid A01.09

pouch of Douglas—see Peritonitis, pelvic, female

premammary—see Abscess, breast

prepatellar—see Abscess, lower limb

presacral K68.19

prostate N41.2 gonococcal (acute) (chronic) A54.22

psoas muscle K68.12

puerperal—code by site under Puerperal, abscess

pulmonary—see Abscess, lung

pulp, pulpal (dental) K04.01

     irreversible K04.02

     reversible K04.01

rectovaginal septum K63.0

rectovesical—see Cystitis, specified type NEC

rectum K61.1

renal—see Abscess, kidney

retina—see Inflammation, chorioretinal

retrobulbar—see Abscess, orbit

retrocecal K65.1

retrolaryngeal J38.7

retromammary—see Abscess, breast

retroperitoneal NEC K68.19

    postprocedural K68.11

retropharyngeal J39.0

retrouterine—see Peritonitis, pelvic, female

retrovesical—see Cystitis, specified type NEC

root, tooth K04.7

    with sinus (alveolar) K04.6

round ligament—see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory


rupture (spontaneous) NOS L02.91

sacrum (tuberculous) A18.01

     nontuberculous M46.28

salivary (duct) (gland) K11.3

scalp (any part) L02.811

scapular—see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

sclera—see Scleritis

scrofulous (tuberculous) A18.2

scrotum N49.2

seminal vesicle N49.0

septal, dental K04.7

      with sinus (alveolar) K04.6

serous—see Periostitis

shoulder (region)—see Abscess, upper limb

sigmoid K63.0

sinus (accessory) (chronic) (nasal)—see also Sinusitis

    intracranial venous (any) G06.0

Skene’s duct or gland N34.0

skin—see Abscess, by site

specified site NEC L02.818

spermatic cord N49.1

sphenoidal (sinus) (chronic) J32.3

spinal cord (any part) (staphylococcal) G06.1

tuberculous A17.81

spine (column) (tuberculous) A18.01

epidural G06.1

nontuberculous—see Osteomyelitis, vertebra spleen D73.3

amebic A06.89

stitch T81.41 ✓

following an obstetrical procedure O86.01

subarachnoid G06.2

brain G06.0

spinal cord G06.1

subareolar—see Abscess, breast subcecal K35.33

subcutaneous—see also Abscess, by site following procedure T81.41 ✓

obstetrical O86.01

pheomycotic (chromomycotic) B43.2

subdiaphragmatic K65.1

subdural G06.2

brain G06.0

sequelae G09

spinal cord G06.1

sub-fascial, following an obstetrical procedure O86.02

subgaleal L02.811

subhepatic K65.1

sublingual K12.2

gland K11.3

submammary—see Abscess, breast submandibular (region) (space) (triangle) K12.2

gland K11.3

submaxillary (region) L02.01

gland K11.3

submental L02.01

gland K11.3

subperiosteal—see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC subphrenic K65.1

following an obstetrical procedure O86.03

postoperative T81.43 ✓

suburethral N34.0

sudoriparous L75.8

supraclavicular (fossa)—see Abscess, upper limb supralevator K61.5

suprapelvic, acute N73.0

suprarenal (capsule) (gland) E27.8

sweat gland L74.8

tear duct—see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, acute temple L02.01

temporal region L02.01

temporosphenoidal G06.0

tendon (sheath) M65.00

ankle M65.07- ✓

foot M65.07- ✓

forearm M65.03- ✓

hand M65.04- ✓

lower leg M65.06- ✓

pelvic region M65.05- ✓

shoulder region M65.01- ✓

specified site NEC M65.08

thigh M65.05- ✓

upper arm M65.02- ✓

testis N45.4

thigh—see Abscess, lower limb thorax J86.9

with fistula J86.0

throat J39.1

thumb—see also Abscess, hand nail—see Cellulitis, finger thymus (gland) E32.1

thyroid (gland) E06.0

toe (any)—see also Abscess, foot nail—see Cellulitis, toe tongue (staphylococcal) K14.0

tonsil(s) (lingual) J36

tonsillopharyngeal J36

tooth, teeth (root) K04.7

with sinus (alveolar) K04.6 supporting structures NEC—see Periodontitis, aggressive, localized trachea J39.8 trunk L02.219 abdominal wall L02.211 back L02.212 chest wall L02.213 groin L02.214 perineum L02.215 umbilicus L02.216 tubal—see Salpingitis tuberculous—see Tuberculosis, abscess tubo-ovarian—see Salpingo-oophoritis tunica vaginalis N49.1 umbilicus L02.216 upper limb L02.41- ✓ respiratory J39.8 urethral (gland) N34.0 urinary N34.0 uterus, uterine (wall)—see also Endometritis ligament—see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory N73.2 neck—see Cervicitis uvula K12.2 vagina (wall)—see Vaginitis vaginorectal—see Vaginitis vas deferens N49.1 vermiform appendix K35.33 vertebra (column) (tuberculous) A18.01 nontuberculous—see Osteomyelitis, vertebra vesical—see Cystitis, specified type NEC vesico-uterine pouch—see Peritonitis, pelvic, female vitreous (humor)—see Endophthalmitis, purulent vocal cord J38.3 von Bezold’s—see Mastoiditis, acute vulva N76.4 vulvovaginal gland N75.1 web space—see Abscess, hand wound T81.49 ✓ wrist—see Abscess, upper limb Absence (of) (organ or part) (complete or partial) adrenal (gland) (congenital) Q89.1 acquired E89.6 albumin in blood E88.09 alimentary tract (congenital) Q45.8 upper Q40.8 alveolar process (acquired)—see Anomaly, alveolar ankle (acquired) Z89.44- ✓ anus (congenital) Q42.3 with fistula Q42.2 aorta (congenital) Q25.41 appendix, congenital Q42.8 arm (acquired) Z89.20- ✓ above elbow Z89.22- ✓ congenital (with hand present)—see Agenesis, arm, with hand present and hand—see Agenesis, forearm, and hand below elbow Z89.21- ✓ congenital (with hand present)—see Agenesis, arm, with hand present and hand—see Agenesis, forearm, and hand congenital—see Defect, reduction, upper limb shoulder (following explantation of shoulder joint prosthesis) (joint) (with or without presence of antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer) Z89.23- ✓ congenital (with hand present)—see Agenesis, arm, with hand present artery (congenital) (peripheral) Q27.8 brain Q28.3 coronary Q24.5 pulmonary Q25.79 specified NEC Q27.8 umbilical Q27.0 atrial septum (congenital) Q21.1 auditory canal (congenital) (external) Q16.1 auricle (ear), congenital Q16.0 bile, biliary duct, congenital Q44.5 bladder (acquired) Z90.6 congenital Q64.5 bowel sounds R19.11 brain Q00.0 part of Q04.3 breast(s) (and nipple(s)) (acquired) Z90.1- ✓ congenital Q83.8 broad ligament Q50.6 bronchus (congenital) Q32.4 canaliculus lacrimalis, congenital Q10.4 cerebellum (vermis) Q04.3 cervix (acquired) (with uterus) Z90.710 with remaining uterus Z90.712 congenital Q51.5 chin, congenital Q18.8 cilia (congenital) Q10.3 acquired—see Madarosis clitoris (congenital) Q52.6 coccyx, congenital Q76.49 cold sense R20.8 congenital lumen—see Atresia organ or site NEC—see Agenesis septum—see Imperfect, closure corpus callosum Q04.0 cricoid cartilage, congenital Q31.8 diaphragm (with hernia), congenital Q79.1 digestive organ(s) or tract, congenital Q45.8 acquired NEC Z90.49 upper Q40.8 ductus arteriosus Q28.8 duodenum (acquired) Z90.49 congenital Q41.0 ear, congenital Q16.9 acquired H93.8- ✓ auricle Q16.0 external Q16.0 inner Q16.5 lobe, lobule Q17.8 middle, except ossicles Q16.4 ossicles Q16.3 ossicles Q16.3 ejaculatory duct (congenital) Q55.4 endocrine gland (congenital) NEC Q89.2 acquired E89.89 epididymis (congenital) Q55.4 acquired Z90.79 epiglottis, congenital Q31.8 esophagus (congenital) Q39.8 acquired (partial) Z90.49 eustachian tube (congenital) Q16.2 extremity (acquired) Z89.9 congenital Q73.0 knee (following explantation of knee joint prosthesis) (joint) (with or without presence of antibioticimpregnated cement spacer) Z89.52- ✓ lower (above knee) Z89.619 below knee Z89.51- ✓ upper—see Absence, arm eye (acquired) Z90.01 congenital Q11.1 muscle (congenital) Q10.3 eyeball (acquired) Z90.01 eyelid (fold) (congenital) Q10.3 acquired Z90.01 face, specified part NEC Q18.8 fallopian tube(s) (acquired) Z90.79 congenital Q50.6 family member (causing problem in home) NEC—see also Disruption, family Z63.32 femur, congenital—see Defect, reduction, lower limb, longitudinal, femur fibrinogen (congenital) D68.2 acquired D65 finger(s) (acquired) Z89.02- ✓ congenital—see Agenesis, hand foot (acquired) Z89.43- ✓ congenital—see Agenesis, foot forearm (acquired)—see Absence, arm, below elbow gallbladder (acquired) Z90.49 congenital Q44.0 gamma globulin in blood D80.1 hereditary D80.0 genital organs acquired (female) (male) Z90.79 female, congenital Q52.8 external Q52.71 internal NEC Q52.8 male, congenital Q55.8 genitourinary organs, congenital NEC female Q52.8 male Q55.8 globe (acquired) Z90.01 congenital Q11.1 glottis, congenital Q31.8 hand and wrist (acquired) Z89.11- ✓ congenital—see Agenesis, hand head, part (acquired) NEC Z90.09 heat sense R20.8 hip (following explantation of hip joint prosthesis) (joint) (with or without presence of antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer) Z89.62- ✓ hymen (congenital) Q52.4 ileum (acquired) Z90.49 congenital Q41.2 immunoglobulin, isolated NEC D80.3 IgA D80.2 IgG D80.3 IgM D80.4 incus (acquired)—see Loss, ossicles, ear congenital Q16.3 inner ear, congenital Q16.5 intestine (acquired) (small) Z90.49 congenital Q41.9 specified NEC Q41.8 large Z90.49 congenital Q42.9 specified NEC Q42.8 iris, congenital Q13.1 jejunum (acquired) Z90.49 congenital Q41.1 joint acquired hip (following explantation of hip joint prosthesis) (with or without presence of antibioticimpregnated cement spacer) Z89.62- ✓ knee (following explantation of knee joint prosthesis) (with or without presence of antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer) Z89.52- ✓ shoulder (following explantation of shoulder joint prosthesis) (with or without presence of antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer) Z89.23- ✓ congenital NEC Q74.8 kidney(s) (acquired) Z90.5 congenital Q60.2 bilateral Q60.1 unilateral Q60.0 knee (following explantation of knee joint prosthesis) (joint) (with or without presence of antibioticimpregnated cement spacer) Z89.52- ✓ labyrinth, membranous Q16.5 larynx (congenital) Q31.8 acquired Z90.02 leg (acquired) (above knee) Z89.61- ✓ below knee (acquired) Z89.51- ✓ congenital—see Defect, reduction, lower limb lens (acquired)—see also Aphakia congenital Q12.3 post cataract extraction Z98.4- ✓ limb (acquired)—see Absence, extremity lip Q38.6 liver (congenital) Q44.7 lung (fissure) (lobe) (bilateral) (unilateral) (congenital) Q33.3 acquired (any part) Z90.2 menstruation—see Amenorrhea muscle (congenital) (pectoral) Q79.8 ocular Q10.3 neck, part Q18.8 neutrophil—see Agranulocytosis nipple(s) (with breast(s)) (acquired) Z90.1- ✓ congenital Q83.2 nose (congenital) Q30.1 acquired Z90.09 organ of Corti, congenital Q16.5 or site, congenital NEC Q89.8 acquired NEC Z90.89 osseous meatus (ear) Q16.4 ovary (acquired) bilateral Z90.722 congenital bilateral Q50.02 unilateral Q50.01 unilateral Z90.721 oviduct (acquired) bilateral Z90.722 congenital Q50.6 unilateral Z90.721 pancreas (congenital) Q45.0 acquired Z90.410 complete Z90.410 partial Z90.411 total Z90.410 parathyroid gland (acquired) E89.2 congenital Q89.2 patella, congenital Q74.1 penis (congenital) Q55.5 acquired Z90.79 pericardium (congenital) Q24.8 pituitary gland (congenital) Q89.2 acquired E89.3 prostate (acquired) Z90.79 congenital Q55.4 pulmonary valve Q22.0 punctum lacrimale (congenital) Q10.4 radius, congenital—see Defect, reduction, upper limb, longitudinal, radius rectum (congenital) Q42.1 with fistula Q42.0

acquired Z90.49 respiratory organ NOS Q34.9 rib (acquired) Z90.89 congenital Q76.6 sacrum, congenital Q76.49 salivary gland(s), congenital Q38.4 scrotum, congenital Q55.29 seminal vesicles (congenital) Q55.4 acquired Z90.79 septum atrial (congenital) Q21.1 between aorta and pulmonary artery Q21.4 ventricular (congenital) Q20.4 sex chromosome female phenotype Q97.8 male phenotype Q98.8 skull bone (congenital) Q75.8 with anencephaly Q00.0 encephalocele—see Encephalocele hydrocephalus Q03.9 with spina bifida—see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus microcephaly Q02 spermatic cord, congenital Q55.4 spine, congenital Q76.49 spleen (congenital) Q89.01 acquired Z90.81 sternum, congenital Q76.7 stomach (acquired) (partial) Z90.3 congenital Q40.2 superior vena cava, congenital Q26.8 teeth, tooth (congenital) K00.0 acquired (complete) K08.109 class I K08.101 class II K08.102 class III K08.103 class IV K08.104 due to caries K08.139 class I K08.131 class II K08.132 class III K08.133 class IV K08.134 periodontal disease K08.129 class I K08.121 class II K08.122 class III K08.123 class IV K08.124 specified NEC K08.199 class I K08.191 class II K08.192 class III K08.193 class IV K08.194 trauma K08.119 class I K08.111 class II K08.112 class III K08.113 class IV K08.114 partial K08.409 class I K08.401 class II K08.402 class III K08.403 class IV K08.404 due to caries K08.439 class I K08.431 class II K08.432 class III K08.433 class IV K08.434 periodontal disease K08.429 class I K08.421 class II K08.422 class III K08.423 class IV K08.424 specified NEC K08.499 class I K08.491 class II K08.492 class III K08.493 class IV K08.494 trauma K08.419 class I K08.411 class II K08.412 class III K08.413 class IV K08.414 tendon (congenital) Q79.8 testis (congenital) Q55.0 acquired Z90.79 thumb (acquired) Z89.01- ✓ congenital—see Agenesis, hand thymus gland Q89.2 thyroid (gland) (acquired) E89.0 cartilage, congenital Q31.8 congenital E03.1 toe(s) (acquired) Z89.42- ✓ with foot—see Absence, foot and ankle congenital—see Agenesis, foot great Z89.41- ✓ tongue, congenital Q38.3 trachea (cartilage), congenital Q32.1 transverse aortic arch, congenital Q25.49 tricuspid valve Q22.4 umbilical artery, congenital Q27.0 upper arm and forearm with hand present, congenital— see Agenesis, arm, with hand present ureter (congenital) Q62.4 acquired Z90.6 urethra, congenital Q64.5 uterus (acquired) Z90.710 with cervix Z90.710 with remaining cervical stump Z90.711 congenital Q51.0 uvula, congenital Q38.5 vagina, congenital Q52.0 vas deferens (congenital) Q55.4 acquired Z90.79 vein (peripheral) congenital NEC Q27.8 cerebral Q28.3 digestive system Q27.8 great Q26.8 lower limb Q27.8 portal Q26.5 precerebral Q28.1 specified site NEC Q27.8 upper limb Q27.8 vena cava (inferior) (superior), congenital Q26.8 ventricular septum Q20.4 vertebra, congenital Q76.49 vulva, congenital Q52.71 wrist (acquired) Z89.12- ✓ Absorbent system disease I87.8


carbohydrate, disturbance K90.49 chemical—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals through placenta (newborn) P04.9 environmental substance P04.6 nutritional substance P04.5 obstetric anesthetic or analgesic drug P04.0 drug NEC—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals addictive through placenta (newborn)—see also Newborn, affected by, maternal, use of P04.40 cocaine P04.41 hallucinogens P04.42 specified drug NEC P04.49 medicinal through placenta (newborn) P04.19 through placenta (newborn) P04.19 obstetric anesthetic or analgesic drug P04.0 fat, disturbance K90.49 pancreatic K90.3 noxious substance—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals protein, disturbance K90.49 starch, disturbance K90.49 toxic substance—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals uremic—see Uremia Abstinence symptoms, syndrome alcohol F10.239 with delirium F10.231 cocaine F14.23 neonatal P96.1 nicotine—see Dependence, drug, nicotine, with, withdrawal opioid F11.93 with dependence F11.23 psychoactive NEC F19.939 with delirium F19.931 dependence F19.239 with delirium F19.231 perceptual disturbance F19.232 uncomplicated F19.230 perceptual disturbance F19.932 uncomplicated F19.930 sedative F13.939 with delirium F13.931 dependence F13.239 with delirium F13.231 perceptual disturbance F13.232 uncomplicated F13.230 perceptual disturbance F13.932 uncomplicated F13.930 stimulant NEC F15.93 with dependence F15.23 Abulia R68.89 Abulomania F60.7


adult—see Maltreatment, adult as reason for couple seeking advice (including offender) Z63.0 alcohol (non-dependent) F10.10 with anxiety disorder F10.180 intoxication F10.129 with delirium F10.121 uncomplicated F10.120 mood disorder F10.14 other specified disorder F10.188 psychosis F10.159 delusions F10.150 hallucinations F10.151 sexual dysfunction F10.181 sleep disorder F10.182 unspecified disorder F10.19 withdrawal F10.139 with perceptual disturbance F10.132 delirium F10.131 uncomplicated F10.130 counseling and surveillance Z71.41 in remission (early) (sustained) F10.11 amphetamine (or related substance)—see also Abuse, drug, stimulant NEC stimulant NEC F15.10 with anxiety disorder F15.180 intoxication F15.129 with delirium F15.121 perceptual disturbance F15.122 withdrawal F15.13 analgesics (non-prescribed) (over the counter) F55.8 antacids F55.0 antidepressants—see Abuse, drug, psychoactive NEC anxiolytic—see Abuse, drug, sedative barbiturates—see Abuse, drug, sedative caffeine—see Abuse, drug, stimulant NEC cannabis, cannabinoids—see Abuse, drug, cannabis child—see Maltreatment, child cocaine—see Abuse, drug, cocaine drug NEC (non-dependent) F19.10 with sleep disorder F19.182 amphetamine type—see Abuse, drug, stimulant NEC analgesics (non-prescribed) (over the counter) F55.8 antacids F55.0 antidepressants—see Abuse, drug, psychoactive NEC anxiolytics—see Abuse, drug, sedative barbiturates—see Abuse, drug, sedative caffeine—see Abuse, drug, stimulant NEC cannabis F12.10 with anxiety disorder F12.180

intoxication F12.129 with delirium F12.121 perceptual disturbance F12.122 uncomplicated F12.120 other specified disorder F12.188 psychosis F12.159 delusions F12.150 hallucinations F12.151 unspecified disorder F12.19 withdrawal F12.13 in remission (early) (sustained) F12.11 cocaine F14.10 with anxiety disorder F14.180 intoxication F14.129 with delirium F14.121 perceptual disturbance F14.122 uncomplicated F14.120 mood disorder F14.14 other specified disorder F14.188 psychosis F14.159 delusions F14.150 hallucinations F14.151 sexual dysfunction F14.181 sleep disorder F14.182 unspecified disorder F14.19 withdrawal F14.13 in remission (early) (sustained) F14.11 counseling and surveillance Z71.51 hallucinogen F16.10 with anxiety disorder F16.180 flashbacks F16.183 intoxication F16.129 with delirium F16.121 perceptual disturbance F16.122 uncomplicated F16.120 mood disorder F16.14 other specified disorder F16.188 perception disorder, persisting F16.183 psychosis F16.159 delusions F16.150 hallucinations F16.151 unspecified disorder F16.19 in remission (early) (sustained) F16.11 hashish—see Abuse, drug, cannabis herbal or folk remedies F55.1 hormones F55.3 hypnotics—see Abuse, drug, sedative in remission (early) (sustained) F19.11 inhalant F18.10 with anxiety disorder F18.180 dementia, persisting F18.17 intoxication F18.129 with delirium F18.121 uncomplicated F18.120 mood disorder F18.14 other specified disorder F18.188 psychosis F18.159 delusions F18.150 hallucinations F18.151 unspecified disorder F18.19 in remission (early) (sustained) F18.11 laxatives F55.2 LSD—see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen marihuana—see Abuse, drug, cannabis morphine type (opioids)—see Abuse, drug, opioid opioid F11.10 with intoxication F11.129 with delirium F11.121 perceptual disturbance F11.122 uncomplicated F11.120 mood disorder F11.14 other specified disorder F11.188 psychosis F11.159 delusions F11.150 hallucinations F11.151 sexual dysfunction F11.181 sleep disorder F11.182 unspecified disorder F11.19 withdrawal F11.13 in remission (early) (sustained) F11.11 PCP (phencyclidine) (or related substance)—see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen psychoactive NEC F19.10 with amnestic disorder F19.16 anxiety disorder F19.180 dementia F19.17 intoxication F19.129 with delirium F19.121 perceptual disturbance F19.122 uncomplicated F19.120 mood disorder F19.14 other specified disorder F19.188 psychosis F19.159 delusions F19.150 hallucinations F19.151 sexual dysfunction F19.181 sleep disorder F19.182 unspecified disorder F19.19 withdrawal F19.139 with perceptual disturbance F19.132 delirium F19.131 uncomplicated F19.130 sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic F13.10 with anxiety disorder F13.180 intoxication F13.129 with delirium F13.121 uncomplicated F13.120 mood disorder F13.14 other specified disorder F13.188 psychosis F13.159 delusions F13.150 hallucinations F13.151 sexual dysfunction F13.181 sleep disorder F13.182 unspecified disorder F13.19 withdrawal F13.139 with perceptual disturbance F13.132 delirium F13.131 uncomplicated F13.130 in remission (early) (sustained) F13.11 solvent—see Abuse, drug, inhalant steroids F55.3 stimulant NEC F15.10 with anxiety disorder F15.180 intoxication F15.129 with delirium F15.121 perceptual disturbance F15.122 uncomplicated F15.120 mood disorder F15.14 other specified disorder F15.188 psychosis F15.159 delusions F15.150 hallucinations F15.151 sexual dysfunction F15.181 sleep disorder F15.182 unspecified disorder F15.19 withdrawal F15.13 in remission (early) (sustained) F15.11 tranquilizers—see Abuse, drug, sedative vitamins F55.4 hallucinogens—see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen hashish—see Abuse, drug, cannabis herbal or folk remedies F55.1 hormones F55.3 hypnotic—see Abuse, drug, sedative inhalant—see Abuse, drug, inhalant laxatives F55.2 LSD—see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen marihuana—see Abuse, drug, cannabis morphine type (opioids)—see Abuse, drug, opioid non-psychoactive substance NEC F55.8 antacids F55.0 folk remedies F55.1 herbal remedies F55.1 hormones F55.3 laxatives F55.2 steroids F55.3 vitamins F55.4 opioids—see Abuse, drug, opioid PCP (phencyclidine) (or related substance)—see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen physical (adult) (child)—see Maltreatment psychoactive substance—see Abuse, drug, psychoactive NEC psychological (adult) (child)—see Maltreatment sedative—see Abuse, drug, sedative sexual—see Maltreatment solvent—see Abuse, drug, inhalant steroids F55.3 vitamins F55.4 Acalculia R48.8 developmental F81.2 Acanthamebiasis (with) B60.10 conjunctiva B60.12 keratoconjunctivitis B60.13 meningoencephalitis B60.11 other specified B60.19 Acanthocephaliasis B83.8 Acanthocheilonemiasis B74.4 Acanthocytosis E78.6 Acantholysis L11.9 Acanthosis (acquired) (nigricans) L83 benign Q82.8 congenital Q82.8 seborrheic L82.1 inflamed L82.0 tongue K14.3 Acapnia E87.3 Acarbia E87.2 Acardia, acardius Q89.8 Acardiacus amorphus Q89.8 Acardiotrophia I51.4 Acariasis B88.0 scabies B86 Acarodermatitis (urticarioides) B88.0 Acarophobia F40.218 Acatalasemia, acatalasia E80.3 Acathisia (drug induced) G25.71 Accelerated atrioventricular conduction I45.6 Accentuation of personality traits (type A) Z73.1 Accessory (congenital) adrenal gland Q89.1 anus Q43.4 appendix Q43.4 atrioventricular conduction I45.6 auditory ossicles Q16.3 auricle (ear) Q17.0 biliary duct or passage Q44.5 bladder Q64.79 blood vessels NEC Q27.9 coronary Q24.5 bone NEC Q79.8 breast tissue, axilla Q83.1 carpal bones Q74.0 cecum Q43.4 chromosome(s) NEC (nonsex) Q92.9 with complex rearrangements NEC Q92.5 seen only at prometaphase Q92.8 13—see Trisomy, 13 18—see Trisomy, 18 21—see Trisomy, 21 partial Q92.9 sex female phenotype Q97.8 coronary artery Q24.5 cusp(s), heart valve NEC Q24.8 pulmonary Q22.3 cystic duct Q44.5 digit(s) Q69.9 ear (auricle) (lobe) Q17.0 endocrine gland NEC Q89.2 eye muscle Q10.3 eyelid Q10.3 face bone(s) Q75.8 fallopian tube (fimbria) (ostium) Q50.6 finger(s) Q69.0 foreskin N47.8 frontonasal process Q75.8 gallbladder Q44.1 genital organ(s) female Q52.8 external Q52.79 internal NEC Q52.8 male Q55.8 genitourinary organs NEC Q89.8 female Q52.8 male Q55.8 hallux Q69.2 heart Q24.8 valve NEC Q24.8 pulmonary Q22.3 hepatic ducts Q44.5 hymen Q52.4 intestine (large) (small) Q43.4 kidney Q63.0 lacrimal canal Q10.6 leaflet, heart valve NEC Q24.8 ligament, broad Q50.6 liver Q44.7 duct Q44.5 lobule (ear) Q17.0 lung (lobe) Q33.1 muscle Q79.8 navicular of carpus Q74.0 nervous system, part NEC Q07.8 nipple Q83.3 nose Q30.8 organ or site not listed—see Anomaly, by site ovary Q50.31 oviduct Q50.6 pancreas Q45.3 parathyroid gland Q89.2 parotid gland (and duct) Q38.4 pituitary gland Q89.2 preauricular appendage Q17.0 prepuce N47.8 renal arteries (multiple) Q27.2 rib Q76.6 cervical Q76.5 roots (teeth) K00.2 salivary gland Q38.4 sesamoid bones Q74.8 foot Q74.2 hand Q74.0 skin tags Q82.8 spleen Q89.09 sternum Q76.7 submaxillary gland Q38.4 tarsal bones Q74.2 teeth, tooth K00.1 tendon Q79.8 thumb Q69.1 thymus gland Q89.2 thyroid gland Q89.2 toes Q69.2 tongue Q38.3 tooth, teeth K00.1 tragus Q17.0 ureter Q62.5 urethra Q64.79 urinary organ or tract NEC Q64.8 uterus Q51.28 vagina Q52.10 valve, heart NEC Q24.8 pulmonary Q22.3 vertebra Q76.49 vocal cords Q31.8 vulva Q52.79


birth—see Birth, injury cardiac—see Infarct, myocardium cerebral I63.9 cerebrovascular (embolic) (ischemic) (thrombotic) I63.9 aborted I63.9 hemorrhagic—see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral old (without sequelae) Z86.73 with sequelae (of)—see Sequelae, infarction, cerebral coronary—see Infarct, myocardium craniovascular I63.9 vascular, brain I63.9 Accidental—see condition Accommodation (disorder)—see also condition hysterical paralysis of F44.89 insufficiency of H52.4 paresis—see Paresis, of accommodation spasm—see Spasm, of accommodation Accouchement—see Delivery Accreta placenta O43.21- ✓ Accretio cordis (nonrheumatic) I31.0 Accretions, tooth, teeth K03.6 Acculturation difficulty Z60.3 Accumulation secretion, prostate N42.89 Acephalia, acephalism, acephalus, acephaly Q00.0 Acephalobrachia monster Q89.8 Acephalochirus monster Q89.8 Acephalogaster Q89.8 Acephalostomus monster Q89.8 Acephalothorax Q89.8 Acerophobia F40.298 Acetonemia R79.89 in Type 1 diabetes E10.10 with coma E10.11 Acetonuria R82.4 Achalasia (cardia) (esophagus) K22.0 congenital Q39.5 pylorus Q40.0 sphincteral NEC K59.89 Ache(s)—see Pain Acheilia Q38.6 Achillobursitis—see Tendinitis, Achilles Achillodynia—see Tendinitis, Achilles Achlorhydria, achlorhydric (neurogenic) K31.83 anemia D50.8 diarrhea K31.83 psychogenic F45.8 secondary to vagotomy K91.1 Achluophobia F40.228 Acholia K82.8 Acholuric jaundice (familial) (splenomegalic)—see also Spherocytosis acquired D59.8 Achondrogenesis Q77.0 Achondroplasia (osteosclerosis congenita) Q77.4 Achroma, cutis L80 Achromat (ism), achromatopsia (acquired) (congenital) H53.51 Achromia, congenital—see Albinism Achromia parasitica B36.0 Achylia gastrica K31.89 psychogenic F45.8


burn—see Corrosion deficiency amide nicotinic E52 ascorbic E54 folic E53.8 nicotinic E52 pantothenic E53.8 intoxication E87.2 peptic disease K30 phosphatase deficiency E83.39 stomach K30 psychogenic F45.8 Acidemia E87.2 argininosuccinic E72.22 isovaleric E71.110 metabolic (newborn) P19.9 first noted before onset of labor P19.0 first noted during labor P19.1 noted at birth P19.2 methylmalonic E71.120 pipecolic E72.3 propionic E71.121 Acidity, gastric (high) K30 psychogenic F45.8 Acidocytopenia—see Agranulocytosis Acidocytosis D72.10 Acidopenia—see Agranulocytosis Acidosis (lactic) (respiratory) E87.2 in Type 1 diabetes E10.10 with coma E10.11 kidney, tubular N25.89 lactic E87.2 metabolic NEC E87.2 with respiratory acidosis E87.4 hyperchloremic, of newborn P74.421 late, of newborn P74.0 mixed metabolic and respiratory, newborn P84 newborn P84 renal (hyperchloremic) (tubular) N25.89 respiratory E87.2 complicated by metabolic acidosis E87.4 alkalosis E87.4


4-hydroxybutyric E72.81 argininosuccinic E72.22 gamma-hydroxybutyric E72.81 glutaric (type I) E72.3 type II E71.313 type III E71.5- ✓ orotic (congenital) (hereditary) (pyrimidine deficiency) E79.8 anemia D53.0 Acladiosis (skin) B36.0 Aclasis, diaphyseal Q78.6 Acleistocardia Q21.1 Aclusion—see Anomaly, dentofacial, malocclusion Acne L70.9 artificialis L70.8 atrophica L70.2 cachecticorum (Hebra) L70.8 conglobata L70.1 cystic L70.0 decalvans L66.2 excoriée (des jeunes filles) L70.5 frontalis L70.2 indurata L70.0 infantile L70.4 keloid L73.0 lupoid L70.2 necrotic, necrotica (miliaris) L70.2 neonatal L70.4 nodular L70.0 occupational L70.8 picker’s L70.5 pustular L70.0 rodens L70.2 rosacea L71.9 specified NEC L70.8 tropica L70.3 varioliformis L70.2 vulgaris L70.0 Acnitis (primary) A18.4 Acosta’s disease T70.29 ✓ Acoustic—see condition Acousticophobia F40.298 ACPO (acute colonic pseudo-obstruction) K59.81 Acquired—see also condition immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) B20 Acrania Q00.0 Acroangiodermatitis I78.9 Acroasphyxia, chronic I73.89 Acrobystitis N47.7 Acrocephalopolysyndactyly Q87.0 Acrocephalosyndactyly Q87.0 Acrocephaly Q75.0 Acrochondrohyperplasia—see Syndrome, Marfan’s Acrocyanosis I73.89 newborn P28.2 meaning transient blue hands and feet—omit code Acrodermatitis L30.8 atrophicans (chronica) L90.4 continua (Hallopeau) L40.2 enteropathica (hereditary) E83.2 Hallopeau’s L40.2 infantile papular L44.4 perstans L40.2 pustulosa continua L40.2 recalcitrant pustular L40.2 Acrodynia—see Poisoning, mercury Acromegaly, acromegalia E22.0 Acromelalgia I73.81 Acromicria, acromikria Q79.8 Acronyx L60.0 Acropachy, thyroid—see Thyrotoxicosis Acroparesthesia (simple) (vasomotor) I73.89 Acropathy, thyroid—see Thyrotoxicosis Acrophobia F40.241 Acroposthitis N47.7 Acroscleriasis, acroscleroderma, acrosclerosis—see Sclerosis, systemic Acrosphacelus I96 Acrospiroma, eccrine—see Neoplasm, skin, benign Acrostealgia—see Osteochondropathy Acrotrophodynia—see Immersion ACTH ectopic syndrome E24.3 Actinic—see condition Actinobacillosis, actinobacillus A28.8 mallei A24.0 muris A25.1 Actinomyces israelii (infection)—see Actinomycosis Actinomycetoma (foot) B47.1 Actinomycosis, actinomycotic A42.9 with pneumonia A42.0 abdominal A42.1 cervicofacial A42.2 cutaneous A42.89 gastrointestinal A42.1 pulmonary A42.0 sepsis A42.7 specified site NEC A42.89 Actinoneuritis G62.82 Action, heart disorder I49.9 irregular I49.9 psychogenic F45.8 Activated protein C resistance D68.51


mast cell (disorder) (syndrome) D89.40 idiopathic D89.42 monoclonal D89.41 secondary D89.43 specified type NEC D89.49 Active—see condition Acute—see also condition abdomen R10.0 gallbladder—see Cholecystitis, acute Acyanotic heart disease (congenital) Q24.9 Acystia Q64.5 Adair-Dighton syndrome (brittle bones and blue sclera, deafness) Q78.0 Adamantinoblastoma—see Ameloblastoma Adamantinoma—see also Cyst, calcifying odontogenic long bones C40.90 lower limb C40.2- ✓ upper limb C40.0- ✓ malignant C41.1 jaw (bone) (lower) C41.1 upper C41.0 tibial C40.2- ✓ Adamantoblastoma—see Ameloblastoma Adams-Stokes (-Morgagni) disease or syndrome I45.9 Adaption reaction—see Disorder, adjustment Addiction—see also Dependence F19.20 alcohol, alcoholic (ethyl) (methyl) (wood) (without remission) F10.20 with remission F10.21 drug—see Dependence, drug ethyl alcohol (without remission) F10.20 with remission F10.21 heroin—see Dependence, drug, opioid methyl alcohol (without remission) F10.20 with remission F10.21 methylated spirit (without remission) F10.20 with remission F10.21 morphine (-like substances)—see Dependence, drug, opioid nicotine—see Dependence, drug, nicotine opium and opioids—see Dependence, drug, opioid tobacco—see Dependence, drug, nicotine Addison-Biermer anemia (pernicious) D51.0 Addisonian crisis E27.2 Addison’s anemia (pernicious) D51.0 disease (bronze) or syndrome E27.1 tuberculous A18.7 keloid L94.0 Addison-Schilder complex E71.528 Additional—see also Accessory chromosome(s) Q99.8 21—see Trisomy, 21 sex—see Abnormal, chromosome, sex Adduction contracture, hip or other joint—see Contraction, joint Adenitis—see also Lymphadenitis acute, unspecified site L04.9 axillary I88.9 acute L04.2 chronic or subacute I88.1 Bartholin’s gland N75.8 bulbourethral gland—see Urethritis cervical I88.9 acute L04.0 chronic or subacute I88.1 chancroid (Hemophilus ducreyi) A57 chronic, unspecified site I88.1 Cowper’s gland—see Urethritis due to Pasteurella multocida (P. septica) A28.0 epidemic, acute B27.09 gangrenous L04.9 gonorrheal NEC A54.89 groin I88.9 acute L04.1 chronic or subacute I88.1 infectious (acute) (epidemic) B27.09 inguinal I88.9 acute L04.1 chronic or subacute I88.1 lymph gland or node, except mesenteric I88.9 acute—see Lymphadenitis, acute chronic or subacute I88.1 mesenteric (acute) (chronic) (nonspecific) (subacute) I88.0 parotid gland (suppurative)—see Sialoadenitis salivary gland (any) (suppurative)—see Sialoadenitis scrofulous (tuberculous) A18.2 Skene’s duct or gland—see Urethritis strumous, tuberculous A18.2 subacute, unspecified site I88.1 sublingual gland (suppurative)—see Sialoadenitis submandibular gland (suppurative)—see Sialoadenitis submaxillary gland (suppurative)—see Sialoadenitis tuberculous—see Tuberculosis, lymph gland urethral gland—see Urethritis Wharton’s duct (suppurative)—see Sialoadenitis Adenoacanthoma—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site Adenoameloblastoma—see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic Adenocarcinoid (tumor)—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site Adenocarcinoma—see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site acidophil specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C75.1 adrenal cortical C74.0- ✓ alveolar—see Neoplasm, lung, malignant apocrine breast—see Neoplasm, breast, malignant in situ breast D05.8- ✓ specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, skin, in situ unspecified site D04.9 specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, skin, malignant unspecified site C44.99 basal cell specified site—see Neoplasm, skin, malignant unspecified site C08.9 basophil specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C75.1 bile duct type C22.1 liver C22.1 specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C22.1 bronchiolar—see Neoplasm, lung, malignant bronchioloalveolar—see Neoplasm, lung, malignant ceruminous C44.29- ✓ cervix, in situ—see also Carcinoma, cervix uteri, in situ D06.9 chromophobe specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C75.1 diffuse type specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C16.9 duct infiltrating with Paget’s disease—see Neoplasm, breast, malignant specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site (female) C50.91- ✓ male C50.92- ✓ specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site female C56.9 male C61 eosinophil specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C75.1 follicular with papillary C73 moderately differentiated C73 specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site trabecular C73 unspecified site C73 well differentiated C73 Hurthle cell C73 in adenomatous polyposis coli C18.9 infiltrating duct with Paget’s disease—see Neoplasm, breast, malignant specified site—see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site (female) C50.91- ✓ male C50.92- ✓ inflammatory specified site—see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site (female) C50.91- ✓ male C50.92- ✓ intestinal type specified site—see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site C16.9 intracystic papillary intraductal breast D05.1- ✓ noninfiltrating breast D05.1- ✓ papillary with invasion specified site—see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site (female) C50.91- ✓ male C50.92- ✓ breast D05.1- ✓ specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, in situ, by site unspecified site D05.1- ✓ specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, in situ, by site unspecified site D05.1- ✓ papillary with invasion specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site (female) C50.91- ✓ male C50.92- ✓ breast D05.1- ✓ specified site—see Neoplasm, in situ, by site unspecified site D05.1- ✓ specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, in situ, by site unspecified site D05.1- ✓ islet cell with exocrine, mixed specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C25.9 pancreas C25.4 specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C25.4 lobular in situ breast D05.0- ✓ specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, in situ, by site unspecified site D05.0- ✓ specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site (female) C50.91- ✓ male C50.92- ✓ mucoid—see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site cell specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C75.1 nonencapsulated sclerosing C73 papillary with follicular C73 follicular variant C73 intraductal (noninfiltrating) with invasion specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site (female) C50.91- ✓ male C50.92- ✓ breast D05.1- ✓ specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, in situ, by site unspecified site D05.1- ✓ serous specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C56.9 papillocystic specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C56.9 pseudomucinous specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C56.9 renal cell C64- ✓ sebaceous—see Neoplasm, skin, malignant serous—see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site papillary specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C56.9 sweat gland—see Neoplasm, skin, malignant water-clear cell C75.0 Adenocarcinoma-in-situ—see also Neoplasm, in situ, by site breast D05.9- ✓



clear cell—see Neoplasm, benign, by site endometrioid D27.9 borderline malignancy D39.10 malignant C56- ✓ mucinous specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D27.9 papillary specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D27.9 prostate—see Enlargement, enlarged, prostate serous specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D27.9 specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D27.9


breast—see Fibroadenosis, breast endometrioid N80.0 Adenoiditis (chronic) J35.02 with tonsillitis J35.03 acute J03.90 recurrent J03.91 specified organism NEC J03.80 recurrent J03.81 staphylococcal J03.80 recurrent J03.81 streptococcal J03.00 recurrent J03.01 Adenoids—see condition Adenolipoma—see Neoplasm, benign, by site Adenolipomatosis, Launois-Bensaude E88.89


specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D11.9 Adenoma—see also Neoplasm, benign, by site acidophil specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D35.2 acidophil-basophil, mixed specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D35.2 adrenal (cortical) D35.00 clear cell D35.00 compact cell D35.00 glomerulosa cell D35.00 heavily pigmented variant D35.00 mixed cell D35.00 alpha-cell pancreas D13.7 specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D13.7 alveolar D14.30 apocrine breast D24- ✓ specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, skin, benign, by site unspecified site D23.9 basal cell D11.9 basophil specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D35.2 basophil-acidophil, mixed specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D35.2 beta-cell pancreas D13.7 specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D13.7 bile duct D13.4 common D13.5 extrahepatic D13.5 intrahepatic D13.4 specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D13.4 black D35.00 bronchial D38.1 cylindroid type—see Neoplasm, lung, malignant ceruminous D23.2- ✓ chief cell D35.1 chromophobe specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D35.2 colloid specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D34 eccrine, papillary—see Neoplasm, skin, benign endocrine, multiple single specified site—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site two or more specified sites D44- ✓ unspecified site D44.9 endometrioid—see also Neoplasm, benign borderline malignancy—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site eosinophil specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D35.2 fetal specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D34 follicular specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D34 hepatocellular D13.4 Hurthle cell D34 islet cell pancreas D13.7 specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D13.7 liver cell D13.4 macrofollicular specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D34 malignant, malignum—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site microcystic pancreas D13.6 specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D13.6 microfollicular specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D34 mucoid cell specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D35.2 multiple endocrine single specified site—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site two or more specified sites D44- ✓ unspecified site D44.9 nipple D24- ✓ papillary—see also Neoplasm, benign, by site eccrine—see Neoplasm, skin, benign, by site Pick’s tubular specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site female D27.9 male D29.20 pleomorphic carcinoma in—see Neoplasm, salivary gland, malignant specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C08.9 polypoid—see also Neoplasm, benign adenocarcinoma in—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site adenocarcinoma in situ—see Neoplasm, in situ, by site prostate—see Neoplasm, benign, prostate rete cell D29.20 sebaceous—see Neoplasm, skin, benign Sertoli cell specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site female D27.9 male D29.20 skin appendage—see Neoplasm, skin, benign sudoriferous gland—see Neoplasm, skin, benign sweat gland—see Neoplasm, skin, benign testicular specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site female D27.9 male D29.20 tubular—see also Neoplasm, benign, by site adenocarcinoma in—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site adenocarcinoma in situ—see Neoplasm, in situ, by site Pick’s specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site female D27.9 male D29.20 tubulovillous—see also Neoplasm, benign, by site adenocarcinoma in—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site adenocarcinoma in situ—see Neoplasm, in situ, by site villous—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site adenocarcinoma in—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site adenocarcinoma in situ—see Neoplasm, in situ, by site water-clear cell D35.1


endocrine (multiple) E31.20 single specified site—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site erosive of nipple D24- ✓ pluriendocrine—see Adenomatosis, endocrine pulmonary D38.1 malignant—see Neoplasm, lung, malignant specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D12.6


goiter (nontoxic) E04.9 with hyperthyroidism—see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter, nodular toxic—see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter, nodular Adenomyoma—see also Neoplasm, benign, by site prostate—see Enlarged, prostate Adenomyometritis N80.0 Adenomyosis N80.0 Adenopathy (lymph gland) R59.9 generalized R59.1 inguinal R59.0 localized R59.0 mediastinal R59.0 mesentery R59.0 syphilitic (secondary) A51.49 tracheobronchial R59.0 tuberculous A15.4 primary (progressive) A15.7 tuberculous—see also Tuberculosis, lymph gland tracheobronchial A15.4 primary (progressive) A15.7 Adenosalpingitis—see Salpingitis Adenosarcoma—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site Adenosclerosis I88.8 Adenosis (sclerosing) breast—see Fibroadenosis, breast Adenovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.0 Adentia (complete) (partial)—see Absence, teeth Adherent—see also Adhesions labia (minora) N90.89 pericardium (nonrheumatic) I31.0 rheumatic I09.2 placenta (with hemorrhage) O72.0 without hemorrhage O73.0 prepuce, newborn N47.0 scar (skin) L90.5 tendon in scar L90.5 Adhesions, adhesive (postinfective) K66.0 with intestinal obstruction K56.50 complete K56.52 incomplete K56.51 partial K56.51 abdominal (wall)—see Adhesions, peritoneum appendix K38.8 bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.8 bladder (sphincter) N32.89 bowel—see Adhesions, peritoneum cardiac I31.0 rheumatic I09.2 cecum—see Adhesions, peritoneum cervicovaginal N88.1 congenital Q52.8 postpartal O90.89 old N88.1 cervix N88.1 ciliary body NEC—see Adhesions, iris clitoris N90.89 colon—see Adhesions, peritoneum common duct K83.8 congenital—see also Anomaly, by site fingers—see Syndactylism, complex, fingers omental, anomalous Q43.3 peritoneal Q43.3 tongue (to gum or roof of mouth) Q38.3 conjunctiva (acquired) H11.21- ✓ congenital Q15.8 cystic duct K82.8 diaphragm—see Adhesions, peritoneum due to foreign body—see Foreign body duodenum—see Adhesions, peritoneum ear middle H74.1- ✓ epididymis N50.89 epidural—see Adhesions, meninges epiglottis J38.7 eyelid H02.59 female pelvis N73.6 gallbladder K82.8 globe H44.89 heart I31.0 rheumatic I09.2 ileocecal (coil)—see Adhesions, peritoneum ileum—see Adhesions, peritoneum intestine—see also Adhesions, peritoneum with obstruction K56.50 complete K56.52 incomplete K56.51 partial K56.51 intra-abdominal—see Adhesions, peritoneum iris H21.50- ✓ anterior H21.51- ✓ goniosynechiae H21.52- ✓ posterior H21.54- ✓ to corneal graft T85.898 ✓ joint—see Ankylosis knee M23.8X ✓ temporomandibular M26.61- ✓ labium (majus) (minus), congenital Q52.5 liver—see Adhesions, peritoneum lung J98.4 mediastinum J98.59 meninges (cerebral) (spinal) G96.12 congenital Q07.8 tuberculous (cerebral) (spinal) A17.0 mesenteric—see Adhesions, peritoneum nasal (septum) (to turbinates) J34.89 ocular muscle—see Strabismus, mechanical omentum—see Adhesions, peritoneum ovary N73.6 congenital (to cecum, kidney or omentum) Q50.39 paraovarian N73.6 pelvic (peritoneal) female N73.6 postprocedural N99.4 male—see Adhesions, peritoneum postpartal (old) N73.6 tuberculous A18.17 penis to scrotum (congenital) Q55.8 periappendiceal—see also Adhesions, peritoneum pericardium (nonrheumatic) I31.0 focal I31.8 rheumatic I09.2 tuberculous A18.84 pericholecystic K82.8 perigastric—see Adhesions, peritoneum periovarian N73.6 periprostatic N42.89 perirectal—see Adhesions, peritoneum perirenal N28.89 peritoneum, peritoneal (postinfective) K66.0 with obstruction (intestinal) K56.50 complete K56.52 incomplete K56.51 partial K56.51 congenital Q43.3 pelvic, female N73.6 postprocedural N99.4 postpartal, pelvic N73.6 postprocedural K66.0 to uterus N73.6 peritubal N73.6 periureteral N28.89 periuterine N73.6 perivesical N32.89 perivesicular (seminal vesicle) N50.89 pleura, pleuritic J94.8 tuberculous NEC A15.6 pleuropericardial J94.8 postoperative (gastrointestinal tract) K66.0 with obstruction—see also Obstruction, intestine, postoperative K91.30 due to foreign body accidentally left in wound—see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure pelvic peritoneal N99.4 urethra—see Stricture, urethra, postprocedural vagina N99.2 postpartal, old (vulva or perineum) N90.89 preputial, prepuce N47.5 pulmonary J98.4 pylorus—see Adhesions, peritoneum sciatic nerve—see Lesion, nerve, sciatic seminal vesicle N50.89 shoulder (joint)—see Capsulitis, adhesive sigmoid flexure—see Adhesions, peritoneum spermatic cord (acquired) N50.89 congenital Q55.4 spinal canal G96.12 stomach—see Adhesions, peritoneum subscapular—see Capsulitis, adhesive temporomandibular M26.61- ✓ tendinitis (see also Tenosynovitis, specified type NEC) shoulder—see Capsulitis, adhesive testis N44.8 tongue, congenital (to gum or roof of mouth) Q38.3 acquired K14.8 trachea J39.8 tubo-ovarian N73.6 tunica vaginalis N44.8 uterus N73.6 internal N85.6 to abdominal wall N73.6 vagina (chronic) N89.5 postoperative N99.2 vitreomacular H43.82- ✓ vitreous H43.89 vulva N90.89 Adiaspiromycosis B48.8 Adie (-Holmes) pupil or syndrome—see Anomaly, pupil, function, tonic pupil Adiponecrosis neonatorum P83.88 Adiposis—see also Obesity cerebralis E23.6 dolorosa E88.2 Adiposity—see also Obesity heart—see Degeneration, myocardial localized E65 Adiposogenital dystrophy E23.6




disorder—see Disorder, adjustment implanted device—see Encounter (for), adjustment (of) prosthesis, external—see Fitting reaction—see Disorder, adjustment Administration of tPA (rtPA) in a different facility within the last 24 hours prior to admission to current facility Z92.82 Admission (for)—see also Encounter (for) adjustment (of) artificial arm Z44.00- ✓ complete Z44.01- ✓ partial Z44.02- ✓ eye Z44.2 ✓ leg Z44.10- ✓ complete Z44.11- ✓ partial Z44.12- ✓ brain neuropacemaker Z46.2 implanted Z45.42 breast implant Z45.81 ✓ prosthesis (external) Z44.3 ✓ colostomy belt Z46.89 contact lenses Z46.0 cystostomy device Z46.6 dental prosthesis Z46.3 device NEC abdominal Z46.89 implanted Z45.89 cardiac Z45.09 defibrillator (with synchronous cardiac pacemaker) Z45.02 pacemaker (cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT-P)) Z45.018 pulse generator Z45.010 resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) Z45.02 hearing device Z45.328 bone conduction Z45.320 cochlear Z45.321 infusion pump Z45.1 nervous system Z45.49 CSF drainage Z45.41 hearing device—see Admission, adjustment, device, implanted, hearing device neuropacemaker Z45.42 visual substitution Z45.31 specified NEC Z45.89 vascular access Z45.2 visual substitution Z45.31 nervous system Z46.2 implanted—see Admission, adjustment, device, implanted, nervous system orthodontic Z46.4 prosthetic Z44.9 arm—see Admission, adjustment, artificial, arm breast Z44.3 ✓ dental Z46.3 eye Z44.2 ✓ leg—see Admission, adjustment, artificial, leg specified type NEC Z44.8 substitution auditory Z46.2 implanted—see Admission, adjustment, device, implanted, hearing device nervous system Z46.2 implanted—see Admission, adjustment, device, implanted, nervous system visual Z46.2 implanted Z45.31 urinary Z46.6 hearing aid Z46.1 implanted—see Admission, adjustment, device, implanted, hearing device ileostomy device Z46.89 intestinal appliance or device NEC Z46.89 neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord) Z46.2 implanted Z45.42 orthodontic device Z46.4 orthopedic (brace) (cast) (device) (shoes) Z46.89 pacemaker (cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT-P)) cardiac Z45.018 pulse generator Z45.010 nervous system Z46.2 implanted Z45.42 portacath (port-a-cath) Z45.2 prosthesis Z44.9 arm—see Admission, adjustment, artificial, arm breast Z44.3 ✓ dental Z46.3 eye Z44.2 ✓ leg—see Admission, adjustment, artificial, leg specified NEC Z44.8 spectacles Z46.0 aftercare—see also Aftercare Z51.89 postpartum immediately after delivery Z39.0 routine follow-up Z39.2 radiation therapy (antineoplastic) Z51.0 attention to artificial opening (of) Z43.9 artificial vagina Z43.7 colostomy Z43.3 cystostomy Z43.5 enterostomy Z43.4 gastrostomy Z43.1 ileostomy Z43.2 jejunostomy Z43.4 nephrostomy Z43.6 specified site NEC Z43.8 intestinal tract Z43.4 urinary tract Z43.6 tracheostomy Z43.0 ureterostomy Z43.6 urethrostomy Z43.6 breast augmentation or reduction Z41.1 breast reconstruction following mastectomy Z42.1 change of dressing (nonsurgical) Z48.00 neuropacemaker device (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord) Z46.2 implanted Z45.42 surgical dressing Z48.01 circumcision, ritual or routine (in absence of diagnosis) Z41.2 clinical research investigation (control) (normal comparison) (participant) Z00.6 contraceptive management Z30.9 cosmetic surgery NEC Z41.1 counseling—see also Counseling dietary Z71.3 gestational carrier Z31.7 HIV Z71.7 human immunodeficiency virus Z71.7 nonattending third party Z71.0 procreative management NEC Z31.69 delivery, full-term, uncomplicated O80 cesarean, without indication O82 desensitization to allergens Z51.6 dietary surveillance and counseling Z71.3 ear piercing Z41.3 examination at health care facility (adult)—see also Examination Z00.00 with abnormal findings Z00.01 clinical research investigation (control) (normal comparison) (participant) Z00.6 dental Z01.20 with abnormal findings Z01.21 donor (potential) Z00.5 ear Z01.10 with abnormal findings NEC Z01.118 eye Z01.00 with abnormal findings Z01.01 following failed vision screening Z01.020 with abnormal findings Z01.021 general, specified reason NEC Z00.8 hearing Z01.10 with abnormal findings NEC Z01.118 infant or child (over 28 days old) Z00.129 with abnormal findings Z00.121 postpartum checkup Z39.2 psychiatric (general) Z00.8 requested by authority Z04.6 vision Z01.00 with abnormal findings Z01.01 following failed vision screening Z01.020 with abnormal findings Z01.021 infant or child (over 28 days old) Z00.129 with abnormal findings Z00.121 fitting (of) artificial arm—see Admission, adjustment, artificial, arm eye Z44.2 ✓ leg—see Admission, adjustment, artificial, leg brain neuropacemaker Z46.2 implanted Z45.42 breast prosthesis (external) Z44.3 ✓ colostomy belt Z46.89 contact lenses Z46.0 cystostomy device Z46.6 dental prosthesis Z46.3 dentures Z46.3 device NEC abdominal Z46.89 nervous system Z46.2 implanted—see Admission, adjustment, device, implanted, nervous system orthodontic Z46.4 prosthetic Z44.9 breast Z44.3 ✓ dental Z46.3 eye Z44.2 ✓ substitution auditory Z46.2 implanted—see Admission, adjustment, device, implanted, hearing device nervous system Z46.2 implanted—see Admission, adjustment, device, implanted, nervous system visual Z46.2 implanted Z45.31 hearing aid Z46.1 ileostomy device Z46.89 intestinal appliance or device NEC Z46.89 neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord) Z46.2 implanted Z45.42 orthodontic device Z46.4 orthopedic device (brace) (cast) (shoes) Z46.89 prosthesis Z44.9 arm—see Admission, adjustment, artificial, arm breast Z44.3 ✓ dental Z46.3 eye Z44.2 ✓ leg—see Admission, adjustment, artificial, leg specified type NEC Z44.8 spectacles Z46.0 follow-up examination Z09 intrauterine device management Z30.431 initial prescription Z30.014 mental health evaluation Z00.8 requested by authority Z04.6 observation—see Observation Papanicolaou smear, cervix Z12.4 for suspected malignant neoplasm Z12.4 plastic and reconstructive surgery following medical procedure or healed injury NEC Z42.8 plastic surgery, cosmetic NEC Z41.1 postpartum observation immediately after delivery Z39.0 routine follow-up Z39.2 poststerilization (for restoration) Z31.0 aftercare Z31.42 procreative management Z31.9 prophylactic (measure)—see also Encounter, prophylactic measures organ removal Z40.00 breast Z40.01 fallopian tube(s) Z40.03 with ovary(s) Z40.02 ovary(s) Z40.02 specified organ NEC Z40.09 testes Z40.09 vaccination Z23 psychiatric examination (general) Z00.8 requested by authority Z04.6 radiation therapy (antineoplastic) Z51.0 reconstructive surgery following medical procedure or healed injury NEC Z42.8 removal of cystostomy catheter Z43.5 drains Z48.03 dressing (nonsurgical) Z48.00 implantable subdermal contraceptive Z30.46 intrauterine contraceptive device Z30.432 neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord) Z46.2 implanted Z45.42 staples Z48.02 surgical dressing Z48.01 sutures Z48.02 ureteral stent Z46.6 respirator [ventilator] use during power failure Z99.12 restoration of organ continuity (poststerilization) Z31.0 aftercare Z31.42 sensitivity test—see also Test, skin allergy NEC Z01.82 Mantoux Z11.1 tuboplasty following previous sterilization Z31.0 aftercare Z31.42 vasoplasty following previous sterilization Z31.0 aftercare Z31.42 vision examination Z01.00 with abnormal findings Z01.01 following failed vision screening Z01.020 with abnormal findings Z01.021 infant or child (over 28 days old) Z00.129 with abnormal findings Z00.121 waiting period for admission to other facility Z75.1 Adnexitis (suppurative)—see Salpingo-oophoritis Adolescent X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy E71.521 Adrenal (gland)—see condition Adrenalism, tuberculous A18.7 Adrenalitis, adrenitis E27.8 autoimmune E27.1 meningococcal, hemorrhagic A39.1 Adrenarche, premature E27.0 Adrenocortical syndrome—see Cushing’s, syndrome Adrenogenital syndrome E25.9 acquired E25.8 congenital E25.0 salt loss E25.0 Adrenogenitalism, congenital E25.0 Adrenoleukodystrophy E71.529 neonatal E71.511 X-linked E71.529 Addison only phenotype E71.528 Addison-Schilder E71.528 adolescent E71.521 adrenomyeloneuropathy E71.522 childhood cerebral E71.520 other specified E71.528 Adrenomyeloneuropathy E71.522 Adventitious bursa—see Bursopathy, specified type NEC Adverse effect—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, categories T36-T50, with 6th character 5 Advice—see Counseling Adynamia (episodica) (hereditary) (periodic) G72.3 Aeration lung imperfect, newborn—see Atelectasis Aerobullosis T70.3 ✓ Aerocele—see Embolism, air


subcutaneous (traumatic) T79.7 ✓ Aerodontalgia T70.29 ✓ Aeroembolism T70.3 ✓ Aerogenes capsulatus infection A48.0 Aero-otitis media T70.0 ✓ Aerophagy, aerophagia (psychogenic) F45.8 Aerophobia F40.228 Aerosinusitis T70.1 ✓ Aerotitis T70.0 ✓ Affection—see Disease Afibrinogenemia—see also Defect, coagulation D68.8 acquired D65 congenital D68.2 following ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.1 in abortion—see Abortion, by type, complicated by, afibrinogenemia puerperal O72.3


sleeping sickness B56.9 tick fever A68.1 trypanosomiasis B56.9 gambian B56.0 rhodesian B56.1 Aftercare—see also Care Z51.89 following surgery (for) (on) amputation Z47.81 attention to drains Z48.03 dressings (nonsurgical) Z48.00 surgical Z48.01 sutures Z48.02 circulatory system Z48.812 delayed (planned) wound closure Z48.1 digestive system Z48.815 explantation of joint prosthesis (staged procedure) hip Z47.32 knee Z47.33 shoulder Z47.31 genitourinary system Z48.816 joint replacement Z47.1 neoplasm Z48.3 nervous system Z48.811 oral cavity Z48.814 organ transplant bone marrow Z48.290 heart Z48.21 heart-lung Z48.280 kidney Z48.22 liver Z48.23 lung Z48.24 multiple organs NEC Z48.288 specified NEC Z48.298 orthopedic NEC Z47.89 planned wound closure Z48.1 removal of internal fixation device Z47.2 respiratory system Z48.813 scoliosis Z47.82 sense organs Z48.810 skin and subcutaneous tissue Z48.817 specified body system circulatory Z48.812 digestive Z48.815 genitourinary Z48.816 nervous Z48.811 oral cavity Z48.814 respiratory Z48.813 sense organs Z48.810 skin and subcutaneous tissue Z48.817 teeth Z48.814 specified NEC Z48.89 spinal Z47.89 teeth Z48.814 fracture—code to fracture with seventh character D involving removal of drains Z48.03 dressings (nonsurgical) Z48.00 staples Z48.02 surgical dressings Z48.01 sutures Z48.02 neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord) Z46.2 implanted Z45.42 orthopedic NEC Z47.89 postprocedural—see Aftercare, following surgery After-cataract—see Cataract, secondary Agalactia (primary) O92.3 elective, secondary or therapeutic O92.5 Agammaglobulinemia (acquired (secondary) (nonfamilial) D80.1 with immunoglobulin-bearing B-lymphocytes D80.1 lymphopenia D81.9 autosomal recessive (Swiss type) D80.0 Bruton’s X-linked D80.0 common variable (CVAgamma) D80.1 congenital sex-linked D80.0 hereditary D80.0 lymphopenic D81.9 Swiss type (autosomal recessive) D80.0 X-linked (with growth hormone deficiency) (Bruton) D80.0 Aganglionosis (bowel) (colon) Q43.1 Age (old)—see Senility


adrenal (gland) Q89.1 alimentary tract (complete) (partial) NEC Q45.8 upper Q40.8 anus, anal (canal) Q42.3 with fistula Q42.2 aorta Q25.41 appendix Q42.8 arm (complete) Q71.0- ✓ with hand present Q71.1- ✓ artery (peripheral) Q27.9 brain Q28.3 coronary Q24.5 pulmonary Q25.79 specified NEC Q27.8 umbilical Q27.0 auditory (canal) (external) Q16.1 auricle (ear) Q16.0 bile duct or passage Q44.5 bladder Q64.5 bone Q79.9 brain Q00.0 part of Q04.3 breast (with nipple present) Q83.8 with absent nipple Q83.0 bronchus Q32.4 canaliculus lacrimalis Q10.4 carpus—see Agenesis, hand cartilage Q79.9 cecum Q42.8 cerebellum Q04.3 cervix Q51.5 chin Q18.8 cilia Q10.3 circulatory system, part NOS Q28.9 clavicle Q74.0 clitoris Q52.6 coccyx Q76.49 colon Q42.9 specified NEC Q42.8 corpus callosum Q04.0 cricoid cartilage Q31.8 diaphragm (with hernia) Q79.1 digestive organ(s) or tract (complete) (partial) NEC Q45.8 upper Q40.8 ductus arteriosus Q28.8 duodenum Q41.0 ear Q16.9 auricle Q16.0 lobe Q17.8 ejaculatory duct Q55.4 endocrine (gland) NEC Q89.2 epiglottis Q31.8 esophagus Q39.8 eustachian tube Q16.2 eye Q11.1 adnexa Q15.8 eyelid (fold) Q10.3 face bones NEC Q75.8 specified part NEC Q18.8 fallopian tube Q50.6 femur—see Defect, reduction, lower limb, longitudinal, femur fibula—see Defect, reduction, lower limb, longitudinal, fibula finger (complete) (partial)—see Agenesis, hand foot (and toes) (complete) (partial) Q72.3- ✓ forearm (with hand present)—see Agenesis, arm, with hand present and hand Q71.2- ✓ gallbladder Q44.0 gastric Q40.2 genitalia, genital (organ(s)) female Q52.8 external Q52.71 internal NEC Q52.8 male Q55.8 glottis Q31.8 hair Q84.0 hand (and fingers) (complete) (partial) Q71.3- ✓ heart Q24.8 valve NEC Q24.8 pulmonary Q22.0 hepatic Q44.7 humerus—see Defect, reduction, upper limb hymen Q52.4 ileum Q41.2 incus Q16.3 intestine (small) Q41.9 large Q42.9 specified NEC Q42.8 iris (dilator fibers) Q13.1 jaw M26.09 jejunum Q41.1 kidney(s) (partial) Q60.2 bilateral Q60.1 unilateral Q60.0 labium (majus) (minus) Q52.71 labyrinth, membranous Q16.5 lacrimal apparatus Q10.4 larynx Q31.8 leg (complete) Q72.0- ✓ with foot present Q72.1- ✓ lower leg (with foot present)—see Agenesis, leg, with foot present and foot Q72.2- ✓ lens Q12.3 limb (complete) Q73.0 lower—see Agenesis, leg upper—see Agenesis, arm lip Q38.0 liver Q44.7 lung (fissure) (lobe) (bilateral) (unilateral) Q33.3 mandible, maxilla M26.09 metacarpus—see Agenesis, hand metatarsus—see Agenesis, foot muscle Q79.8 eyelid Q10.3 ocular Q15.8 musculoskeletal system NEC Q79.8 nail(s) Q84.3 neck, part Q18.8 nerve Q07.8 nervous system, part NEC Q07.8 nipple Q83.2 nose Q30.1 nuclear Q07.8 organ of Corti Q16.5 or site not listed—see Anomaly, by site osseous meatus (ear) Q16.1 ovary bilateral Q50.02 unilateral Q50.01 oviduct Q50.6 pancreas Q45.0 parathyroid (gland) Q89.2 parotid gland(s) Q38.4 patella Q74.1 pelvic girdle (complete) (partial) Q74.2 penis Q55.5 pericardium Q24.8 pituitary (gland) Q89.2 prostate Q55.4 punctum lacrimale Q10.4 radioulnar—see Defect, reduction, upper limb radius—see Defect, reduction, upper limb, longitudinal, radius rectum Q42.1 with fistula Q42.0 renal Q60.2 bilateral Q60.1 unilateral Q60.0 respiratory organ NEC Q34.8 rib Q76.6 roof of orbit Q75.8 round ligament Q52.8 sacrum Q76.49 salivary gland Q38.4 scapula Q74.0 scrotum Q55.29 seminal vesicles Q55.4 septum atrial Q21.1 between aorta and pulmonary artery Q21.4 ventricular Q20.4 shoulder girdle (complete) (partial) Q74.0 skull (bone) Q75.8 with anencephaly Q00.0 encephalocele—see Encephalocele hydrocephalus Q03.9 with spina bifida—see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus microcephaly Q02 spermatic cord Q55.4 spinal cord Q06.0 spine Q76.49 spleen Q89.01 sternum Q76.7 stomach Q40.2 submaxillary gland(s) (congenital) Q38.4 tarsus—see Agenesis, foot tendon Q79.8 testicle Q55.0 thymus (gland) Q89.2 thyroid (gland) E03.1 cartilage Q31.8 tibia—see Defect, reduction, lower limb, longitudinal, tibia tibiofibular—see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC toe (and foot) (complete) (partial)—see Agenesis, foot tongue Q38.3 trachea (cartilage) Q32.1 ulna—see Defect, reduction, upper limb, longitudinal, ulna upper limb—see Agenesis, arm ureter Q62.4 urethra Q64.5 urinary tract NEC Q64.8 uterus Q51.0 uvula Q38.5 vagina Q52.0 vas deferens Q55.4 vein(s) (peripheral) Q27.9 brain Q28.3 great NEC Q26.8 portal Q26.5 vena cava (inferior) (superior) Q26.8 vermis of cerebellum Q04.3 vertebra Q76.49 vulva Q52.71 Ageusia R43.2 Agitated—see condition Agitation R45.1 Aglossia (congenital) Q38.3 Aglossia-adactylia syndrome Q87.0 Aglycogenosis E74.00 Agnosia (body image) (other senses) (tactile) R48.1 developmental F88 verbal R48.1 auditory R48.1 developmental F80.2 developmental F80.2 visual (object) R48.3 Agoraphobia F40.00 with panic disorder F40.01 without panic disorder F40.02 Agrammatism R48.8 Agranulocytopenia—see Agranulocytosis Agranulocytosis (chronic) (cyclical) (genetic) (infantile) (periodic) (pernicious)—see also Neutropenia D70.9 congenital D70.0 cytoreductive cancer chemotherapy sequela D70.1 drug-induced D70.2 due to cytoreductive cancer chemotherapy D70.1 due to infection D70.3 secondary D70.4 drug-induced D70.2 due to cytoreductive cancer chemotherapy D70.1 Agraphia (absolute) R48.8 with alexia R48.0 developmental F81.81 Ague (dumb)—see Malaria Agyria Q04.3 Ahumada-del Castillo syndrome E23.0 Aichomophobia F40.298 AIDS (related complex) B20 Ailment heart—see Disease, heart Ailurophobia F40.218 AIN—see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, anal Ainhum (disease) L94.6 AIPHI (acute idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage in infants (over 28 days old)) R04.81


anterior mediastinum J98.2 compressed, disease T70.3 ✓ conditioner lung or pneumonitis J67.7 embolism (artery) (cerebral) (any site) T79.0 ✓ with ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.2 due to implanted device NEC—see Complications, by site and type, specified NEC following abortion—see Abortion by type, complicated by, embolism ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.2 infusion, therapeutic injection or transfusion T80.0 ✓ in pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium—see Embolism, obstetric traumatic T79.0 ✓ hunger, psychogenic F45.8 rarefied, effects of—see Effect, adverse, high altitude sickness T75.3 ✓ Airplane sickness T75.3 ✓ Akathisia (drug-induced) (treatment-induced) G25.71 neuroleptic induced (acute) G25.71 tardive G25.71 Akinesia R29.898 Akinetic mutism R41.89 Akureyri’s disease G93.3 Alactasia, congenital E73.0 Alagille’s syndrome Q44.7 Alastrim B03 Albers-Schönberg syndrome Q78.2 Albert’s syndrome—see Tendinitis, Achilles Albinism, albino E70.30 with hematologic abnormality E70.339 Chédiak-Higashi syndrome E70.330 Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome E70.331 other specified E70.338 I E70.320 II E70.321 ocular E70.319 autosomal recessive E70.311 other specified E70.318 X-linked E70.310 oculocutaneous E70.329 other specified E70.328 tyrosinase (ty) negative E70.320 tyrosinase (ty) positive E70.321 other specified E70.39 Albinismus E70.30 Albright (-McCune)(-Sternberg) syndrome Q78.1 Albuminous—see condition Albuminuria, albuminuric (acute) (chronic) (subacute)— see also Proteinuria R80.9 complicating pregnancy—see Proteinuria, gestational with gestational hypertension—see Pre-eclampsia pre-existing hypertension—see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy, pre-existing, with, pre- eclampsia gestational—see Proteinuria, gestational with gestational hypertension—see Pre-eclampsia pre-existing hypertension—see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy, pre-existing, with, preeclampsia orthostatic R80.2 postural R80.2 pre-eclamptic—see Pre-eclampsia scarlatinal A38.8 Albuminurophobia F40.298 Alcaptonuria E70.29 Alcohol, alcoholic, alcohol-induced addiction (without remission) F10.20 with remission F10.21 amnestic disorder, persisting F10.96 with dependence F10.26 anxiety disorder F10.980 bipolar and related disorder F10.94 brain syndrome, chronic F10.97 with dependence F10.27 cardiopathy I42.6 counseling and surveillance Z71.41 family member Z71.42 delirium (acute) (tremens) (withdrawal) F10.231 with intoxication F10.921 in abuse F10.121 dependence F10.221 dementia F10.97 with dependence F10.27 depressive disorder F10.94 deterioration F10.97 with dependence F10.27 hallucinosis (acute) F10.951 in abuse F10.151 dependence F10.251 insanity F10.959 intoxication (acute) (without dependence) F10.129 with delirium F10.121 dependence F10.229 with delirium F10.221 uncomplicated F10.220 uncomplicated F10.120 jealousy F10.988 Korsakoff’s, Korsakov’s, Korsakow’s F10.26 liver K70.9 acute—see Disease, liver, alcoholic, hepatitis major neurocognitive disorder, amnestic-confabulatory type F10.96 major neurocognitive disorder, nonamnesticconfabulatory type F10.97 mania (acute) (chronic) F10.959 mild neurocognitive disorder F10.988 paranoia, paranoid (type) psychosis F10.950 pellagra E52 poisoning, accidental (acute) NEC—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, alcohol, poisoning psychosis—see Psychosis, alcoholic psychotic disorder F10.959 sexual dysfunction F10.981 sleep disorder F10.982 withdrawal (without convulsions) F10.239 with delirium F10.231 Alcoholism (chronic) (without remission) F10.20 with psychosis—see Psychosis, alcoholic remission F10.21 Korsakov’s F10.96 with dependence F10.26 Alder (-Reilly) anomaly or syndrome (leukocyte granulation) D72.0 Aldosteronism E26.9 familial (type I) E26.02 glucocorticoid-remediable E26.02 primary (due to (bilateral) adrenal hyperplasia) E26.09 primary NEC E26.09 secondary E26.1 specified NEC E26.89 Aldosteronoma D44.10 Aldrich (-Wiskott) syndrome (eczema-thrombocytopenia) D82.0 Alektorophobia F40.218 Aleppo boil B55.1 Aleukemic—see condition


congenital D70.0 hemorrhagica D61.9 congenital D61.09 splenica D73.1 Alexia R48.0 developmental F81.0 secondary to organic lesion R48.0 Algoneurodystrophy M89.00 ankle M89.07- ✓ foot M89.07- ✓ forearm M89.03- ✓ hand M89.04- ✓ lower leg M89.06- ✓ multiple sites M89.0- ✓ shoulder M89.01- ✓ specified site NEC M89.08 thigh M89.05- ✓ upper arm M89.02- ✓ Algophobia F40.298 Alienation, mental—see Psychosis Alkalemia E87.3 Alkalosis E87.3 metabolic E87.3 with respiratory acidosis E87.4 of newborn P74.41 respiratory E87.3 Alkaptonuria E70.29 Allen-Masters syndrome N83.8 Allergy, allergic (reaction) (to) T78.40 ✓ air-borne substance NEC (rhinitis) J30.89 alveolitis (extrinsic) J67.9 due to Aspergillus clavatus J67.4 Cryptostroma corticale J67.6 organisms (fungal, thermophilic actinomycete) growing in ventilation (air conditioning) systems J67.7 specified type NEC J67.8 anaphylactic reaction or shock T78.2 ✓ angioneurotic edema T78.3 ✓ animal (dander) (epidermal) (hair) (rhinitis) J30.81 bee sting (anaphylactic shock)—see Toxicity, venom, arthropod, bee biological—see Allergy, drug colitis—see also Colitis, allergic K52.29 dander (animal) (rhinitis) J30.81 dandruff (rhinitis) J30.81 dental restorative material (existing) K08.55 dermatitis—see Dermatitis, contact, allergic diathesis—see History, allergy drug, medicament & biological (any) (external) (internal) T78.40 ✓ correct substance properly administered—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect wrong substance given or taken NEC (by accident)— see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning due to pollen J30.1 dust (house) (stock) (rhinitis) J30.89 with asthma—see Asthma, allergic extrinsic eczema—see Dermatitis, contact, allergic epidermal (animal) (rhinitis) J30.81 feathers (rhinitis) J30.89 food (any) (ingested) NEC T78.1 ✓ anaphylactic shock—see Shock, anaphylactic, due to food dermatitis—see Dermatitis, due to, food dietary counseling and surveillance Z71.3 in contact with skin L23.6 rhinitis J30.5 status (without reaction) Z91.018 beef Z91.014 eggs Z91.012 lamb Z91.014 mammalian meats Z91.014 milk products Z91.011 peanuts Z91.010 pork Z91.014 red meats Z91.014 seafood Z91.013 specified NEC Z91.018 gastrointestinal—see also specific type of allergic reaction meaning colitis—see also Colitis, allergic K52.29 meaning gastroenteritis—see also Gastroenteritis, allergic K52.29 meaning other adverse food reaction not elsewhere classified T78.1 ✓ grain J30.1 grass (hay fever) (pollen) J30.1 asthma—see Asthma, allergic extrinsic hair (animal) (rhinitis) J30.81 history (of)—see History, allergy horse serum—see Allergy, serum inhalant (rhinitis) J30.89 pollen J30.1 kapok (rhinitis) J30.89 medicine—see Allergy, drug milk protein—see also Allergy, food Z91.011 anaphylactic reaction T78.07 ✓ dermatitis L27.2 enterocolitis syndrome K52.21 enteropathy K52.22 gastroenteritis K52.29 gastroesophageal reflux—see also Reaction, adverse, food K21.9 with esophagitis (without bleeding) K21.00 with bleeding K21.01 proctocolitis K52.29 nasal, seasonal due to pollen J30.1 pneumonia J82.89 pollen (any) (hay fever) J30.1 asthma—see Asthma, allergic extrinsic primrose J30.1 primula J30.1 proctocolitis K52.29 purpura D69.0 ragweed (hay fever) (pollen) J30.1 asthma—see Asthma, allergic extrinsic rose (pollen) J30.1 seasonal NEC J30.2 Senecio jacobae (pollen) J30.1 serum—see also Reaction, serum T80.69 ✓ anaphylactic shock T80.59 ✓ shock (anaphylactic) T78.2 ✓ due to administration of blood and blood products T80.51 ✓ adverse effect of correct medicinal substance properly administered T88.6 ✓ immunization T80.52 ✓ serum NEC T80.59 ✓ vaccination T80.52 ✓ specific NEC T78.49 ✓ tree (any) (hay fever) (pollen) J30.1 asthma—see Asthma, allergic extrinsic upper respiratory J30.9 urticaria L50.0 vaccine—see Allergy, serum wheat—see Allergy, food Allescheriasis B48.2 Alligator skin disease Q80.9 Allocheiria, allochiria R20.8 Almeida’s disease—see Paracoccidioidomycosis Alopecia (hereditaria) (seborrheica) L65.9 androgenic L64.9 drug-induced L64.0 specified NEC L64.8 areata L63.9 ophiasis L63.2 specified NEC L63.8 totalis L63.0 universalis L63.1 cicatricial L66.9 specified NEC L66.8 circumscripta L63.9 congenital, congenitalis Q84.0 due to cytotoxic drugs NEC L65.8 mucinosa L65.2 postinfective NEC L65.8 postpartum L65.0 premature L64.8 specific (syphilitic) A51.32 specified NEC L65.8 syphilitic (secondary) A51.32 totalis (capitis) L63.0 universalis (entire body) L63.1 X-ray L58.1 Alpers’ disease G31.81 Alpine sickness T70.29 ✓ Alport syndrome Q87.81 ALTE (apparent life threatening event) in newborn and infant R68.13 Alteration (of), Altered awareness transient R40.4 unintended under general anesthesia, during procedure T88.53 ✓ mental status R41.82 pattern of family relationships affecting child Z62.898 sensation following cerebrovascular disease I69.998 cerebral infarction I69.398 intracerebral hemorrhage I69.198 nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.298 specified disease NEC I69.898 subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.098 Alternating—see condition Altitude, high (effects)—see Effect, adverse, high altitude Aluminosis (of lung) J63.0


allergic (extrinsic)—see Pneumonitis, hypersensitivity due to Aspergillus clavatus J67.4 Cryptostroma corticale J67.6 fibrosing (cryptogenic) (idiopathic) J84.112 jaw M27.3 sicca dolorosa M27.3 Alveolus, alveolar—see condition Alymphocytosis D72.810 thymic (with immunodeficiency) D82.1 Alymphoplasia, thymic D82.1 Alzheimer’s disease or sclerosis—see Disease, Alzheimer’s Amastia (with nipple present) Q83.8 with absent nipple Q83.0 Amathophobia F40.228 Amaurosis (acquired) (congenital)—see also Blindness fugax G45.3 hysterical F44.6 Leber’s congenital H35.50 uremic—see Uremia Amaurotic idiocy (infantile) (juvenile) (late) E75.4 Amaxophobia F40.248 Ambiguous genitalia Q56.4 Amblyopia (congenital) (ex anopsia) (partial) (suppression) H53.00- ✓ anisometropic—see Amblyopia, refractive deprivation H53.01- ✓ hysterical F44.6 nocturnal—see also Blindness, night vitamin A deficiency E50.5 refractive H53.02- ✓ strabismic H53.03- ✓ suspect H53.04- ✓ tobacco H53.8 toxic NEC H53.8 uremic—see Uremia Ameba, amebic (histolytica)—see also Amebiasis abscess (liver) A06.4 Amebiasis A06.9 with abscess—see Abscess, amebic acute A06.0 chronic (intestine) A06.1 with abscess—see Abscess, amebic cutaneous A06.7 cutis A06.7 cystitis A06.81 genitourinary tract NEC A06.82 hepatic—see Abscess, liver, amebic intestine A06.0 nondysenteric colitis A06.2 skin A06.7 specified site NEC A06.89 Ameboma (of intestine) A06.3 Amelia Q73.0 lower limb—see Agenesis, leg upper limb—see Agenesis, arm Ameloblastoma—see also Cyst, calcifying odontogenic long bones C40.9- ✓ lower limb C40.2- ✓ upper limb C40.0- ✓ malignant C41.1 jaw (bone) (lower) C41.1 upper C41.0 tibial C40.2- ✓ Amelogenesis imperfecta K00.5 nonhereditaria (segmentalis) K00.4 Amenorrhea N91.2 hyperhormonal E28.8 primary N91.0 secondary N91.1 Amentia—see Disability, intellectual Meynert’s (nonalcoholic) F04


leishmaniasis B55.2 mountain tick fever A93.2 Ametropia—see Disorder, refraction AMH (asymptomatic microscopic hematuria) R31.21 Amianthosis J61 Amimia R48.8 Amino-acid disorder E72.9 anemia D53.0 Aminoacidopathy E72.9 Aminoaciduria E72.9 Amnesia R41.3 anterograde R41.1 auditory R48.8 dissociative F44.0 with dissociative fugue F44.1 hysterical F44.0 postictal in epilepsy—see Epilepsy psychogenic F44.0 retrograde R41.2 transient global G45.4 Amnes(t)ic syndrome (post-traumatic) F04 induced by alcohol F10.96 with dependence F10.26 psychoactive NEC F19.96 with abuse F19.16 dependence F19.26 sedative F13.96 with dependence F13.26 Amnion, amniotic—see condition Amnionitis—see Pregnancy, complicated by Amok F68.8 Amoral traits F60.89 Amphetamine (or other stimulant) -induced anxiety disorder F15.980 bipolar and related disorder F15.94 delirium F15.921 depressive disorder F15.94 obsessive-compulsive and related disorder F15.988 psychotic disorder F15.959 sexual dysfunction F15.981 sleep disorder F15.982 stimulant withdrawal F15.23


lower esophagus K22.89 phrenic K22.89 Amputation—see also Absence, by site, acquired neuroma (postoperative) (traumatic)—see Complications, amputation stump, neuroma stump (surgical) abnormal, painful, or with complication (late)—see Complications, amputation stump healed or old NOS Z89.9 traumatic (complete) (partial) arm (upper) (complete) S48.91- ✓ at elbow S58.01- ✓ partial S58.02- ✓ shoulder joint (complete) S48.01- ✓ partial S48.02- ✓ between elbow and wrist (complete) S58.11- ✓ partial S58.12- ✓ shoulder and elbow (complete) S48.11- ✓ partial S48.12- ✓ partial S48.92- ✓ breast (complete) S28.21- ✓ partial S28.22- ✓ clitoris (complete) S38.211 ✓ partial S38.212 ✓ ear (complete) S08.11- ✓ partial S08.12- ✓ finger (complete) (metacarpophalangeal) S68.11- ✓ index S68.11- ✓ little S68.11- ✓ middle S68.11- ✓ partial S68.12- ✓ index S68.12- ✓ little S68.12- ✓ middle S68.12- ✓ ring S68.12- ✓ ring S68.11- ✓ thumb—see Amputation, traumatic, thumb transphalangeal (complete) S68.61- ✓ index S68.61- ✓ little S68.61- ✓ middle S68.61- ✓ partial S68.62- ✓ index S68.62- ✓ little S68.62- ✓ middle S68.62- ✓ ring S68.62- ✓ ring S68.61- ✓ foot (complete) S98.91- ✓ at ankle level S98.01- ✓ partial S98.02- ✓ midfoot S98.31- ✓ partial S98.32- ✓ partial S98.92- ✓ forearm (complete) S58.91- ✓ at elbow level (complete) S58.01- ✓ partial S58.02- ✓ between elbow and wrist (complete) S58.11- ✓ partial S58.12- ✓ partial S58.92- ✓ genital organ(s) (external) female (complete) S38.211 ✓ partial S38.212 ✓ male penis (complete) S38.221 ✓ partial S38.222 ✓ scrotum (complete) S38.231 ✓ partial S38.232 ✓ testes (complete) S38.231 ✓ partial S38.232 ✓ hand (complete) (wrist level) S68.41- ✓ finger(s) alone—see Amputation, traumatic, finger partial S68.42- ✓ thumb alone—see Amputation, traumatic, thumb transmetacarpal (complete) S68.71- ✓ partial S68.72- ✓ head ear—see Amputation, traumatic, ear nose (partial) S08.812 ✓ complete S08.811 ✓ part S08.89 ✓ scalp S08.0 ✓ hip (and thigh) (complete) S78.91- ✓ at hip joint (complete) S78.01- ✓ partial S78.02- ✓ between hip and knee (complete) S78.11- ✓ partial S78.12- ✓ partial S78.92- ✓ labium (majus) (minus) (complete) S38.21- ✓ partial S38.21- ✓ leg (lower) S88.91- ✓ at knee level S88.01- ✓ partial S88.02- ✓ between knee and ankle S88.11- ✓ partial S88.12- ✓ partial S88.92- ✓ nose (partial) S08.812 ✓ complete S08.811 ✓ penis (complete) S38.221 ✓ partial S38.222 ✓ scrotum (complete) S38.231 ✓ partial S38.232 ✓ shoulder—see Amputation, traumatic, arm at shoulder joint—see Amputation, traumatic, arm, at shoulder joint testes (complete) S38.231 ✓ partial S38.232 ✓ thigh—see Amputation, traumatic, hip thorax, part of S28.1 ✓ breast—see Amputation, traumatic, breast thumb (complete) (metacarpophalangeal) S68.01- ✓ partial S68.02- ✓ transphalangeal (complete) S68.51- ✓ partial S68.52- ✓ toe (lesser) S98.13- ✓ great S98.11- ✓ partial S98.12- ✓ more than one S98.21- ✓ partial S98.22- ✓ partial S98.14- ✓ vulva (complete) S38.211 ✓ partial S38.212 ✓ Amputee (bilateral) (old) Z89.9 Amsterdam dwarfism Q87.19 Amusia R48.8 developmental F80.89 Amyelencephalus, amyelencephaly Q00.0 Amyelia Q06.0 Amygdalitis—see Tonsillitis Amygdalolith J35.8 Amyloid heart (disease) E85.4 [I43] Amyloidosis (generalized) (primary) E85.9 with lung involvement E85.4 [J99] familial E85.2 genetic E85.2 heart E85.4 [I43] hemodialysis-associated E85.3 light chain (AL) E85.81 liver E85.4 [K77] localized E85.4 neuropathic heredofamilial E85.1 non-neuropathic heredofamilial E85.0 organ limited E85.4 Portuguese E85.1 pulmonary E85.4 [J99] secondary systemic E85.3 senile systemic (SSA) E85.82 skin (lichen) (macular) E85.4 [L99] specified NEC E85.89 subglottic E85.4 [J99] wild-type transthyretin-related (ATTR) E85.82 Amylopectinosis (brancher enzyme deficiency) E74.03 Amylophagia—see Pica Amyoplasia congenita Q79.8 Amyotonia M62.89 congenita G70.2 Amyotrophia, amyotrophy, amyotrophic G71.8 congenita Q79.8 diabetic—see Diabetes, amyotrophy lateral sclerosis G12.21 neuralgic G54.5 spinal progressive G12.25 Anacidity, gastric K31.83 psychogenic F45.8 Anaerosis of newborn P28.89 Analbuminemia E88.09 Analgesia—see Anesthesia Analphalipoproteinemia E78.6


purpura D69.0 shock or reaction—see Shock, anaphylactic Anaphylactoid shock or reaction—see Shock, anaphylactic Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy O88.01- ✓ Anaphylaxis—see Shock, anaphylactic Anaplasia cervix—see also Dysplasia, cervix N87.9 Anaplasmosis [A. phagocytophilum] (transfusion transmitted) A79.82 human A77.49 Anarthria R47.1 Anasarca R60.1 cardiac—see Failure, heart, congestive lung J18.2 newborn P83.2 nutritional E43 pulmonary J18.2 renal N04.9


aneurysmal—see Aneurysm arteriovenous ruptured brain I60.8 intracerebral I61.8 intraparenchymal I61.8 intraventricular I61.5 subarachnoid I60.8 intestinal K63.89 complicated NEC K91.89 involving urinary tract N99.89 retinal and choroidal vessels (congenital) Q14.8 Anatomical narrow angle H40.03- ✓ Ancylostoma, ancylostomiasis (braziliense) (caninum) (ceylanicum) (duodenale) B76.0 Necator americanus B76.1 Andersen’s disease (glycogen storage) E74.09 Anderson-Fabry disease E75.21 Andes disease T70.29 ✓ Andrews’ disease (bacterid) L08.89


benign specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site female D27.9 male D29.20 malignant specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site female C56.9 male C62.90 specified site—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site tubular with lipid storage specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site female D27.9 male D29.20 specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site female D27.9 male D29.20 unspecified site female D39.10 male D40.10 Androgen insensitivity syndrome—see also Syndrome, androgen insensitivity E34.50 Androgen resistance syndrome—see also Syndrome, androgen insensitivity E34.50 Android pelvis Q74.2 with disproportion (fetopelvic) O33.3 ✓ causing obstructed labor O65.3 Androphobia F40.290 Anectasis, pulmonary (newborn)—see Atelectasis Anemia (essential) (general) (hemoglobin deficiency) (infantile) (primary) (profound) D64.9 with (due to) (in) disorder of anaerobic glycolysis D55.29 pentose phosphate pathway D55.1 koilonychia D50.9 achlorhydric D50.8 achrestic D53.1 Addison (-Biermer) (pernicious) D51.0 agranulocytic—see Agranulocytosis amino-acid-deficiency D53.0 aplastic D61.9 congenital D61.09 drug-induced D61.1 due to drugs D61.1 external agents NEC D61.2 infection D61.2 radiation D61.2 idiopathic D61.3 red cell (pure) D60.9 chronic D60.0 congenital D61.01 specified type NEC D60.8 transient D60.1 specified type NEC D61.89 toxic D61.2 aregenerative congenital D61.09 asiderotic D50.9 atypical (primary) D64.9 Baghdad spring D55.0 Balantidium coli A07.0 Biermer’s (pernicious) D51.0 blood loss (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 bothriocephalus B70.0 [D63.8] brickmaker’s B76.9 [D63.8] cerebral I67.89 childhood D58.9 chlorotic D50.8 chronic blood loss D50.0 hemolytic D58.9 idiopathic D59.9 simple D53.9 chronica congenita aregenerativa D61.09 combined system disease NEC D51.0 [G32.0] due to dietary vitamin B12 deficiency D51.3 [G32.0] complicating pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium—see Pregnancy, complicated by (management affected by), anemia congenital P61.4 aplastic D61.09 due to isoimmunization NOS P55.9 dyserythropoietic, dyshematopoietic D64.4 following fetal blood loss P61.3 Heinz body D58.2 hereditary hemolytic NOS D58.9 pernicious D51.0 spherocytic D58.0 Cooley’s (erythroblastic) D56.1 cytogenic D51.0 deficiency D53.9 2, 3 diphosphoglycurate mutase D55.29 2, 3 PG D55.29 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase D55.1 6-PGD D55.1 amino-acid D53.0 combined B12 and folate D53.1 enzyme D55.9 drug-induced (hemolytic) D59.2 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) D55.0 glycolytic D55.29 nucleotide metabolism D55.3 related to hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt pathway NEC D55.1 specified type NEC D55.8 erythrocytic glutathione D55.1 folate D52.9 dietary D52.0 drug-induced D52.1 folic acid D52.9 dietary D52.0 drug-induced D52.1 G SH D55.1 G6PD D55.0 GGS-R D55.1 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase D55.0 glutathione reductase D55.1 glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase D55.29 hexokinase D55.29 iron D50.9 secondary to blood loss (chronic) D50.0 nutritional D53.9 with poor iron absorption D50.8 specified deficiency NEC D53.8 phosphofructo-aldolase D55.29 phosphoglycerate kinase D55.29 PK D55.21 protein D53.0 pyruvate kinase D55.21 transcobalamin II D51.2 triose-phosphate isomerase D55.29 vitamin B12 NOS D51.9 dietary D51.3 due to intrinsic factor deficiency D51.0 selective vitamin B12 malabsorption with proteinuria D51.1 pernicious D51.0 specified type NEC D51.8 Diamond-Blackfan (congenital hypoplastic) D61.01 dibothriocephalus B70.0 [D63.8] dimorphic D53.1 diphasic D53.1 Diphyllobothrium (Dibothriocephalus) B70.0 [D63.8] due to (in) (with) antineoplastic chemotherapy D64.81 blood loss (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 chemotherapy, antineoplastic D64.81 chronic disease classified elsewhere NEC D63.8 chronic kidney disease D63.1 deficiency amino-acid D53.0 copper D53.8 folate (folic acid) D52.9 dietary D52.0 drug-induced D52.1 molybdenum D53.8 protein D53.0 zinc D53.8 dietary vitamin B12 deficiency D51.3 disorder of glutathione metabolism D55.1 nucleotide metabolism D55.3 drug—see Anemia, by type—see also Table of Drugs and Chemicals end stage renal disease D63.1 enzyme disorder D55.9 fetal blood loss P61.3 fish tapeworm (D.latum) infestation B70.0 [D63.8] hemorrhage (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 impaired absorption D50.9 loss of blood (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 myxedema E03.9 [D63.8] Necator americanus B76.1 [D63.8] prematurity P61.2 selective vitamin B12 malabsorption with proteinuria D51.1 transcobalamin II deficiency D51.2 Dyke-Young type (secondary) (symptomatic) D59.19 dyserythropoietic (congenital) D64.4 dyshematopoietic (congenital) D64.4 Egyptian B76.9 [D63.8] elliptocytosis—see Elliptocytosis enzyme-deficiency, drug-induced D59.2 epidemic—see also Ancylostomiasis B76.9 [D63.8] erythroblastic familial D56.1 newborn—see also Disease, hemolytic P55.9 of childhood D56.1 erythrocytic glutathione deficiency D55.1 erythropoietin-resistant anemia (EPO resistant anemia) D63.1 Faber’s (achlorhydric anemia) D50.9 factitious (self-induced blood letting) D50.0 familial erythroblastic D56.1 Fanconi’s (congenital pancytopenia) D61.09 favism D55.0 fish tapeworm (D. latum) infestation B70.0 [D63.8] folate (folic acid) deficiency D52.9 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency D55.0 glutathione-reductase deficiency D55.1 goat’s milk D52.0 granulocytic—see Agranulocytosis Heinz body, congenital D58.2 hemolytic D58.9 acquired D59.9 with hemoglobinuria NEC D59.6 autoimmune NEC D59.19 infectious D59.4 specified type NEC D59.8 toxic D59.4 acute D59.9 due to enzyme deficiency specified type NEC D55.8 Lederer’s D59.19 autoimmune D59.10 cold D59.12 drug-induced D59.0 mixed D59.13 warm D59.11 chronic D58.9 idiopathic D59.9 cold type (primary) (secondary) (symptomatic) D59.12 congenital (spherocytic)—see Spherocytosis due to cardiac conditions D59.4 drugs (nonautoimmune) D59.2 autoimmune D59.0 enzyme disorder D55.9 drug-induced D59.2 presence of shunt or other internal prosthetic device D59.4 familial D58.9 hereditary D58.9 due to enzyme disorder D55.9 specified type NEC D55.8 specified type NEC D58.8 idiopathic (chronic) D59.9 mechanical D59.4 microangiopathic D59.4 mixed type (primary) (secondary) (symptomatic) D59.13 nonautoimmune D59.4 drug-induced D59.2 nonspherocytic congenital or hereditary NEC D55.8 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency D55.0 pyruvate kinase deficiency D55.21 type I D55.1 II D55.29 type I D55.1 II D55.29 primary autoimmune cold type D59.12 mixed type D59.13 warm type D59.11 secondary D59.4 autoimmune cold type D59.12 mixed type D59.13 warm type D59.11 specified (hereditary) type NEC D58.8 Stransky-Regala type—see also Hemoglobinopathy D58.8 symptomatic D59.4 autoimmune cold type D59.12 mixed type D59.13 warm type D59.11 toxic D59.4 warm type (primary) (secondary) (symptomatic) D59.11 hemorrhagic (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 Herrick’s D57.1 hexokinase deficiency D55.29 hookworm B76.9 [D63.8] hypochromic (idiopathic) (microcytic) (normoblastic) D50.9 due to blood loss (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 familial sex-linked D64.0 pyridoxine-responsive D64.3 sideroblastic, sex-linked D64.0 hypoplasia, red blood cells D61.9 congenital or familial D61.01 hypoplastic (idiopathic) D61.9 congenital or familial (of childhood) D61.01 hypoproliferative (refractive) D61.9 idiopathic D64.9 aplastic D61.3 hemolytic, chronic D59.9 in (due to) (with) chronic kidney disease D63.1 end stage renal disease D63.1 failure, kidney (renal) D63.1 neoplastic disease—see also Neoplasm D63.0 intertropical—see also Ancylostomiasis D63.8 iron deficiency D50.9 secondary to blood loss (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 specified type NEC D50.8 Joseph-Diamond-Blackfan (congenital hypoplastic) D61.01 Lederer’s (hemolytic) D59.19 leukoerythroblastic D61.82 macrocytic D53.9 nutritional D52.0 tropical D52.8 malarial—see also Malaria B54 [D63.8] malignant (progressive) D51.0 malnutrition D53.9 marsh—see also Malaria B54 [D63.8] Mediterranean (with other hemoglobinopathy) D56.9 megaloblastic D53.1 combined B12 and folate deficiency D53.1 hereditary D51.1 nutritional D52.0 orotic aciduria D53.0 refractory D53.1 specified type NEC D53.1 megalocytic D53.1 microcytic (hypochromic) D50.9 due to blood loss (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 familial D56.8 microdrepanocytosis D57.40 microelliptopoikilocytic (Rietti-Greppi- Micheli) D56.9 miner’s B76.9 [D63.8] myelodysplastic D46.9 myelofibrosis D75.81 myelogenous D64.89 myelopathic D64.89 myelophthisic D61.82 myeloproliferative D47.Z9 (following D47.4) newborn P61.4 due to ABO (antibodies, isoimmunization, maternal/fetal incompatibility) P55.1 Rh (antibodies, isoimmunization, maternal/fetal incompatibility) P55.0 following fetal blood loss P61.3 posthemorrhagic (fetal) P61.3 nonspherocytic hemolytic—see Anemia, hemolytic, nonspherocytic normocytic (infectional) D64.9 due to blood loss (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 myelophthisic D61.82 nutritional (deficiency) D53.9 with poor iron absorption D50.8 specified deficiency NEC D53.8 megaloblastic D52.0 of prematurity P61.2 orotaciduric (congenital) (hereditary) D53.0 osteosclerotic D64.89 ovalocytosis (hereditary)—see Elliptocytosis paludal—see also Malaria B54 [D63.8] pernicious (congenital) (malignant) (progressive) D51.0 pleochromic D64.89 of sprue D52.8 posthemorrhagic (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 newborn P61.3 postoperative (postprocedural) due to (acute) blood loss D62 chronic blood loss D50.0 specified NEC D64.89 postpartum O90.81 pressure D64.89 progressive D64.9 malignant D51.0 pernicious D51.0 protein-deficiency D53.0 pseudoleukemica infantum D64.89 pure red cell D60.9 congenital D61.01 pyridoxine-responsive D64.3 pyruvate kinase deficiency D55.21 refractory D46.4 with excess of blasts D46.20 1 (RAEB 1) D46.21 2 (RAEB 2) D46.22 in transformation (RAEB T)—see Leukemia, acute myeloblastic hemochromatosis D46.1 sideroblasts (ring) (RARS) D46.1 megaloblastic D53.1 sideroblastic D46.1 sideropenic D50.9 without ring sideroblasts, so stated D46.0 without sideroblasts without excess of blasts D46.0 Rietti-Greppi-Micheli D56.9 scorbutic D53.2 secondary to blood loss (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 hemorrhage (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 semiplastic D61.89 sickle-cell—see Disease, sickle-cell sideroblastic D64.3 hereditary D64.0 hypochromic, sex-linked D64.0 pyridoxine-responsive NEC D64.3 refractory D46.1 secondary (due to) disease D64.1 drugs and toxins D64.2 specified type NEC D64.3 sideropenic (refractory) D50.9 due to blood loss (chronic) D50.0 acute D62 simple chronic D53.9 specified type NEC D64.89 spherocytic (hereditary)—see Spherocytosis splenic D64.89 splenomegalic D64.89 stomatocytosis D58.8 syphilitic (acquired) (late) A52.79 [D63.8] target cell D64.89 thalassemia D56.9 thrombocytopenic—see Thrombocytopenia toxic D61.2 tropical B76.9 [D63.8] macrocytic D52.8 tuberculous A18.89 [D63.8] vegan D51.3 vitamin B12 deficiency (dietary) pernicious D51.0 B6-responsive D64.3 von Jaksch’s D64.89 Witts’ (achlorhydric anemia) D50.8 Anemophobia F40.228 Anencephalus, anencephaly Q00.0 Anergasia—see Psychosis, organic Anesthesia, anesthetic R20.0 complication or reaction NEC—see also Complications, anesthesia T88.59 ✓ due to correct substance properly administered—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect overdose or wrong substance given—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning unintended awareness under general anesthesia during procedure T88.53 ✓ personal history of Z92.84 cornea H18.81- ✓ dissociative F44.6 functional (hysterical) F44.6 hyperesthetic, thalamic G89.0 hysterical F44.6 local skin lesion R20.0 sexual (psychogenic) F52.1 shock (due to) T88.2 ✓ skin R20.0 testicular N50.9 Anetoderma (maculosum) (of) L90.8 Jadassohn-Pellizzari L90.2 Schweniger-Buzzi L90.1 Aneurin deficiency E51.9 Aneurysm (anastomotic) (artery) (cirsoid) (diffuse) (false) (fusiform) (multiple) (saccular) I72.9 abdominal (aorta) I71.4 ruptured I71.3 syphilitic A52.01 aorta, aortic (nonsyphilitic) I71.9 abdominal I71.4 ruptured I71.3 arch I71.2 ruptured I71.1 arteriosclerotic I71.9 ruptured I71.8 ascending I71.2 ruptured I71.1 congenital Q25.43 descending I71.9 abdominal I71.4 ruptured I71.3 ruptured I71.8 thoracic I71.2 ruptured I71.1 root Q25.43 ruptured I71.8 sinus, congenital Q25.43 syphilitic A52.01 thoracic I71.2 ruptured I71.1 thoracoabdominal I71.6 ruptured I71.5 thorax, thoracic (arch) I71.2 ruptured I71.1 transverse I71.2 ruptured I71.1 valve (heart)—see also Endocarditis, aortic I35.8 arteriosclerotic I72.9 cerebral I67.1 ruptured—see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid arteriovenous (congenital)—see also Malformation, arteriovenous acquired I77.0 brain I67.1 ruptured—see Aneurysm, arteriovenous, brain, ruptured coronary I25.41 pulmonary I28.0 brain Q28.2 ruptured I60.8 intracerebral I61.8 intraparenchymal I61.8 intraventricular I61.5 subarachnoid I60.8 peripheral—see Malformation, arteriovenous, peripheral precerebral vessels Q28.0 specified site NEC—see also Malformation, arteriovenous acquired I77.0 basal—see Aneurysm, brain basilar (trunk) I72.5 berry (congenital) (nonruptured) I67.1 ruptured I60.7 brain I67.1 arteriosclerotic I67.1 ruptured—see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid arteriovenous (congenital) (nonruptured) Q28.2 acquired I67.1 ruptured—see Aneurysm, arteriovenous, brain, ruptured I60.8- ruptured—see Aneurysm, arteriovenous, brain, ruptured I60.8- berry (congenital) (nonruptured) I67.1 ruptured—see also Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid I60.7 congenital Q28.3 ruptured I60.7 meninges I67.1 ruptured I60.8 miliary (congenital) (nonruptured) I67.1 ruptured—see also Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid I60.7 mycotic I33.0 ruptured—see Aneurysm, arteriovenous, brain, ruptured I60.8 syphilitic (hemorrhage) A52.05 cardiac (false)—see also Aneurysm, heart I25.3 carotid artery (common) (external) I72.0 internal (intracranial) I67.1 extracranial portion I72.0 ruptured into brain I60.0- ✓ syphilitic A52.09 intracranial A52.05 cavernous sinus I67.1 arteriovenous (congenital) (nonruptured) Q28.3 ruptured I60.8 celiac I72.8 central nervous system, syphilitic A52.05 cerebral—see Aneurysm, brain chest—see Aneurysm, thorax circle of Willis I67.1 congenital Q28.3 ruptured I60.6 ruptured I60.6 common iliac artery I72.3 congenital (peripheral) Q27.8 aorta (root) (sinus) Q25.43 brain Q28.3 ruptured I60.7 coronary Q24.5 digestive system Q27.8 lower limb Q27.8 pulmonary Q25.79 retina Q14.1 specified site NEC Q27.8 upper limb Q27.8 conjunctiva—see Abnormality, conjunctiva, vascular conus arteriosus—see Aneurysm, heart coronary (arteriosclerotic) (artery) I25.41 arteriovenous, congenital Q24.5 congenital Q24.5 ruptured—see Infarct, myocardium syphilitic A52.06 vein I25.89 cylindroid (aorta) I71.9 ruptured I71.8 syphilitic A52.01 ductus arteriosus Q25.0 endocardial, infective (any valve) I33.0 femoral (artery) (ruptured) I72.4 gastroduodenal I72.8 gastroepiploic I72.8 heart (wall) (chronic or with a stated duration of over 4 weeks) I25.3 valve—see Endocarditis hepatic I72.8 iliac (common) (artery) (ruptured) I72.3 infective I72.9 endocardial (any valve) I33.0 innominate (nonsyphilitic) I72.8 syphilitic A52.09 interauricular septum—see Aneurysm, heart interventricular septum—see Aneurysm, heart intrathoracic (nonsyphilitic) I71.2 ruptured I71.1 syphilitic A52.01 lower limb I72.4 lung (pulmonary artery) I28.1 mediastinal (nonsyphilitic) I72.8 syphilitic A52.09 miliary (congenital) I67.1 ruptured—see Hemorrhage, intracerebral, subarachnoid, intracranial mitral (heart) (valve) I34.8 mural—see Aneurysm, heart mycotic I72.9 endocardial (any valve) I33.0 ruptured, brain—see Hemorrhage, intracerebral, subarachnoid myocardium—see Aneurysm, heart neck I72.0 pancreaticoduodenal I72.8 patent ductus arteriosus Q25.0 peripheral NEC I72.8 congenital Q27.8 digestive system Q27.8 lower limb Q27.8 specified site NEC Q27.8 upper limb Q27.8 popliteal (artery) (ruptured) I72.4 precerebral congenital (nonruptured) Q28.1 specified site, NEC I72.5 pulmonary I28.1 arteriovenous Q25.72 acquired I28.0 syphilitic A52.09 valve (heart)—see Endocarditis, pulmonary racemose (peripheral) I72.9 congenital—see Aneurysm, congenital radial I72.1 Rasmussen NEC A15.0 renal (artery) I72.2 retina—see also Disorder, retina, microaneurysms congenital Q14.1 diabetic—see E08-E13 with .3- sinus of Valsalva Q25.49 specified NEC I72.8 spinal (cord) I72.8 syphilitic (hemorrhage) A52.09 splenic I72.8 subclavian (artery) (ruptured) I72.8 syphilitic A52.09 superior mesenteric I72.8 syphilitic (aorta) A52.01 central nervous system A52.05 congenital (late) A50.54 [I79.0] spine, spinal A52.09 thoracoabdominal (aorta) I71.6 ruptured I71.5 syphilitic A52.01 thorax, thoracic (aorta) (arch) (nonsyphilitic) I71.2 ruptured I71.1 syphilitic A52.01 traumatic (complication) (early), specified site—see Injury, blood vessel tricuspid (heart) (valve) I07.8 ulnar I72.1 upper limb (ruptured) I72.1 valve, valvular—see Endocarditis venous—see also Varix I86.8 congenital Q27.8 digestive system Q27.8 lower limb Q27.8 specified site NEC Q27.8 upper limb Q27.8 ventricle—see Aneurysm, heart vertebral artery I72.6 visceral NEC I72.8 Angelman syndrome Q93.51 Anger R45.4 Angiectasis, angiectopia I99.8 Angiitis I77.6 allergic granulomatous M30.1 hypersensitivity M31.0 necrotizing M31.9 specified NEC M31.8 nervous system, granulomatous I67.7 Angina (attack) (cardiac) (chest) (heart) (pectoris) (syndrome) (vasomotor) I20.9 with atherosclerotic heart disease—see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery), documented spasm I20.1 abdominal K55.1 accelerated—see Angina, unstable agranulocytic—see Agranulocytosis angiospastic—see Angina, with documented spasm aphthous B08.5 crescendo—see Angina, unstable croupous J05.0 cruris I73.9 de novo effort—see Angina, unstable diphtheritic, membranous A36.0 equivalent I20.8 exudative, chronic J37.0 following acute myocardial infarction I23.7 gangrenous diphtheritic A36.0 intestinal K55.1 Ludovici K12.2 Ludwig’s K12.2 malignant diphtheritic A36.0 membranous J05.0 diphtheritic A36.0 Vincent’s A69.1 mesenteric K55.1 monocytic—see Mononucleosis, infectious of effort—see Angina, specified NEC phlegmonous J36 diphtheritic A36.0 post-infarctional I23.7 pre-infarctional—see Angina, unstable Prinzmetal—see Angina, with documented spasm progressive—see Angina, unstable pseudomembranous A69.1 pultaceous, diphtheritic A36.0 spasm-induced—see Angina, with documented spasm specified NEC I20.8 stable I20.8 stenocardia—see Angina, specified NEC stridulous, diphtheritic A36.2 tonsil J36 trachealis J05.0 unstable I20.0 variant—see Angina, with documented spasm Vincent’s A69.1 worsening effort—see Angina, unstable Angioblastoma—see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior Angiocholecystitis—see Cholecystitis, acute Angiocholitis—see also Cholecystitis, acute K83.09 Angiodysgenesis spinalis G95.19 Angiodysplasia (cecum) (colon) K55.20 with bleeding K55.21 duodenum (and stomach) K31.819 with bleeding K31.811 stomach (and duodenum) K31.819 with bleeding K31.811 Angioedema (allergic) (any site) (with urticaria) T78.3 ✓ episodic, with eosinophilia D72.118 hereditary D84.1 Angioendothelioma—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site benign D18.00 intra-abdominal D18.03 intracranial D18.02 skin D18.01 specified site NEC D18.09 bone—see Neoplasm, bone, malignant Ewing’s—see Neoplasm, bone, malignant Angioendotheliomatosis C85.8- ✓ Angiofibroma—see also Neoplasm, benign, by site juvenile specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site D10.6 Angiohemophilia (A) (B) D68.0 Angioid streaks (choroid) (macula) (retina) H35.33 Angiokeratoma—see Neoplasm, skin, benign corporis diffusum E75.21 Angioleiomyoma—see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign Angiolipoma—see also Lipoma infiltrating—see Lipoma Angioma—see also Hemangioma, by site capillary I78.1 hemorrhagicum hereditaria I78.0 intra-abdominal D18.03 intracranial D18.02 malignant—see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant plexiform D18.00 intra-abdominal D18.03 intracranial D18.02 skin D18.01 specified site NEC D18.09 senile I78.1 serpiginosum L81.7 skin D18.01 specified site NEC D18.09 spider I78.1 stellate I78.1 venous Q28.3 Angiomatosis Q82.8 bacillary A79.89 encephalotrigeminal Q85.8 hemorrhagic familial I78.0 hereditary familial I78.0 liver K76.4 Angiomyolipoma—see Lipoma Angiomyoliposarcoma—see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant Angiomyoma—see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign Angiomyosarcoma—see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant Angiomyxoma—see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior Angioneurosis F45.8 Angioneurotic edema (allergic) (any site) (with urticaria) T78.3 ✓ hereditary D84.1 Angiopathia, angiopathy I99.9 cerebral I67.9 amyloid E85.4 [I68.0] diabetic (peripheral)—see Diabetes, angiopathy peripheral I73.9 diabetic—see Diabetes, angiopathy specified type NEC I73.89 retinae syphilitica A52.05 retinalis (juvenilis) diabetic—see Diabetes, retinopathy proliferative—see Retinopathy, proliferative Angiosarcoma—see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant liver C22.3 Angiosclerosis—see Arteriosclerosis Angiospasm (peripheral) (traumatic) (vessel) I73.9 brachial plexus G54.0 cerebral G45.9 cervical plexus G54.2 nerve arm—see Mononeuropathy, upper limb axillary G54.0 median—see Lesion, nerve, median ulnar—see Lesion, nerve, ulnar axillary G54.0 leg—see Mononeuropathy, lower limb median—see Lesion, nerve, median plantar—see Lesion, nerve, plantar ulnar—see Lesion, nerve, ulnar Angiospastic disease or edema I73.9


due to Parastrongylus cantonensis B83.2 costaricensis B81.3 intestinal B81.3 Anguillulosis—see Strongyloidiasis


cecum—see Obstruction, intestine coccyx (acquired)—see also subcategory M43.8 ✓ congenital NEC Q76.49 femur (acquired)—see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, thigh congenital Q74.2 intestine (large) (small)—see Obstruction, intestine sacrum (acquired)—see also subcategory M43.8 ✓ congenital NEC Q76.49 sigmoid (flexure)—see Obstruction, intestine spine—see Dorsopathy, deforming, specified NEC tibia (acquired)—see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, lower leg congenital Q74.2 ureter N13.5 with infection N13.6 wrist (acquired)—see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm congenital Q74.0 Angulus infectiosus (lips) K13.0 Anhedonia R45.84 sexual F52.0 Anhidrosis L74.4 Anhydration E86.0 Anhydremia E86.0 Anidrosis L74.4 Aniridia (congenital) Q13.1 Anisakiasis (infection) (infestation) B81.0 Anisakis larvae infestation B81.0 Aniseikonia H52.32 Anisocoria (pupil) H57.02 congenital Q13.2 Anisocytosis R71.8 Anisometropia (congenital) H52.31 Ankle—see condition Ankyloblepharon (eyelid) (acquired)—see also Blepharophimosis filiforme (adnatum) (congenital) Q10.3 total Q10.3 Ankyloglossia Q38.1 Ankylosis (fibrous) (osseous) (joint) M24.60 ankle M24.67- ✓ arthrodesis status Z98.1 cricoarytenoid (cartilage) (joint) (larynx) J38.7 dental K03.5 ear ossicles H74.31- ✓ elbow M24.62- ✓ foot M24.67- ✓ hand M24.64- ✓ hip M24.65- ✓ incostapedial joint (infectional)—see Ankylosis, ear ossicles jaw (temporomandibular) M26.61- ✓ knee M24.66- ✓ lumbosacral (joint) M43.27 postoperative (status) Z98.1 produced by surgical fusion, status Z98.1 sacro-iliac (joint) M43.28 shoulder M24.61- ✓ specified site NEC M24.69 spine (joint)—see also Fusion, spine spondylitic—see Spondylitis, ankylosing surgical Z98.1 temporomandibular M26.61- ✓ tooth, teeth (hard tissues) K03.5 wrist M24.63- ✓ Ankylostoma—see Ancylostoma Ankylostomiasis—see Ancylostomiasis Ankylurethria—see Stricture, urethra Annular—see also condition detachment, cervix N88.8 organ or site, congenital NEC—see Distortion pancreas (congenital) Q45.1 Anodontia (complete) (partial) (vera) K00.0 acquired K08.10 ✓ Anomaly, anomalous (congenital) (unspecified type) Q89.9 abdominal wall NEC Q79.59 acoustic nerve Q07.8 adrenal (gland) Q89.1 Alder (-Reilly) (leukocyte granulation) D72.0 alimentary tract Q45.9 upper Q40.9 alveolar M26.70 hyperplasia M26.79 mandibular M26.72 maxillary M26.71 hypoplasia M26.79 mandibular M26.74 maxillary M26.73 ridge (process) M26.79 specified NEC M26.79 ankle (joint) Q74.2 anus Q43.9 aorta (arch) NEC Q25.40 coarctation (preductal) (postductal) Q25.1 aortic cusp or valve Q23.9 appendix Q43.8 apple peel syndrome Q41.1 aqueduct of Sylvius Q03.0 with spina bifida—see Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus arm Q74.0 arteriovenous NEC coronary Q24.5 gastrointestinal Q27.33 acquired—see Angiodysplasia artery (peripheral) Q27.9 basilar NEC Q28.1 cerebral Q28.3 coronary Q24.5 digestive system Q27.8 eye Q15.8 great Q25.9 specified NEC Q25.8 lower limb Q27.8 peripheral Q27.9 specified NEC Q27.8 pulmonary NEC Q25.79 renal Q27.2 retina Q14.1 specified site NEC Q27.8 subclavian Q27.8 origin Q25.48 umbilical Q27.0 upper limb Q27.8 vertebral NEC Q28.1 aryteno-epiglottic folds Q31.8 atrial bands or folds Q20.8 septa Q21.1 atrioventricular excitation I45.6 septum Q21.0 auditory canal Q17.8 auricle ear Q17.8 causing impairment of hearing Q16.9 heart Q20.8 Axenfeld’s Q15.0 back Q89.9 band atrial Q20.8 heart Q24.8 ventricular Q24.8 Bartholin’s duct Q38.4 biliary duct or passage Q44.5 bladder Q64.70 absence Q64.5 diverticulum Q64.6 exstrophy Q64.10 cloacal Q64.12 extroversion Q64.19 specified type NEC Q64.19 supravesical fissure Q64.11 neck obstruction Q64.31 specified type NEC Q64.79 bone Q79.9 arm Q74.0 face Q75.9 leg Q74.2 pelvic girdle Q74.2 shoulder girdle Q74.0 skull Q75.9 with anencephaly Q00.0 encephalocele—see Encephalocele hydrocephalus Q03.9 with spina bifida—see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus microcephaly Q02 brain (multiple) Q04.9 vessel Q28.3 breast Q83.9 broad ligament Q50.6 bronchus Q32.4 bulbus cordis Q21.9 bursa Q79.9 canal of Nuck Q52.4 canthus Q10.3 capillary Q27.9 cardiac Q24.9 chambers Q20.9 specified NEC Q20.8 septal closure Q21.9 specified NEC Q21.8 valve NEC Q24.8 pulmonary Q22.3 cardiovascular system Q28.8 carpus Q74.0 caruncle, lacrimal Q10.6 cascade stomach Q40.2 cauda equina Q06.3 cecum Q43.9 cerebral Q04.9 vessels Q28.3 cervix Q51.9 Chédiak-Higashi (-Steinbrinck) (congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules) E70.330 cheek Q18.9 chest wall Q67.8 bones Q76.9 chin Q18.9 chordae tendineae Q24.8 choroid Q14.3 plexus Q07.8 chromosomes, chromosomal Q99.9 D (1)—see condition, chromosome 13 E (3)—see condition, chromosome 18 G—see condition, chromosome 21 sex female phenotype Q97.8 gonadal dysgenesis (pure) Q99.1 Klinefelter’s Q98.4 male phenotype Q98.9 Turner’s Q96.9 specified NEC Q99.8 cilia Q10.3 circulatory system Q28.9 clavicle Q74.0 clitoris Q52.6 coccyx Q76.49 colon Q43.9 common duct Q44.5 communication coronary artery Q24.5 left ventricle with right atrium Q21.0 concha (ear) Q17.3 connection portal vein Q26.5 pulmonary venous Q26.4 partial Q26.3 total Q26.2 renal artery with kidney Q27.2 cornea (shape) Q13.4 coronary artery or vein Q24.5 cranium—see Anomaly, skull cricoid cartilage Q31.8 cystic duct Q44.5 dental alveolar—see Anomaly, alveolar arch relationship M26.20 specified NEC M26.29 dentofacial M26.9 alveolar—see Anomaly, alveolar dental arch relationship M26.20 specified NEC M26.29 functional M26.50 specified NEC M26.59 jaw size M26.00 macrogenia M26.05 mandibular hyperplasia M26.03 hypoplasia M26.04 maxillary hyperplasia M26.01 hypoplasia M26.02 microgenia M26.06 specified type NEC M26.09 jaw-cranial base relationship M26.10 asymmetry M26.12 maxillary M26.11 specified type NEC M26.19 malocclusion M26.4 dental arch relationship NEC M26.29 jaw size—see Anomaly, dentofacial, jaw size jaw-cranial base relationship—see Anomaly, dentofacial, jaw-cranial base relationship specified type NEC M26.89 temporomandibular joint M26.60- ✓ adhesions M26.61- ✓ ankylosis M26.61- ✓ arthralgia M26.62- ✓ articular disc M26.63- ✓ specified type NEC M26.69 tooth position, fully erupted M26.30 specified NEC M26.39 dermatoglyphic Q82.8 diaphragm (apertures) NEC Q79.1 digestive organ(s) or tract Q45.9 lower Q43.9 upper Q40.9 distance, interarch (excessive) (inadequate) M26.25 distribution, coronary artery Q24.5 ductus arteriosus Q25.0 botalli Q25.0 duodenum Q43.9 dura (brain) Q04.9 spinal cord Q06.9 ear (external) Q17.9 causing impairment of hearing Q16.9 inner Q16.5 middle (causing impairment of hearing) Q16.4 ossicles Q16.3 Ebstein’s (heart) (tricuspid valve) Q22.5 ectodermal Q82.9 Eisenmenger’s (ventricular septal defect) Q21.8 ejaculatory duct Q55.4 elbow Q74.0 endocrine gland NEC Q89.2 epididymis Q55.4 epiglottis Q31.8 esophagus Q39.9 eustachian tube Q17.8 eye Q15.9 anterior segment Q13.9 specified NEC Q13.89 posterior segment Q14.9 specified NEC Q14.8 ptosis (eyelid) Q10.0 specified NEC Q15.8 eyebrow Q18.8 eyelid Q10.3 ptosis Q10.0 face Q18.9 bone(s) Q75.9 fallopian tube Q50.6 fascia Q79.9 femur NEC Q74.2 fibula NEC Q74.2 finger Q74.0 fixation, intestine Q43.3 flexion (joint) NOS Q74.9 hip or thigh Q65.89 foot NEC Q74.2 varus (congenital) Q66.3- ✓ foramen Botalli Q21.1 ovale Q21.1 forearm Q74.0 forehead Q75.8 form, teeth K00.2 fovea centralis Q14.1 frontal bone—see Anomaly, skull gallbladder (position) (shape) (size) Q44.1 Gartner’s duct Q52.4 gastrointestinal tract Q45.9 genitalia, genital organ(s) or system female Q52.9 external Q52.70 internal NOS Q52.9 male Q55.9 hydrocele P83.5 specified NEC Q55.8 genitourinary NEC female Q52.9 male Q55.9 Gerbode Q21.0 glottis Q31.8 granulation or granulocyte, genetic (constitutional) (leukocyte) D72.0 gum Q38.6 gyri Q07.9 hair Q84.2 hand Q74.0 hard tissue formation in pulp K04.3 head—see Anomaly, skull heart Q24.9 auricle Q20.8 bands or folds Q24.8 fibroelastosis cordis I42.4 obstructive NEC Q22.6 patent ductus arteriosus (Botalli) Q25.0 septum Q21.9 auricular Q21.1 interatrial Q21.1 interventricular Q21.0 with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta and hypertrophy of right ventricle Q21.3 specified NEC Q21.8 ventricular Q21.0 with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta and hypertrophy of right ventricle Q21.3 tetralogy of Fallot Q21.3 valve NEC Q24.8 aortic bicuspid valve Q23.1 insufficiency Q23.1 stenosis Q23.0 subaortic Q24.4 mitral insufficiency Q23.3 stenosis Q23.2 pulmonary Q22.3 atresia Q22.0 insufficiency Q22.2 stenosis Q22.1 infundibular Q24.3 subvalvular Q24.3 tricuspid atresia Q22.4 stenosis Q22.4 ventricle Q20.8 heel NEC Q74.2 Hegglin’s D72.0 hemianencephaly Q00.0 hemicephaly Q00.0 hemicrania Q00.0 hepatic duct Q44.5 hip NEC Q74.2 hourglass stomach Q40.2 humerus Q74.0 hydatid of Morgagni female Q50.5 male (epididymal) Q55.4 testicular Q55.29 hymen Q52.4 hypersegmentation of neutrophils, hereditary D72.0 hypophyseal Q89.2 ileocecal (coil) (valve) Q43.9 ileum Q43.9 ilium NEC Q74.2 integument Q84.9 specified NEC Q84.8 interarch distance (excessive) (inadequate) M26.25 intervertebral cartilage or disc Q76.49 intestine (large) (small) Q43.9 with anomalous adhesions, fixation or malrotation Q43.3 iris Q13.2 ischium NEC Q74.2 jaw—see Anomaly, dentofacial alveolar—see Anomaly, alveolar jaw-cranial base relationship—see Anomaly, dentofacial, jaw-cranial base relationship jejunum Q43.8 joint Q74.9 specified NEC Q74.8 Jordan’s D72.0 kidney(s) (calyx) (pelvis) Q63.9 artery Q27.2 specified NEC Q63.8 Klippel-Feil (brevicollis) Q76.1 knee Q74.1 labium (majus) (minus) Q52.70 labyrinth, membranous Q16.5 lacrimal apparatus or duct Q10.6 larynx, laryngeal (muscle) Q31.9 web (bed) Q31.0 lens Q12.9 leukocytes, genetic D72.0 granulation (constitutional) D72.0 lid (fold) Q10.3 ligament Q79.9 broad Q50.6 round Q52.8 limb Q74.9 lower NEC Q74.2 reduction deformity—see Defect, reduction, lower limb upper Q74.0 lip Q38.0 liver Q44.7 duct Q44.5 lower limb NEC Q74.2 lumbosacral (joint) (region) Q76.49 kyphosis—see Kyphosis, congenital lordosis—see Lordosis, congenital lung (fissure) (lobe) Q33.9 mandible—see Anomaly, dentofacial maxilla—see Anomaly, dentofacial May (-Hegglin) D72.0 meatus urinarius NEC Q64.79 meningeal bands or folds Q07.9 constriction of Q07.8 spinal Q06.9 meninges Q07.9 cerebral Q04.8 spinal Q06.9 meningocele Q05.9 mesentery Q45.9 metacarpus Q74.0 metatarsus NEC Q74.2 middle ear Q16.4 ossicles Q16.3 mitral (leaflets) (valve) Q23.9 insufficiency Q23.3 specified NEC Q23.8 stenosis Q23.2 mouth Q38.6 Müllerian—see also Anomaly, by site uterus NEC Q51.818 multiple NEC Q89.7 muscle Q79.9 eyelid Q10.3 musculoskeletal system, except limbs Q79.9 myocardium Q24.8 nail Q84.6 narrowness, eyelid Q10.3 nasal sinus (wall) Q30.8 neck (any part) Q18.9 nerve Q07.9 acoustic Q07.8 optic Q07.8 nervous system (central) Q07.9 nipple Q83.9 nose, nasal (bones) (cartilage) (septum) (sinus) Q30.9 specified NEC Q30.8 ocular muscle Q15.8 omphalomesenteric duct Q43.0 opening, pulmonary veins Q26.4 optic disc Q14.2 nerve Q07.8 opticociliary vessels Q13.2 orbit (eye) Q10.7 organ Q89.9 of Corti Q16.5 origin artery innominate Q25.8 pulmonary Q25.79 renal Q27.2 subclavian Q25.48 osseous meatus (ear) Q16.1 ovary Q50.39 oviduct Q50.6 palate (hard) (soft) NEC Q38.5 pancreas or pancreatic duct Q45.3 papillary muscles Q24.8 parathyroid gland Q89.2 paraurethral ducts Q64.79 parotid (gland) Q38.4 patella Q74.1 Pelger-Huët (hereditary hyposegmentation) D72.0 pelvic girdle NEC Q74.2 pelvis (bony) NEC Q74.2 rachitic E64.3 penis (glans) Q55.69 pericardium Q24.8 peripheral vascular system Q27.9 Peter’s Q13.4 pharynx Q38.8 pigmentation L81.9 congenital Q82.8 pituitary (gland) Q89.2 pleural (folds) Q34.0 portal vein Q26.5 connection Q26.5 position, tooth, teeth, fully erupted M26.30 specified NEC M26.39 precerebral vessel Q28.1 prepuce Q55.69 prostate Q55.4 pulmonary Q33.9 artery NEC Q25.79 valve Q22.3 atresia Q22.0 insufficiency Q22.2 specified type NEC Q22.3 stenosis Q22.1 infundibular Q24.3 subvalvular Q24.3 venous connection Q26.4 partial Q26.3 total Q26.2 pupil Q13.2 function H57.00 anisocoria H57.02 Argyll Robertson pupil H57.01 miosis H57.03 mydriasis H57.04 specified type NEC H57.09 tonic pupil H57.05- ✓ pylorus Q40.3 radius Q74.0 rectum Q43.9 reduction (extremity) (limb) femur (longitudinal)—see Defect, reduction, lower limb, longitudinal, femur fibula (longitudinal)—see Defect, reduction, lower limb, longitudinal, fibula lower limb—see Defect, reduction, lower limb radius (longitudinal)—see Defect, reduction, upper limb, longitudinal, radius tibia (longitudinal)—see Defect, reduction, lower limb, longitudinal, tibia ulna (longitudinal)—see Defect, reduction, upper limb, longitudinal, ulna upper limb—see Defect, reduction, upper limb refraction—see Disorder, refraction renal Q63.9 artery Q27.2 pelvis Q63.9 specified NEC Q63.8 respiratory system Q34.9 specified NEC Q34.8 retina Q14.1 rib Q76.6 cervical Q76.5 Rieger’s Q13.81 rotation—see Malrotation hip or thigh Q65.89 round ligament Q52.8 sacroiliac (joint) NEC Q74.2 sacrum NEC Q76.49 kyphosis—see Kyphosis, congenital lordosis—see Lordosis, congenital saddle nose, syphilitic A50.57 salivary duct or gland Q38.4 scapula Q74.0 scrotum—see Malformation, testis and scrotum sebaceous gland Q82.9 seminal vesicles Q55.4 sense organs NEC Q07.8 sex chromosomes NEC—see also Anomaly, chromosomes female phenotype Q97.8 male phenotype Q98.9 shoulder (girdle) (joint) Q74.0 sigmoid (flexure) Q43.9 simian crease Q82.8 sinus of Valsalva Q25.49 skeleton generalized Q78.9 skin (appendage) Q82.9 skull Q75.9 with anencephaly Q00.0 encephalocele—see Encephalocele hydrocephalus Q03.9 with spina bifida—see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus microcephaly Q02 specified organ or site NEC Q89.8 spermatic cord Q55.4 spine, spinal NEC Q76.49 column NEC Q76.49 kyphosis—see Kyphosis, congenital lordosis—see Lordosis, congenital cord Q06.9 nerve root Q07.8 spleen Q89.09 agenesis Q89.01 stenonian duct Q38.4 sternum NEC Q76.7 stomach Q40.3 submaxillary gland Q38.4 tarsus NEC Q74.2 tendon Q79.9 testis—see Malformation, testis and scrotum thigh NEC Q74.2 thorax (wall) Q67.8 bony Q76.9 throat Q38.8 thumb Q74.0 thymus gland Q89.2 thyroid (gland) Q89.2 cartilage Q31.8 tibia NEC Q74.2 saber A50.56 toe Q74.2 tongue Q38.3 tooth, teeth K00.9 eruption K00.6 position, fully erupted M26.30 spacing, fully erupted M26.30 trachea (cartilage) Q32.1 tragus Q17.9 tricuspid (leaflet) (valve) Q22.9 atresia or stenosis Q22.4 Ebstein’s Q22.5 Uhl’s (hypoplasia of myocardium, right ventricle) Q24.8 ulna Q74.0 umbilical artery Q27.0 union cricoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage Q31.8 thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone Q31.8 trachea with larynx Q31.8 upper limb Q74.0 urachus Q64.4 ureter Q62.8 obstructive NEC Q62.39 cecoureterocele Q62.32 orthotopic ureterocele Q62.31 urethra Q64.70 absence Q64.5 double Q64.74 fistula to rectum Q64.73 obstructive Q64.39 stricture Q64.32 prolapse Q64.71 specified type NEC Q64.79 urinary tract Q64.9 uterus Q51.9 with only one functioning horn Q51.4 uvula Q38.5 vagina Q52.4 valleculae Q31.8 valve (heart) NEC Q24.8 coronary sinus Q24.5 inferior vena cava Q24.8 pulmonary Q22.3 sinus coronario Q24.5 venae cavae inferioris Q24.8 vas deferens Q55.4 vascular Q27.9 brain Q28.3 ring Q25.45 vein(s) (peripheral) Q27.9 brain Q28.3 cerebral Q28.3 coronary Q24.5 developmental Q28.3 great Q26.9 specified NEC Q26.8 vena cava (inferior) (superior) Q26.9 venous—see Anomaly, vein(s) venous return Q26.8 ventricular bands or folds Q24.8 septa Q21.0 vertebra Q76.49 kyphosis—see Kyphosis, congenital lordosis—see Lordosis, congenital vesicourethral orifice Q64.79 vessel(s) Q27.9 optic papilla Q14.2 precerebral Q28.1 vitelline duct Q43.0 vitreous body or humor Q14.0 vulva Q52.70 wrist (joint) Q74.0 Anomia R48.8 Anonychia (congenital) Q84.3 acquired L60.8 Anophthalmos, anophthalmus (congenital) (globe) Q11.1 acquired Z90.01 Anopia, anopsia H53.46- ✓ quadrant H53.46- ✓ Anorchia, anorchism, anorchidism Q55.0 Anorexia R63.0 hysterical F44.89 nervosa F50.00 atypical F50.9 binge-eating type F50.2 with purging F50.02 restricting type F50.01 Anorgasmy, psychogenic (female) F52.31 male F52.32 Anosmia R43.0 hysterical F44.6 postinfectional J39.8 Anosognosia R41.89 Anosteoplasia Q78.9 Anovulatory cycle N97.0 Anoxemia R09.02 newborn P84 Anoxia (pathological) R09.02 altitude T70.29 ✓ cerebral G93.1 complicating anesthesia (general) (local) or other sedation T88.59 ✓ in labor and delivery O74.3 in pregnancy O29.21- ✓ postpartum, puerperal O89.2 delivery (cesarean) (instrumental) O75.4 during a procedure G97.81 newborn P84 resulting from a procedure G97.82 due to drowning T75.1 ✓ high altitude T70.29 ✓ heart—see Insufficiency, coronary intrauterine P84 myocardial—see Insufficiency, coronary newborn P84 spinal cord G95.11 systemic (by suffocation) (low content in atmosphere)— see Asphyxia, traumatic

Anteflexion—see Anteversion

Antenatal care (normal pregnancy) Z34.90 screening (encounter for) of mother—see also Encounter, antenatal screening Z36.9 Antepartum—see condition Anterior—see condition Antero-occlusion M26.220 Anteversion cervix—see Anteversion, uterus femur (neck), congenital Q65.89 uterus, uterine (cervix) (postinfectional) (postpartal, old) N85.4 congenital Q51.818 in pregnancy or childbirth—see Pregnancy, complicated by Anthophobia F40.228 Anthracosilicosis J60 Anthracosis (lung) (occupational) J60 lingua K14.3 Anthrax A22.9 with pneumonia A22.1 cerebral A22.8 colitis A22.2 cutaneous A22.0 gastrointestinal A22.2 inhalation A22.1 intestinal A22.2 meningitis A22.8 pulmonary A22.1 respiratory A22.1 sepsis A22.7 specified manifestation NEC A22.8 Anthropoid pelvis Q74.2 with disproportion (fetopelvic) O33.0 Anthropophobia F40.10 generalized F40.11 Antibodies, maternal (blood group)—see Isoimmunization, affecting management of pregnancy anti-D—see Isoimmunization, affecting management of pregnancy, Rh newborn P55.0 Antibody anticardiolipin R76.0 with hemorrhagic disorder D68.312 hypercoagulable state D68.61 antiphosphatidylglycerol R76.0 with hemorrhagic disorder D68.312 hypercoagulable state D68.61 antiphosphatidylinositol R76.0 with hemorrhagic disorder D68.312 hypercoagulable state D68.61 antiphosphatidylserine R76.0 with hemorrhagic disorder D68.312 hypercoagulable state D68.61 antiphospholipid R76.0 with hemorrhagic disorder D68.312 hypercoagulable state D68.61 Anticardiolipin syndrome D68.61 Anticoagulant, circulating (intrinsic)—see also Disorder, hemorrhagic D68.318 drug-induced (extrinsic)—see also Disorder, hemorrhagic D68.32 iatrogenic D68.32 Antidiuretic hormone syndrome E22.2 Antimonial cholera—see Poisoning, antimony Antiphospholipid antibody with hemorrhagic disorder D68.312 syndrome D68.61 Antisocial personality F60.2 Antithrombinemia—see Circulating anticoagulants Antithromboplastinemia D68.318 Antithromboplastinogenemia D68.318 Antitoxin complication or reaction—see Complications, vaccination Antlophobia F40.228 Antritis J32.0 maxilla J32.0 acute J01.00 recurrent J01.01 stomach K29.60 with bleeding K29.61 Antrum, antral—see condition Anuria R34 calculous (impacted) (recurrent)—see also Calculus, urinary N20.9 following abortion—see Abortion by type complicated by, renal failure ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.4 newborn P96.0 postprocedural N99.0 postrenal N13.8 traumatic (following crushing) T79.5 ✓ Anus, anal—see condition Anusitis K62.89 Anxiety F41.9 depression F41.8 episodic paroxysmal F41.0 generalized F41.1 hysteria F41.8 neurosis F41.1 panic type F41.0 reaction F41.1 separation, abnormal (of childhood) F93.0 specified NEC F41.8 state F41.1 Aorta, aortic—see condition Aortectasia—see Ectasia, aorta with aneurysm—see Aneurysm, aorta Aortitis (nonsyphilitic) (calcific) I77.6 arteriosclerotic I70.0 Doehle-Heller A52.02 luetic A52.02 rheumatic—see Endocarditis, acute, rheumatic specific (syphilitic) A52.02 syphilitic A52.02 congenital A50.54 [I79.1] Apathetic thyroid storm—see Thyrotoxicosis Apathy R45.3 Apeirophobia F40.228 Apepsia K30 psychogenic F45.8 Aperistalsis, esophagus K22.0 Apertognathia M26.29 Apert’s syndrome Q87.0 Aphagia R13.0 psychogenic F50.9 Aphakia (acquired) (postoperative) H27.0- ✓ congenital Q12.3 Aphasia (amnestic) (global) (nominal) (semantic) (syntactic) R47.01 acquired, with epilepsy (Landau-Kleffner syndrome)—see Epilepsy, specified NEC auditory (developmental) F80.2 developmental (receptive type) F80.2 expressive type F80.1 Wernicke’s F80.2 following cerebrovascular disease I69.920 cerebral infarction I69.320 intracerebral hemorrhage I69.120 nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.220 specified disease NEC I69.820 subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.020 primary progressive G31.01 [F02.80] with behavioral disturbance G31.01 [F02.81] progressive isolated G31.01 [F02.80] with behavioral disturbance G31.01 [F02.81] sensory F80.2 syphilis, tertiary A52.19 Wernicke’s (developmental) F80.2 Aphonia (organic) R49.1 hysterical F44.4 psychogenic F44.4 Aphthae, aphthous—see also condition Bednar’s K12.0 cachectic K14.0 epizootic B08.8 fever B08.8 oral (recurrent) K12.0 stomatitis (major) (minor) K12.0 thrush B37.0 ulcer (oral) (recurrent) K12.0 genital organ(s) NEC female N76.6 male N50.89 larynx J38.7 Apical—see condition Apiphobia F40.218 Aplasia—see also Agenesis abdominal muscle syndrome Q79.4 alveolar process (acquired)—see Anomaly, alveolar congenital Q38.6 aorta (congenital) Q25.41 axialis extracorticalis (congenita) E75.29 bone marrow (myeloid) D61.9 congenital D61.01 brain Q00.0 part of Q04.3 bronchus Q32.4 cementum K00.4 cerebellum Q04.3 cervix (congenital) Q51.5 congenital pure red cell D61.01 corpus callosum Q04.0 cutis congenita Q84.8 erythrocyte congenital D61.01 extracortical axial E75.29 eye Q11.1 fovea centralis (congenital) Q14.1 gallbladder, congenital Q44.0 iris Q13.1 labyrinth, membranous Q16.5 limb (congenital) Q73.8 lower—see Defect, reduction, lower limb upper—see Agenesis, arm lung, congenital (bilateral) (unilateral) Q33.3 pancreas Q45.0 parathyroid-thymic D82.1 Pelizaeus-Merzbacher E75.29 penis Q55.5 prostate Q55.4 red cell (with thymoma) D60.9 acquired D60.9 due to drugs D60.9 adult D60.9 chronic D60.0 congenital D61.01 constitutional D61.01 due to drugs D60.9 hereditary D61.01 of infants D61.01 primary D61.01 pure D61.01 due to drugs D60.9 specified type NEC D60.8 transient D60.1 round ligament Q52.8 skin Q84.8 spermatic cord Q55.4 spleen Q89.01 testicle Q55.0 thymic, with immunodeficiency D82.1 thyroid (congenital) (with myxedema) E03.1 uterus Q51.0 ventral horn cell Q06.1 Apnea, apneic (of) (spells) R06.81 newborn NEC P28.4 obstructive P28.4 sleep (central) (obstructive) (primary) P28.3 prematurity P28.4 sleep G47.30 central (primary) G47.31 idiopathic G47.31 in conditions classified elsewhere G47.37 obstructive (adult) (pediatric) G47.33 hypopnea G47.33 primary central G47.31 specified NEC G47.39 Apneumatosis, newborn P28.0 Apocrine metaplasia (breast)—see Dysplasia, mammary, specified type NEC Apophysitis (bone)—see also Osteochondropathy calcaneus M92.8 juvenile M92.9 Apoplectiform convulsions (cerebral ischemia) I67.82 Apoplexia, apoplexy, apoplectic adrenal A39.1 heart (auricle) (ventricle)—see Infarct, myocardium heat T67.01 ✓ hemorrhagic (stroke)—see Hemorrhage, intracranial meninges, hemorrhagic—see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid uremic N18.9 [I68.8




bizarre R46.1 specified NEC R46.89 very low level of personal hygiene R46.0 Appendage epididymal (organ of Morgagni) Q55.4 intestine (epiploic) Q43.8 preauricular Q17.0 testicular (organ of Morgagni) Q55.29 Appendicitis (pneumococcal) (retrocecal) K37 with gangrene K35.891 perforation NOS K35.32 peritoneal abscess K35.33 peritonitis NEC K35.33 generalized (with perforation or rupture) K35.20 with abscess K35.21 localized K35.30 with gangrene K35.31 perforation K35.32 and abscess K35.33 rupture (with localized peritonitis) K35.32 acute (catarrhal) (fulminating) (gangrenous) (obstructive) (retrocecal) (suppurative) K35.80 with gangrene K35.891 peritoneal abscess K35.33 peritonitis NEC K35.33 generalized (with perforation or rupture) K35.20 with abscess K35.21 localized K35.30 with gangrene K35.31 perforation K35.32 and abscess K35.33 specified NEC K35.890 with gangrene K35.891 amebic A06.89 chronic (recurrent) K36 exacerbation—see Appendicitis, acute gangrenous—see Appendicitis, acute healed (obliterative) K36 interval K36 neurogenic K36 obstructive K36 recurrent K36 relapsing K36 ruptured NOS (with localized peritonitis) K35.32 subacute (adhesive) K36 subsiding K36 suppurative—see Appendicitis, acute tuberculous A18.32 Appendicopathia oxyurica B80 Appendix, appendicular—see also condition epididymis Q55.4 Morgagni female Q50.5 male (epididymal) Q55.4 testicular Q55.29 testis Q55.29 Appetite depraved—see Pica excessive R63.2 lack or loss—see also Anorexia R63.0 nonorganic origin F50.89 psychogenic F50.89 perverted (hysterical)—see Pica Apple peel syndrome Q41.1 Apprehension state F41.1 Apprehensiveness, abnormal F41.9 Approximal wear K03.0 Apraxia (classic) (ideational) (ideokinetic) (ideomotor) (motor) (verbal) R48.2 following cerebrovascular disease I69.990 cerebral infarction I69.390 intracerebral hemorrhage I69.190 nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.290 specified disease NEC I69.890 subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.090 oculomotor, congenital H51.8 Aptyalism K11.7 Apudoma—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site Aqueous misdirection H40.83- ✓ Arabicum elephantiasis—see Infestation, filarial Arachnitis—see Meningitis Arachnodactyly—see Syndrome, Marfan’s Arachnoiditis (acute) (adhesive) (basal) (brain) (cerebrospinal)—see Meningitis Arachnophobia F40.210 Arboencephalitis, Australian A83.4 Arborization block (heart) I45.5 ARC (AIDS-related complex) B20 Arch aortic Q25.49 bovine Q25.49 Arches—see condition Arcuate uterus Q51.810 Arcuatus uterus Q51.810 Arcus (cornea) senilis—see Degeneration, cornea, senile Arc-welder’s lung J63.4 Areflexia R29.2 Areola—see condition Argentaffinoma—see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site malignant—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site syndrome E34.0 Argininemia E72.21 Arginosuccinic aciduria E72.22 Argyll Robertson phenomenon, pupil or syndrome (syphilitic) A52.19 atypical H57.09 nonsyphilitic H57.09 Argyria, argyriasis conjunctival H11.13- ✓ from drug or medicament—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by substance Argyrosis, conjunctival H11.13- ✓ Arhinencephaly Q04.1 Ariboflavinosis E53.0 Arm—see condition Arnold-Chiari disease, obstruction or syndrome (type II) Q07.00 with hydrocephalus Q07.02 with spina bifida Q07.03 spina bifida Q07.01 with hydrocephalus Q07.03 type III—see Encephalocele type IV Q04.8 Aromatic amino-acid metabolism disorder E70.9 specified NEC E70.89 Arousals, confusional G47.51 Arrest, arrested cardiac I46.9 complicating abortion—see Abortion, by type, complicated by, cardiac arrest anesthesia (general) (local) or other sedation—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug in labor and delivery O74.2 in pregnancy O29.11- ✓ postpartum, puerperal O89.1 delivery (cesarean) (instrumental) O75.4 due to cardiac condition I46.2 specified condition NEC I46.8 intraoperative I97.71- ✓ newborn P29.81 personal history, successfully resuscitated Z86.74 postprocedural I97.12- ✓ obstetric procedure O75.4 cardiorespiratory—see Arrest, cardiac circulatory—see Arrest, cardiac deep transverse O64.0 ✓ development or growth bone—see Disorder, bone, development or growth child R62.50 tracheal rings Q32.1 epiphyseal complete femur M89.15- ✓ humerus M89.12- ✓ tibia M89.16- ✓ ulna M89.13- ✓ forearm M89.13- ✓ specified NEC M89.13- ✓ ulna—see Arrest, epiphyseal, by type, ulna lower leg M89.16- ✓ specified NEC M89.168 tibia—see Arrest, epiphyseal, by type, tibia partial femur M89.15- ✓ humerus M89.12- ✓ tibia M89.16- ✓ ulna M89.13- ✓ specified NEC M89.18 granulopoiesis—see Agranulocytosis growth plate—see Arrest, epiphyseal heart—see Arrest, cardiac legal, anxiety concerning Z65.3 physeal—see Arrest, epiphyseal respiratory R09.2 newborn P28.81 sinus I45.5 spermatogenesis (complete)—see Azoospermia incomplete—see Oligospermia transverse (deep) O64.0 ✓ Arrhenoblastoma benign specified site—see Neoplasm, benign, by site unspecified site female D27.9 male D29.20 malignant specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site female C56.9 male C62.90 specified site—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site unspecified site female D39.10 male D40.10 Arrhythmia (auricle) (cardiac) (juvenile) (nodal) (reflex) (supraventricular) (transitory) (ventricle) I49.9 block I45.9 extrasystolic I49.49 newborn bradycardia P29.12 occurring before birth P03.819 before onset of labor P03.810 during labor P03.811 tachycardia P29.11 psychogenic F45.8 sinus I49.8 specified NEC I49.8 vagal R55 ventricular re-entry I47.0 Arrillaga-Ayerza syndrome (pulmonary sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension) I27.0 Arsenical pigmentation L81.8 from drug or medicament—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals Arsenism—see Poisoning, arsenic Arterial—see condition Arteriofibrosis—see Arteriosclerosis Arteriolar sclerosis—see Arteriosclerosis Arteriolith—see Arteriosclerosis Arteriolitis I77.6 necrotizing, kidney I77.5 renal—see Hypertension, kidney Arteriolosclerosis—see Arteriosclerosis Arterionephrosclerosis—see Hypertension, kidney Arteriopathy I77.9 cerebral autosomal dominant, with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) I67.850 Arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerotic (diffuse) (obliterans) (of) (senile) (with calcification) I70.90 with chronic limb-threatening ischemia—see Arteriosclerosis, with critical limb ischemia critical limb ischemia bypass graft I70.329 autologous vein graft I70.429 leg I70.429 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.469 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.429 bilateral I70.423 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.463 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.423 left I70.422 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.462 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.422 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.449 ankle I70.443 calf I70.442 foot site NEC I70.445 heel I70.444 lower leg NEC I70.448 mid foot I70.444 thigh I70.441 right I70.421 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.461 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.421 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.439 ankle I70.433 calf I70.432 foot site NEC I70.435 heel I70.434 lower leg NEC I70.438 midfoot I70.434 thigh I70.431 leg I70.329 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.369 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.329 bilateral I70.323 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.363 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.323 left I70.322 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.362 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.322 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.349 ankle I70.343 calf I70.342 foot site NEC I70.345 heel I70.344 lower leg NEC I70.348 midfoot I70.344 thigh I70.341 right I70.321 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.361 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.321 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.339 ankle I70.333 calf I70.332 foot site NEC I70.335 heel I70.334 lower leg NEC I70.338 midfoot I70.334 thigh I70.331 nonautologous biological graft I70.529 leg I70.529 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.569 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.529 bilateral I70.523 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.563 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.523 left I70.522 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.562 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.522 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.549 ankle I70.543 calf I70.542 foot site NEC I70.545 heel I70.544 lower leg NEC I70.548 midfoot I70.544 thigh I70.541 right I70.521 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.561 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.521 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.539 ankle I70.533 calf I70.532 foot site NEC I70.535 heel I70.534 lower leg NEC I70.538 midfoot I70.534 thigh I70.531 nonbiological graft I70.629 leg I70.629 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.669 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.629 bilateral I70.623 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.663 rest pain (intermittent claudication) I70.623 left I70.622 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.662 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.622 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.649 ankle I70.643 calf I70.642 foot site NEC I70.645 heel I70.644 lower leg NEC I70.648 midfoot I70.644 thigh I70.641 right I70.621 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.661 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.621 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.639 ankle I70.633 calf I70.632 foot site NEC I70.635 heel I70.634 lower leg NEC I70.638 midfoot I70.634 thigh I70.631 specified graft NEC I70.729 leg I70.729 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.769 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.729 bilateral I70.723 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.763 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.723 left I70.722 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.762 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.722 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.749 ankle I70.743 calf I70.742 foot site NEC I70.745 heel I70.744 lower leg NEC I70.748 midfoot I70.744 thigh I70.741 right I70.721 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.761 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.721 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.739 ankle I70.733 calf I70.732 foot site NEC I70.735 heel I70.734 lower leg NEC I70.738 midfoot I70.734 thigh I70.731 leg I70.229 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.269 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.229 bilateral I70.223 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.263 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.223 left I70.222 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.262 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.222 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.249 ankle I70.243 calf I70.242 foot site NEC I70.245 heel I70.244 lower leg NEC I70.248 midfoot I70.244 thigh I70.241 right I70.221 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain, and ulcer) I70.261 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.221 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.239 ankle I70.233 calf I70.232 foot site NEC I70.235 heel I70.234 lower leg NEC I70.238 midfoot I70.234 thigh I70.231 aorta I70.0 arteries of extremities—see Arteriosclerosis, extremities with chronic limb-threatening ischemia—see Arteriosclerosis, with critical limb ischemia critical limb ischemia—see Arteriosclerosis, with critical limb ischemia brain I67.2 bypass graft with chronic limb-threatening ischemia—see Arteriosclerosis, with critical limb ischemia critical limb ischemia—see Arteriosclerosis, with critical limb ischemia coronary—see Arteriosclerosis, coronary, bypass graft extremities—see Arteriosclerosis, extremities, bypass graft cardiac—see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic cardiopathy—see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic cardiorenal—see Hypertension, cardiorenal cardiovascular—see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic carotid—see also Occlusion, artery, carotid I65.2- ✓ central nervous system I67.2 cerebral I67.2 cerebrovascular I67.2 coronary (artery) I25.10 due to calcified coronary lesion (severely) I25.84 lipid rich plaque I25.83 bypass graft I25.810 with angina pectoris I25.709 with documented spasm I25.701 specified type NEC I25.708 unstable I25.700 ischemic chest pain I25.709 autologous artery I25.810 with angina pectoris I25.729 with documented spasm I25.721 specified type I25.728 unstable I25.720 ischemic chest pain I25.729 autologous vein I25.810 with angina pectoris I25.719 with documented spasm I25.711 specified type I25.718 unstable I25.710 ischemic chest pain I25.719 nonautologous biological I25.810 with angina pectoris I25.739 with documented spasm I25.731 specified type I25.738 unstable I25.730 ischemic chest pain I25.739 specified type NEC I25.810 with angina pectoris I25.799 with documented spasm I25.791 specified type I25.798 unstable I25.790 ischemic chest pain I25.799 native vessel with angina pectoris I25.119 with documented spasm I25.111 specified type NEC I25.118 unstable I25.110 ischemic chest pain I25.119 transplanted heart I25.811 bypass graft I25.812 with angina pectoris I25.769 with documented spasm I25.761 specified type I25.768 unstable I25.760 ischemic chest pain I25.769 native coronary artery I25.811 with angina pectoris I25.759 with documented spasm I25.751 specified type I25.758 unstable I25.750 ischemic chest pain I25.759 extremities (native arteries) I70.209 with chronic limb-threatening ischemia—see Arteriosclerosis, with critical limb ischemia critical limb ischemia—see Arteriosclerosis, with critical limb ischemia bypass graft I70.309 with chronic limb-threatening ischemia—see Arteriosclerosis, with critical limb ischemia critical limb ischemia—see Arteriosclerosis, with critical limb ischemia autologous vein graft I70.409 leg I70.409 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.469 intermittent claudication I70.419 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.429 bilateral I70.403 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.463 intermittent claudication I70.463 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.423 specified type NEC I70.493 left I70.402 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.462 intermittent claudication I70.412 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.422 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.449 ankle I70.443 calf I70.442 foot site NEC I70.445 heel I70.444 lower leg NEC I70.448 midfoot I70.444 thigh I70.441 specified type NEC I70.492 right I70.401 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.461 intermittent claudication I70.411 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.421 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.439 ankle I70.433 calf I70.432 foot site NEC I70.435 heel I70.434 lower leg NEC I70.438 midfoot I70.434 thigh I70.431 specified type NEC I70.491 specified type NEC I70.499 specified NEC I70.408 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.468 intermittent claudication I70.418 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.428 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.45 specified type NEC I70.498 leg I70.309 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.369 intermittent claudication I70.319 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.329 bilateral I70.303 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.363 intermittent claudication I70.313 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.323 specified type NEC I70.393 left I70.302 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.362 intermittent claudication I70.312 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.322 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.349 ankle I70.343 calf I70.342 foot site NEC I70.345 heel I70.344 lower leg NEC I70.348 midfoot I70.344 thigh I70.341 specified type NEC I70.392 right I70.301 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.361 intermittent claudication I70.311 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.321 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain I70.339 ankle I70.333 calf I70.332 foot site NEC I70.335 heel I70.334 lower leg NEC I70.338 midfoot I70.334 thigh I70.331 specified type NEC I70.391 specified type NEC I70.399 nonautologous biological graft I70.509 leg I70.509 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.569 intermittent claudication I70.519 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.529 bilateral I70.503 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.563 intermittent claudication I70.513 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.523 specified type NEC I70.593 left I70.502 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.562 intermittent claudication I70.512 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.522 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.549 ankle I70.543 calf I70.542 foot site NEC I70.545 heel I70.544 lower leg NEC I70.548 midfoot I70.544 thigh I70.541 specified type NEC I70.592 right I70.501 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.561 intermittent claudication I70.511 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.521 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.539 ankle I70.533 calf I70.532 foot site NEC I70.535 heel I70.534 lower leg NEC I70.538 midfoot I70.534 thigh I70.531 specified type NEC I70.591 specified type NEC I70.599 specified NEC I70.508 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.568 intermittent claudication I70.518 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.528 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.55 specified type NEC I70.598 nonbiological graft I70.609 leg I70.609 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.669 intermittent claudication I70.619 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.629 bilateral I70.603 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.663 intermittent claudication I70.613 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.623 specified type NEC I70.693 left I70.602 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.662 intermittent claudication I70.612 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.622 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.649 ankle I70.643 calf I70.642 foot site NEC I70.645 heel I70.644 lower leg NEC I70.648 midfoot I70.644 thigh I70.641 specified type NEC I70.692 right I70.601 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.661 intermittent claudication I70.611 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.621 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.639 ankle I70.633 calf I70.632 foot site NEC I70.635 heel I70.634 lower leg NEC I70.638 midfoot I70.634 thigh I70.631 specified type NEC I70.691 specified type NEC I70.699 specified NEC I70.608 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.668 intermittent claudication I70.618 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.628 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.65 specified type NEC I70.698 specified graft NEC I70.709 leg I70.709 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.769 intermittent claudication I70.719 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.729 bilateral I70.703 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.763 intermittent claudication I70.713 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.723 specified type NEC I70.793 left I70.702 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.762 intermittent claudication I70.712 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.722 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.749 ankle I70.743 calf I70.742 foot site NEC I70.745 heel I70.744 lower leg NEC I70.748 midfoot I70.744 thigh I70.741 specified type NEC I70.792 right I70.701 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.761 intermittent claudication I70.711 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.721 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.739 ankle I70.733 calf I70.732 foot site NEC I70.735 heel I70.734 lower leg NEC I70.738 midfoot I70.734 thigh I70.731 specified type NEC I70.791 specified type NEC I70.799 specified NEC I70.708 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.768 intermittent claudication I70.718 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.728 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.75 specified type NEC I70.798 specified NEC I70.308 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.368 intermittent claudication I70.318 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.328 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.35 specifiec type NEC I70.398 leg I70.209 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.269 intermittent claudication I70.219 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.229 bilateral I70.203 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.263 intermittent claudication I70.213 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.223 specified type NEC I70.293 left I70.202 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.262 intermittent claudication I70.212 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.222 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.249 ankle I70.243 calf I70.242 foot site NEC I70.245 heel I70.244 lower leg NEC I70.248 midfoot I70.244 thigh I70.241 specified type NEC I70.292 right I70.201 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.261 intermittent claudication I70.211 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.221 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.239 ankle I70.233 calf I70.232 foot site NEC I70.235 heel I70.234 lower leg NEC I70.238 midfoot I70.234 thigh I70.231 specified type NEC I70.291 specified type NEC I70.299 specified site NEC I70.208 with gangrene (and intermittent claudication, rest pain and ulcer) I70.268 intermittent claudication I70.218 rest pain (and intermittent claudication) I70.228 ulceration (and intermittent claudication and rest pain) I70.25 specified type NEC I70.298 generalized I70.91 heart (disease)—see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery), kidney—see Hypertension, kidney medial—see Arteriosclerosis, extremities mesenteric (artery) K55.1 Mönckeberg’s—see Arteriosclerosis, extremities myocarditis I51.4 peripheral (of extremities)—see Arteriosclerosis, extremities pulmonary (idiopathic) I27.0 renal (arterioles)—see also Hypertension, kidney artery I70.1 retina (vascular) I70.8 [H35.0-] ✓ specified artery NEC I70.8 spinal (cord) G95.19 vertebral (artery) I67.2 Arteriospasm I73.9 Arteriovenous—see condition Arteritis I77.6 allergic M31.0 aorta (nonsyphilitic) I77.6 syphilitic A52.02 aortic arch M31.4 brachiocephalic M31.4 brain I67.7 syphilitic A52.04 cerebral I67.7 in systemic lupus erythematosus M32.19 listerial A32.89 syphilitic A52.04 tuberculous A18.89 coronary (artery) I25.89 rheumatic I01.8 chronic I09.89 syphilitic A52.06 cranial (left) (right), giant cell M31.6 deformans—see Arteriosclerosis giant cell NEC M31.6 with polymyalgia rheumatica M31.5 necrosing or necrotizing M31.9 specified NEC M31.8 nodosa M30.0 obliterans—see Arteriosclerosis pulmonary I28.8 rheumatic—see Fever, rheumatic senile—see Arteriosclerosis suppurative I77.2 syphilitic (general) A52.09 brain A52.04 coronary A52.06 spinal A52.09 temporal, giant cell M31.6 young female aortic arch syndrome M31.4 Artery, arterial—see also condition abscess I77.89 single umbilical Q27.0 Arthralgia (allergic)—see also Pain, joint in caisson disease T70.3 ✓ temporomandibular M26.62- ✓ Arthritis, arthritic (acute) (chronic) (nonpyogenic) (subacute) M19.90 allergic—see Arthritis, specified form NEC ankylosing (crippling) (spine)—see also Spondylitis, ankylosing sites other than spine—see Arthritis, specified form NEC atrophic—see Osteoarthritis spine—see Spondylitis, ankylosing back—see Spondylopathy, inflammatory blennorrhagic (gonococcal) A54.42 Charcot’s—see Arthropathy, neuropathic diabetic—see Diabetes, arthropathy, neuropathic syringomyelic G95.0 chylous (filarial)—see also category M01 B74.9 climacteric (any site) NEC—see Arthritis, specified form NEC crystal (-induced)—see Arthritis, in, crystals deformans—see Osteoarthritis degenerative—see Osteoarthritis due to or associated with acromegaly E22.0 brucellosis—see Brucellosis caisson disease T70.3 ✓ diabetes—see Diabetes, arthropathy dracontiasis—see also category M01 B72 enteritis NEC regional—see Enteritis, regional erysipelas—see also category M01 A46 erythema epidemic A25.1 nodosum L52 filariasis NOS B74.9 glanders A24.0 helminthiasis—see also category M01 B83.9 hemophilia D66 [M36.2] Henoch- (Schönlein) purpura D69.0 [M36.4] human parvovirus—see also category M01 B97.6 infectious disease NEC M01 ✓ leprosy (see also category M01)—see also Leprosy A30.9 Lyme disease A69.23 mycobacteria—see also category M01 A31.8 parasitic disease NEC—see also category M01 B89 paratyphoid fever (see also category M01)—see also Fever, paratyphoid A01.4 rat bite fever—see also category M01 A25.1 regional enteritis—see Enteritis, regional respiratory disorder NOS J98.9 serum sickness—see also Reaction, serum T80.69 ✓ syringomyelia G95.0 typhoid fever A01.04 epidemic erythema A25.1 facet joint—see also Spondylosis M47.819 febrile—see Fever, rheumatic gonococcal A54.42 gouty (acute)—see Gout in (due to) acromegaly—see also subcategory M14.8- E22.0 amyloidosis—see also subcategory M14.8- E85.4 bacterial disease—see also subcategory M01 A49.9 Behçet’s syndrome M35.2 caisson disease—see also subcategory M14.8- T70.3 ✓ coliform bacilli (Escherichia coli)—see Arthritis, in, pyogenic organism NEC crystals M11.9 dicalcium phosphate—see Arthritis, in, crystals, specified type NEC hydroxyapatite M11.0- ✓ pyrophosphate—see Arthritis, in, crystals, specified type NEC specified type NEC M11.80 ankle M11.87- ✓ elbow M11.82- ✓ foot joint M11.87- ✓ hand joint M11.84- ✓ hip M11.85- ✓ knee M11.86- ✓ multiple sites M11.8- ✓ shoulder M11.81- ✓ vertebrae M11.88 wrist M11.83- ✓ dermatoarthritis, lipoid E78.81 dracontiasis (dracunculiasis)—see also category M01 B72 endocrine disorder NEC—see also subcategory M14.8- E34.9 enteritis, infectious NEC—see also category M01 A09 specified organism NEC—see also category M01 A08.8 erythema multiforme—see also subcategory M14.8- L51.9 nodosum—see also subcategory M14.8- L52 gout—see Gout helminthiasis NEC—see also category M01 B83.9 hemochromatosis—see also subcategory M14.8- E83.118 hemoglobinopathy NEC D58.2 [M36.3] hemophilia NEC D66 [M36.2] Hemophilus influenzae M00.8- ✓ [B96.3] Henoch (-Schönlein) purpura D69.0 [M36.4] hyperparathyroidism NEC—see also subcategory M14.8- E21.3 hypersensitivity reaction NEC T78.49 ✓ [M36.4] hypogammaglobulinemia—see also subcategory M14.8- D80.1 hypothyroidism NEC—see also subcategory M14.8- E03.9 infection—see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic spine—see Spondylopathy, infective infectious disease NEC M01 ✓ leprosy—see also category M01 A30.9 leukemia NEC C95.9- ✓ [M36.1] lipoid dermatoarthritis E78.81 Lyme disease A69.23 Mediterranean fever, familial—see also subcategory M14.8- M04.1 Meningococcus A39.83 metabolic disorder NEC—see also subcategory M14.8- E88.9 multiple myelomatosis C90.0- ✓ [M36.1] mumps B26.85 mycosis NEC—see also category M01 B49 myelomatosis (multiple) C90.0- ✓ [M36.1] neurological disorder NEC G98.0 ochronosis—see also subcategory M14.8- E70.29 O’nyong-nyong—see also category M01 A92.1 parasitic disease NEC—see also category M01 B89 paratyphoid fever—see also category M01 A01.4 Pseudomonas—see Arthritis, pyogenic, bacterial NEC psoriasis L40.50 pyogenic organism NEC—see Arthritis, pyogenic, bacterial NEC Reiter’s disease—see Reiter’s disease respiratory disorder NEC—see also subcategory M14.8- J98.9 reticulosis, malignant—see also subcategory M14.8- C86.0 rubella B06.82 Salmonella (arizonae) (cholerae-suis) (enteritidis) (typhimurium) A02.23 sarcoidosis D86.86 specified bacteria NEC—see Arthritis, pyogenic, bacterial NEC sporotrichosis B42.82 syringomyelia G95.0 thalassemia NEC D56.9 [M36.3] tuberculosis—see Tuberculosis, arthritis typhoid fever A01.04 urethritis, Reiter’s—see Reiter’s disease viral disease NEC—see also category M01 B34.9 infectious or infective—see also Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic spine—see Spondylopathy, infective juvenile M08.90 with systemic onset—see Still’s disease ankle M08.97- ✓ elbow M08.92- ✓ foot joint M08.97- ✓ hand joint M08.94- ✓ hip M08.95- ✓ knee M08.96- ✓ multiple site M08.99 pauciarticular M08.40 ankle M08.47- ✓ elbow M08.42- ✓ foot joint M08.47- ✓ hand joint M08.44- ✓ hip M08.45- ✓ knee M08.46- ✓ shoulder M08.41- ✓ specified site NEC M08.4A vertebrae M08.48 wrist M08.43- ✓ psoriatic L40.54 rheumatoid—see Arthritis, rheumatoid, juvenile shoulder M08.91- ✓ specified site NEC M08.9A specified type NEC M08.80 ankle M08.87- ✓ elbow M08.82- ✓ foot joint M08.87- ✓ hand joint M08.84- ✓ hip M08.85- ✓ knee M08.86- ✓ multiple site M08.89 shoulder M08.81- ✓ specified joint NEC M08.88 vertebrae M08.88 wrist M08.83- ✓ wrist M08.93- ✓ meaning osteoarthritis—see Osteoarthritis meningococcal A39.83 menopausal (any site) NEC—see Arthritis, specified form NEC mutilans (psoriatic) L40.52 mycotic NEC—see also category M01 B49 neuropathic (Charcot)—see Arthropathy, neuropathic diabetic—see Diabetes, arthropathy, neuropathic nonsyphilitic NEC G98.0 syringomyelic G95.0 ochronotic—see also subcategory M14.8- E70.29 palindromic (any site)—see Rheumatism, palindromic pneumococcal M00.10 ankle M00.17- ✓ elbow M00.12- ✓ foot joint—see Arthritis, pneumococcal, ankle hand joint M00.14- ✓ hip M00.15- ✓ knee M00.16- ✓ multiple site M00.19 shoulder M00.11- ✓ vertebra M00.18 wrist M00.13- ✓ postdysenteric—see Arthropathy, postdysenteric postmeningococcal A39.84 postrheumatic, chronic—see Arthropathy, postrheumatic, chronic primary progressive—see also Arthritis, specified form NEC spine—see Spondylitis, ankylosing psoriatic L40.50 purulent (any site except spine)—see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic spine—see Spondylopathy, infective pyogenic or pyemic (any site except spine) M00.9 bacterial NEC M00.80 ankle M00.87- ✓ elbow M00.82- ✓ foot joint—see Arthritis, pyogenic, bacterial NEC, ankle hand joint M00.84- ✓ hip M00.85- ✓ knee M00.86- ✓ multiple site M00.89 shoulder M00.81- ✓ vertebra M00.88 wrist M00.83- ✓ pneumococcal—see Arthritis, pneumococcal spine—see Spondylopathy, infective staphylococcal—see Arthritis, staphylococcal streptococcal—see Arthritis, streptococcal NEC pneumococcal—see Arthritis, pneumococcal reactive—see Reiter’s disease rheumatic—see also Arthritis, rheumatoid acute or subacute—see Fever, rheumatic rheumatoid M06.9 with carditis—see Rheumatoid, carditis endocarditis—see Rheumatoid, carditis heart involvement NEC—see Rheumatoid, carditis lung involvement—see Rheumatoid, lung myocarditis—see Rheumatoid, carditis myopathy—see Rheumatoid, myopathy pericarditis—see Rheumatoid, carditis polyneuropathy—see Rheumatoid, polyneuropathy rheumatoid factor—see Arthritis, rheumatoid, seropositive splenoadenomegaly and leukopenia—see Felty’s syndrome vasculitis—see Rheumatoid, vasculitis visceral involvement NEC—see Rheumatoid, arthritis, with involvement of organs NEC juvenile (with or without rheumatoid factor) M08.00 with systemic onset—see Still’s disease ankle M08.07- ✓ elbow M08.02- ✓ foot joint M08.07- ✓ hand joint M08.04- ✓ hip M08.05- ✓ knee M08.06- ✓ multiple site M08.09 shoulder M08.01- ✓ specified site NEC M08.0A vertebra M08.08 wrist M08.03- ✓ seronegative M06.00 ankle M06.07- ✓ elbow M06.02- ✓ foot joint M06.07- ✓ hand joint M06.04- ✓ hip M06.05- ✓ knee M06.06- ✓ multiple site M06.09 shoulder M06.01- ✓ specified site NEC M06.0A vertebra M06.08 wrist M06.03- ✓ seropositive M05.9 specified NEC M05.80 ankle M05.87- ✓ elbow M05.82- ✓ foot joint M05.87- ✓ hand joint M05.84- ✓ hip M05.85- ✓ knee M05.86- ✓ multiple sites M05.89 shoulder M05.81- ✓ specified site NEC M05.8A vertebra—see Spondylitis, ankylosing wrist M05.83- ✓ without organ involvement M05.70 ankle M05.77- ✓ elbow M05.72- ✓ foot joint M05.77- ✓ hand joint M05.74- ✓ hip M05.75- ✓ knee M05.76- ✓ multiple sites M05.79 shoulder M05.71- ✓ specified site NEC M05.7A vertebra—see Spondylitis, ankylosing wrist M05.73- ✓ specified type NEC M06.80 ankle M06.87- ✓ elbow M06.82- ✓ foot joint M06.87- ✓ hand joint M06.84- ✓ hip M06.85- ✓ knee M06.86- ✓ multiple site M06.89 shoulder M06.81- ✓ specified site NEC M06.8A vertebra M06.88 wrist M06.83- ✓ spine—see Spondylitis, ankylosing rubella B06.82 scorbutic—see also subcategory M14.8- E54 senile or senescent—see Osteoarthritis septic (any site except spine)—see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic spine—see Spondylopathy, infective serum (nontherapeutic) (therapeutic)—see Arthropathy, postimmunization specified form NEC M13.80 ankle M13.87- ✓ elbow M13.82- ✓ foot joint M13.87- ✓ hand joint M13.84- ✓ hip M13.85- ✓ knee M13.86- ✓ multiple site M13.89 shoulder M13.81- ✓ specified joint NEC M13.88 wrist M13.83- ✓ spine—see also Spondylosis infectious or infective NEC—see Spondylopathy, infective Marie-Strümpell—see Spondylitis, ankylosing pyogenic—see Spondylopathy, infective rheumatoid—see Spondylitis, ankylosing traumatic (old)—see Spondylopathy, traumatic tuberculous A18.01 staphylococcal M00.00 ankle M00.07- ✓ elbow M00.02- ✓ foot joint—see Arthritis, staphylococcal, ankle hand joint M00.04- ✓ hip M00.05- ✓ knee M00.06- ✓ multiple site M00.09 shoulder M00.01- ✓ vertebra M00.08 wrist M00.03- ✓ streptococcal NEC M00.20 ankle M00.27- ✓ elbow M00.22- ✓ foot joint—see Arthritis, streptococcal, ankle hand joint M00.24- ✓ hip M00.25- ✓ knee M00.26- ✓ multiple site M00.29 shoulder M00.21- ✓ vertebra M00.28 wrist M00.23- ✓ suppurative—see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic syphilitic (late) A52.16 congenital A50.55 [M12.80] syphilitica deformans (Charcot) A52.16 temporomandibular joint M26.64- ✓ toxic of menopause (any site)—see Arthritis, specified form NEC transient—see Arthropathy, specified form NEC traumatic (chronic)—see Arthropathy, traumatic tuberculous A18.02 spine A18.01 uratic—see Gout urethritica (Reiter’s)—see Reiter’s disease vertebral—see Spondylopathy, inflammatory villous (any site)—see Arthropathy, specified form NEC Arthrocele—see Effusion, joint Arthrodesis status Z98.1 Arthrodynia—see also Pain, joint Arthrodysplasia Q74.9 Arthrofibrosis, joint—see Ankylosis Arthrogryposis (congenital) Q68.8 multiplex congenita Q74.3 Arthrokatadysis M24.7 Arthropathy—see also Arthritis M12.9 Charcot’s—see Arthropathy, neuropathic diabetic—see Diabetes, arthropathy, neuropathic syringomyelic G95.0 cricoarytenoid J38.7 crystal (-induced)—see Arthritis, in, crystals diabetic NEC—see Diabetes, arthropathy distal interphalangeal, psoriatic L40.51 enteropathic M07.60 ankle M07.67- ✓ elbow M07.62- ✓ foot joint M07.67- ✓ hand joint M07.64- ✓ hip M07.65- ✓ knee M07.66- ✓ multiple site M07.69 shoulder M07.61- ✓ vertebra M07.68 wrist M07.63- ✓ facet joint—see also Spondylosis M47.819 following intestinal bypass M02.00 ankle M02.07- ✓ elbow M02.02- ✓ foot joint M02.07- ✓ hand joint M02.04- ✓ hip M02.05- ✓ knee M02.06- ✓ multiple site M02.09 shoulder M02.01- ✓ vertebra M02.08 wrist M02.03- ✓ gouty—see also Gout in (due to) Lesch-Nyhan syndrome E79.1 [M14.8-] ✓ sickle-cell disorders D57- ✓ [M14.8-] ✓ hemophilic NEC D66 [M36.2] in (due to) hyperparathyroidism NEC E21.3 [M14.8-] ✓ metabolic disease NOS E88.9 [M14.8-] ✓ in (due to) acromegaly E22.0 [M14.8-] ✓ amyloidosis E85.4 [M14.8-] ✓ blood disorder NOS D75.9 [M36.3] diabetes—see Diabetes, arthropathy endocrine disease NOS E34.9 [M14.8-] ✓ erythema multiforme L51.9 [M14.8-] ✓ nodosum L52 [M14.8-] ✓ hemochromatosis E83.118 [M14.8-] ✓ hemoglobinopathy NEC D58.2 [M36.3] hemophilia NEC D66 [M36.2] Henoch-Schönlein purpura D69.0 [M36.4] hyperthyroidism E05.90 [M14.8-] ✓ hypothyroidism E03.9 [M14.8-] ✓ infective endocarditis I33.0 [M12.80] leukemia NEC C95.9- ✓ [M36.1] malignant histiocytosis C96.A [M36.1] metabolic disease NOS E88.9 [M14.8-] ✓ multiple myeloma C90.0- ✓ [M36.1] neoplastic disease NOS (see also Neoplasm) D49.9 [M36.1] nutritional deficiency—see also subcategory M14.8- E63.9 psoriasis NOS L40.50 sarcoidosis D86.86 syphilis (late) A52.77 congenital A50.55 [M12.80] thyrotoxicosis—see also subcategory M14.8- E05.90 ulcerative colitis K51.90 [M07.60] viral hepatitis (postinfectious) NEC B19.9 [M12.80] Whipple’s disease—see also subcategory M14.8- K90.81 Jaccoud—see Arthropathy, postrheumatic, chronic juvenile—see Arthritis, juvenile psoriatic L40.54 mutilans (psoriatic) L40.52 neuropathic (Charcot) M14.60 ankle M14.67- ✓ diabetic—see Diabetes, arthropathy, neuropathic elbow M14.62- ✓ foot joint M14.67- ✓ hand joint M14.64- ✓ hip M14.65- ✓ knee M14.66- ✓ multiple site M14.69 nonsyphilitic NEC G98.0 shoulder M14.61- ✓ syringomyelic G95.0 vertebra M14.68 wrist M14.63- ✓ osteopulmonary—see Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic, specified NEC postdysenteric M02.10 ankle M02.17- ✓ elbow M02.12- ✓ foot joint M02.17- ✓ hand joint M02.14- ✓ hip M02.15- ✓ knee M02.16- ✓ multiple site M02.19 shoulder M02.11- ✓ vertebra M02.18 wrist M02.13- ✓ postimmunization M02.20 ankle M02.27- ✓ elbow M02.22- ✓ foot joint M02.27- ✓ hand joint M02.24- ✓ hip M02.25- ✓ knee M02.26- ✓ multiple site M02.29 shoulder M02.21- ✓ vertebra M02.28 wrist M02.23- ✓ postinfectious NEC B99 ✓ [M12.80] in (due to) enteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica A04.6 [M12.80] syphilis A52.77 viral hepatitis NEC B19.9 [M12.80] postrheumatic, chronic (Jaccoud) M12.00 ankle M12.07- ✓ elbow M12.02- ✓ foot joint M12.07- ✓ hand joint M12.04- ✓ hip M12.05- ✓ knee M12.06- ✓ multiple site M12.09 shoulder M12.01- ✓ specified joint NEC M12.08 vertebrae M12.08 wrist M12.03- ✓ psoriatic NEC L40.59 interphalangeal, distal L40.51 reactive M02.9 in (due to) infective endocarditis I33.0 [M02.9] specified type NEC M02.80 ankle M02.87- ✓ elbow M02.82- ✓ foot joint M02.87- ✓ hand joint M02.84- ✓ hip M02.85- ✓ knee M02.86- ✓ multiple site M02.89 shoulder M02.81- ✓ vertebra M02.88 wrist M02.83- ✓ specified form NEC M12.80 ankle M12.87- ✓ elbow M12.82- ✓ foot joint M12.87- ✓ hand joint M12.84- ✓ hip M12.85- ✓ knee M12.86- ✓ multiple site M12.89 shoulder M12.81- ✓ specified joint NEC M12.88 vertebrae M12.88 wrist M12.83- ✓ syringomyelic G95.0 tabes dorsalis A52.16 tabetic A52.16 temporomandibular joint M26.65- ✓ transient—see Arthropathy, specified form NEC traumatic M12.50 ankle M12.57- ✓ elbow M12.52- ✓ foot joint M12.57- ✓ hand joint M12.54- ✓ hip M12.55- ✓ knee M12.56- ✓ multiple site M12.59 shoulder M12.51- ✓ specified joint NEC M12.58 vertebrae M12.58 wrist M12.53- ✓ Arthropyosis—see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic Arthrosis (deformans) (degenerative) (localized)—see also Osteoarthritis M19.90 spine—see Spondylosis Arthus’ phenomenon or reaction T78.41 ✓ due to drug—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug Articular—see condition Articulation, reverse (teeth) M26.24




insemination complication—see Complications, artificial, fertilization opening status (functioning) (without complication) Z93.9 anus (colostomy) Z93.3 colostomy Z93.3 cystostomy Z93.50 appendico-vesicostomy Z93.52 cutaneous Z93.51 specified NEC Z93.59 enterostomy Z93.4 gastrostomy Z93.1 ileostomy Z93.2 intestinal tract NEC Z93.4 jejunostomy Z93.4 nephrostomy Z93.6 specified site NEC Z93.8 tracheostomy Z93.0 ureterostomy Z93.6 urethrostomy Z93.6 urinary tract NEC Z93.6 vagina Z93.8 vagina status Z93.8 Arytenoid—see condition Asbestosis (occupational) J61 Ascariasis B77.9 with complications NEC B77.89 intestinal complications B77.0 pneumonia, pneumonitis B77.81 Ascaridosis, ascaridiasis—see Ascariasis Ascaris (infection) (infestation) (lumbricoides)—see Ascariasis Ascending—see condition ASC-H (atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear) anus R85.611 cervix R87.611 vagina R87.621 Aschoff’s bodies—see Myocarditis, rheumatic Ascites (abdominal) R18.8 cardiac—see also Failure, heart, right I50.810 chylous (nonfilarial) I89.8 filarial—see Infestation, filarial due to cirrhosis, alcoholic K70.31 hepatitis alcoholic K70.11 chronic active K71.51 S. japonicum B65.2 heart—see also Failure, heart, right I50.810 malignant R18.0 pseudochylous R18.8 syphilitic A52.74 tuberculous A18.31 ASC-US (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance on cytologic smear) anus R85.610 cervix R87.610 vagina R87.620 Aseptic—see condition Asherman’s syndrome N85.6 Asialia K11.7 Asiatic cholera—see Cholera Asimultagnosia (simultanagnosia) R48.3 Askin’s tumor—see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant Asocial personality F60.2 Asomatognosia R41.4 Aspartylglucosaminuria E77.1 Asperger’s disease or syndrome F84.5 Aspergilloma—see Aspergillosis Aspergillosis (with pneumonia) B44.9 bronchopulmonary, allergic B44.81 disseminated B44.7 generalized B44.7 pulmonary NEC B44.1 allergic B44.81 invasive B44.0 specified NEC B44.89 tonsillar B44.2 Aspergillus (flavus) (fumigatus) (infection) (terreus)—see Aspergillosis Aspermatogenesis—see Azoospermia Aspermia (testis)—see Azoospermia Asphyxia, asphyxiation (by) R09.01 antenatal P84 birth P84 bunny bag—see Asphyxia, due to, mechanical threat to breathing, trapped in bed clothes crushing S28.0 ✓ drowning T75.1 ✓ gas, fumes, or vapor—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals inhalation—see Inhalation intrauterine P84 local I73.00 with gangrene I73.01 mucus—see also Foreign body, respiratory tract, causing asphyxia newborn P84 pathological R09.01 postnatal P84 mechanical—see Asphyxia, due to, mechanical threat to breathing prenatal P84 reticularis R23.1 strangulation—see Asphyxia, due to, mechanical threat to breathing submersion T75.1 ✓ traumatic T71.9 ✓ due to crushed chest S28.0 ✓ foreign body (in)—see Foreign body, respiratory tract, causing asphyxia low oxygen content of ambient air T71.20 ✓ due to being trapped in low oxygen environment T71.29 ✓ in car trunk T71.221 ✓ circumstances undetermined T71.224 ✓ done with intent to harm by another person T71.223 ✓ self T71.222 ✓ in refrigerator T71.231 ✓ circumstances undetermined T71.234 ✓ done with intent to harm by another person T71.233 ✓ self T71.232 ✓ cave-in T71.21 ✓ mechanical threat to breathing (accidental) T71.191 ✓ circumstances undetermined T71.194 ✓ done with intent to harm by another person T71.193 ✓ self T71.192 ✓ hanging T71.161 ✓ circumstances undetermined T71.164 ✓ done with intent to harm by another person T71.163 ✓ self T71.162 ✓ plastic bag T71.121 ✓ circumstances undetermined T71.124 ✓ done with intent to harm by another person T71.123 ✓ self T71.122 ✓ smothering in furniture T71.151 ✓ circumstances undetermined T71.154 ✓ done with intent to harm by another person T71.153 ✓ self T71.152 ✓ under another person’s body T71.141 ✓ circumstances undetermined T71.144 ✓ done with intent to harm T71.143 ✓ pillow T71.111 ✓ circumstances undetermined T71.114 ✓ done with intent to harm by another person T71.113 ✓ self T71.112 ✓ trapped in bed clothes T71.131 ✓ circumstances undetermined T71.134 ✓ done with intent to harm by another person T71.133 ✓ self T71.132 ✓ vomiting, vomitus—see Foreign body, respiratory tract, causing asphyxia Aspiration amniotic (clear) fluid (newborn) P24.10 with pneumonia (pneumonitis) P24.11 respiratory symptoms P24.11 blood newborn (without respiratory symptoms) P24.20 with pneumonia (pneumonitis) P24.21 respiratory symptoms P24.21 specified age NEC—see Foreign body, respiratory tract bronchitis J69.0 food or foreign body—see Foreign body, by site liquor (amnii) (newborn) P24.10 with pneumonia (pneumonitis) P24.11 respiratory symptoms P24.11 meconium (newborn) (without respiratory symptoms) P24.00 with pneumonitis (pneumonitis) P24.01 respiratory symptoms P24.01 milk (newborn) (without respiratory symptoms) P24.30 with pneumonia (pneumonitis) P24.31 respiratory symptoms P24.31 specified age NEC—see Foreign body, respiratory tract mucus—see also Foreign body, by site, causing asphyxia newborn P24.10 with pneumonia (pneumonitis) P24.11 respiratory symptoms P24.11 neonatal P24.9 specific NEC (without respiratory symptoms) P24.80 with pneumonia (pneumonitis) P24.81 respiratory symptoms P24.81 newborn P24.9 specific NEC (without respiratory symptoms) P24.80 with pneumonia (pneumonitis) P24.81 respiratory symptoms P24.81 pneumonia J69.0 pneumonitis J69.0 syndrome of newborn—see Aspiration, by substance, with pneumonia vernix caseosa (newborn) P24.80 with pneumonia (pneumonitis) P24.81 respiratory symptoms P24.81 vomitus—see also Foreign body, respiratory tract newborn (without respiratory symptoms) P24.30 with pneumonia (pneumonitis) P24.31 respiratory symptoms P24.31 Asplenia (congenital) Q89.01 postsurgical Z90.81 Assam fever B55.0 Assault, sexual—see Maltreatment Assmann’s focus NEC A15.0 Astasia (-abasia) (hysterical) F44.4 Asteatosis cutis L85.3 Astereognosia, astereognosis R48.1 Asterixis R27.8 in liver disease K71.3 Asteroid hyalitis—see Deposit, crystalline Asthenia, asthenic R53.1 cardiac—see also Failure, heart I50.9 psychogenic F45.8 cardiovascular—see also Failure, heart I50.9 psychogenic F45.8 heart—see also Failure, heart I50.9 psychogenic F45.8 hysterical F44.4 myocardial—see also Failure, heart I50.9 psychogenic F45.8 nervous F48.8 neurocirculatory F45.8 neurotic F48.8 psychogenic F48.8 psychoneurotic F48.8 psychophysiologic F48.8 reaction (psychophysiologic) F48.8 senile R54 Asthenopia—see also Discomfort, visual hysterical F44.6 psychogenic F44.6 Asthenospermia—see Abnormal, specimen, male genital organs Asthma, asthmatic (bronchial) (catarrh) (spasmodic) J45.909 with chronic obstructive bronchitis J44.9 with acute lower respiratory infection J44.0 exacerbation (acute) J44.1 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease J44.9 with acute lower respiratory infection J44.0 exacerbation (acute) J44.1 exacerbation (acute) J45.901 hay fever—see Asthma, allergic extrinsic rhinitis, allergic—see Asthma, allergic extrinsic status asthmaticus J45.902 allergic extrinsic J45.909 with exacerbation (acute) J45.901 status asthmaticus J45.902 atopic—see Asthma, allergic extrinsic cardiac—see Failure, ventricular, left cardiobronchial I50.1 childhood J45.909 with exacerbation (acute) J45.901 status asthmaticus J45.902 chronic obstructive J44.9 with acute lower respiratory infection J44.0 exacerbation (acute) J44.1 collier’s J60 cough variant J45.991 detergent J69.8 due to detergent J69.8 inhalation of fumes J68.3 eosinophilic J82.83 extrinsic, allergic—see Asthma, allergic extrinsic grinder’s J62.8 hay—see Asthma, allergic extrinsic heart I50.1 idiosyncratic—see Asthma, nonallergic intermittent (mild) J45.20 with exacerbation (acute) J45.21 status asthmaticus J45.22 intrinsic, nonallergic—see Asthma, nonallergic Kopp’s E32.8 late-onset J45.909 with exacerbation (acute) J45.901 status asthmaticus J45.902 mild intermittent J45.20 with exacerbation (acute) J45.21 status asthmaticus J45.22 mild persistent J45.30 with exacerbation (acute) J45.31 status asthmaticus J45.32 Millar’s (laryngismus stridulus) J38.5 miner’s J60 mixed J45.909 with exacerbation (acute) J45.901 status asthmaticus J45.902 moderate persistent J45.40 with exacerbation (acute) J45.41 status asthmaticus J45.42 nervous—see Asthma, nonallergic nonallergic (intrinsic) J45.909 with exacerbation (acute) J45.901 status asthmaticus J45.902 persistent mild J45.30 with exacerbation (acute) J45.31 status asthmaticus J45.32 moderate J45.40 with exacerbation (acute) J45.41 status asthmaticus J45.42 severe J45.50 with exacerbation (acute) J45.51 status asthmaticus J45.52 platinum J45.998 pneumoconiotic NEC J64 potter’s J62.8 predominantly allergic J45.909 psychogenic F54 pulmonary eosinophilic J82.83 red cedar J67.8 Rostan’s I50.1 sandblaster’s J62.8 sequoiosis J67.8 severe persistent J45.50 with exacerbation (acute) J45.51 status asthmaticus J45.52 specified NEC J45.998 stonemason’s J62.8 thymic E32.8 tuberculous—see Tuberculosis, pulmonary Wichmann’s (laryngismus stridulus) J38.5 wood J67.8 Astigmatism (compound) (congenital) H52.20- ✓ irregular H52.21- ✓ regular H52.22- ✓ Astraphobia F40.220 Astroblastoma specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C71.9 Astrocytoma (cystic) anaplastic specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C71.9 fibrillary specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C71.9 fibrous specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C71.9 gemistocytic specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C71.9 juvenile specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C71.9 pilocytic specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C71.9 piloid specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C71.9 protoplasmic specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C71.9 specified site NEC—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site subependymal D43.2 giant cell specified site—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site unspecified site D43.2 specified site—see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site unspecified site D43.2 unspecified site C71.9 Astroglioma specified site—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site unspecified site C71.9 Asymbolia R48.8 Asymmetry—see also Distortion between native and reconstructed breast N65.1 face Q67.0 jaw (lower)—see Anomaly, dentofacial, jaw-cranial base relationship, asymmetry Asynergia, asynergy R27.8 ventricular I51.89 Asystole (heart)—see Arrest, cardiac At risk for dental caries Z91.849 high Z91.843 low Z91.841 moderate Z91.842 falling Z91.81 Ataxia, ataxy, ataxic R27.0 acute R27.8 autosomal recessive Friedreich G11.11 brain (hereditary) G11.9 cerebellar (hereditary) G11.9 with defective DNA repair G11.3 alcoholic G31.2 early-onset G11.10 with essential tremor G11.19 myoclonus [Hunt’s ataxia] G11.19 retained tendon reflexes G11.19 in alcoholism G31.2 myxedema E03.9 [G13.2] neoplastic disease—see also Neoplasm D49.9 [G32.81] specified disease NEC G32.81 late-onset (Marie’s) G11.2 cerebral (hereditary) G11.9 congenital nonprogressive G11.0 family, familial—see Ataxia, hereditary following cerebrovascular disease I69.993 cerebral infarction I69.393 intracerebral hemorrhage I69.193 nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.293 specified disease NEC I69.893 subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.093 Friedreich’s (heredofamilial) (cerebellar) (spinal) (with retained reflexes) G11.11 gait R26.0 hysterical F44.4 general R27.8 gluten M35.9 [G32.81] with celiac disease K90.0 [G32.81] hereditary G11.9 with neuropathy G60.2 cerebellar—see Ataxia, cerebellar spastic G11.4 specified NEC G11.8 spinal (Friedreich’s) G11.11 heredofamilial—see Ataxia, hereditary Hunt’s G11.19 hysterical F44.4 locomotor (progressive) (syphilitic) (partial) (spastic) A52.11 diabetic—see Diabetes, ataxia Marie’s (cerebellar) (heredofamilial) (late- onset) G11.2 nonorganic origin F44.4 nonprogressive, congenital G11.0 psychogenic F44.4 Roussy-Lévy G60.0 Sanger-Brown’s (hereditary) G11.2 spastic hereditary G11.4 spinal hereditary (Friedreich’s) G11.11 progressive (syphilitic) A52.11 spinocerebellar, X-linked recessive G11.19 telangiectasia (Louis-Bar) G11.3 Ataxia-telangiectasia (Louis-Bar) G11.3 Atelectasis (massive) (partial) (pressure) (pulmonary) J98.11 newborn P28.10 due to resorption P28.11 partial P28.19 primary P28.0 secondary P28.19 primary (newborn) P28.0 tuberculous—see Tuberculosis, pulmonary Atelocardia Q24.9 Atelomyelia Q06.1




of extremities lower I75.02- ✓ upper I75.01- ✓ kidney I75.81 specified NEC I75.89 Atheroma, atheromatous—see also Arteriosclerosis I70.90 aorta, aortic I70.0 valve—see also Endocarditis, aortic I35.8 aorto-iliac I70.0 artery—see Arteriosclerosis basilar (artery) I67.2 carotid (artery) (common) (internal) I67.2 cerebral (arteries) I67.2 coronary (artery) I25.10 with angina pectoris—see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery), degeneration—see Arteriosclerosis heart, cardiac—see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic mitral (valve) I34.8 myocardium, myocardial—see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic pulmonary valve (heart)—see also Endocarditis, pulmonary I37.8 tricuspid (heart) (valve) I36.8 valve, valvular—see Endocarditis vertebral (artery) I67.2 Atheromatosis—see Arteriosclerosis Atherosclerosis—see also Arteriosclerosis coronary artery I25.10 with angina pectoris—see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery), due to calcified coronary lesion (severely) I25.84 lipid rich plaque I25.83 transplanted heart I25.811 bypass graft I25.812 with angina pectoris—see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery), native coronary artery I25.811 with angina pectoris—see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery), Athetosis (acquired) R25.8 bilateral (congenital) G80.3 congenital (bilateral) (double) G80.3 double (congenital) G80.3 unilateral R25.8 Athlete’s foot B35.3 heart I51.7 Athrepsia E41 Athyrea (acquired)—see also Hypothyroidism congenital E03.1 Atonia, atony, atonic bladder (sphincter) (neurogenic) N31.2 capillary I78.8 cecum K59.89 psychogenic F45.8 colon—see Atony, intestine congenital P94.2 esophagus K22.89 intestine K59.89 psychogenic F45.8 stomach K31.89 neurotic or psychogenic F45.8 uterus (during labor) O62.2 with hemorrhage (postpartum) O72.1 postpartum (with hemorrhage) O72.1 without hemorrhage O75.89 Atopy—see History, allergy Atransferrinemia, congenital E88.09 Atresia, atretic alimentary organ or tract NEC Q45.8 upper Q40.8 ani, anus, anal (canal) Q42.3 with fistula Q42.2 aorta (ring) Q25.29 aortic (orifice) (valve) Q23.0 arch Q25.21 congenital with hypoplasia of ascending aorta and defective development of left ventricle (with mitral stenosis) Q23.4 in hypoplastic left heart syndrome Q23.4 aqueduct of Sylvius Q03.0 with spina bifida—see Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus artery NEC Q27.8 cerebral Q28.3 coronary Q24.5 digestive system Q27.8 eye Q15.8 lower limb Q27.8 pulmonary Q25.5 specified site NEC Q27.8 umbilical Q27.0 upper limb Q27.8 auditory canal (external) Q16.1 bile duct (common) (congenital) (hepatic) Q44.2 acquired—see Obstruction, bile duct bladder (neck) Q64.39 obstruction Q64.31 bronchus Q32.4 cecum Q42.8 cervix (acquired) N88.2 congenital Q51.828 in pregnancy or childbirth—see Anomaly, cervix, in pregnancy or childbirth causing obstructed labor O65.5 choana Q30.0 colon Q42.9 specified NEC Q42.8 common duct Q44.2 cricoid cartilage Q31.8 cystic duct Q44.2 acquired K82.8 with obstruction K82.0 digestive organs NEC Q45.8 duodenum Q41.0 ear canal Q16.1 ejaculatory duct Q55.4 epiglottis Q31.8 esophagus Q39.0 with tracheoesophageal fistula Q39.1 eustachian tube Q17.8 fallopian tube (congenital) Q50.6 acquired N97.1 follicular cyst N83.0- ✓ foramen of Luschka Q03.1 with spina bifida—see Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus Magendie Q03.1 with spina bifida—see Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus gallbladder Q44.1 genital organ external female Q52.79 male Q55.8 internal female Q52.8 male Q55.8 glottis Q31.8 gullet Q39.0 with tracheoesophageal fistula Q39.1 heart valve NEC Q24.8 pulmonary Q22.0 tricuspid Q22.4 hymen Q52.3 acquired (postinfective) N89.6 ileum Q41.2 intestine (small) Q41.9 large Q42.9 specified NEC Q42.8 iris, filtration angle Q15.0 jejunum Q41.1 lacrimal apparatus Q10.4 larynx Q31.8 meatus urinarius Q64.33 mitral valve Q23.2 in hypoplastic left heart syndrome Q23.4 nares (anterior) (posterior) Q30.0 nasopharynx Q34.8 nose, nostril Q30.0 acquired J34.89 organ or site NEC Q89.8 osseous meatus (ear) Q16.1 oviduct (congenital) Q50.6 acquired N97.1 parotid duct Q38.4 acquired K11.8 pulmonary (artery) Q25.5 valve Q22.0 pulmonic Q22.0 pupil Q13.2 rectum Q42.1 with fistula Q42.0 salivary duct Q38.4 acquired K11.8 sublingual duct Q38.4 acquired K11.8 submandibular duct Q38.4 acquired K11.8 submaxillary duct Q38.4 acquired K11.8 thyroid cartilage Q31.8 trachea Q32.1 tricuspid valve Q22.4 ureter Q62.10 pelvic junction Q62.11 vesical orifice Q62.12 ureteropelvic junction Q62.11 ureterovesical orifice Q62.12 urethra (valvular) Q64.39 stricture Q64.32 urinary tract NEC Q64.8 uterus Q51.818 acquired N85.8 vagina (congenital) Q52.4 acquired (postinfectional) (senile) N89.5 vas deferens Q55.3 vascular NEC Q27.8 cerebral Q28.3 digestive system Q27.8 lower limb Q27.8 specified site NEC Q27.8 upper limb Q27.8 vein NEC Q27.8 digestive system Q27.8 great Q26.8 lower limb Q27.8 portal Q26.5 pulmonary Q26.4 partial Q26.3 total Q26.2 specified site NEC Q27.8 upper limb Q27.8 vena cava (inferior) (superior) Q26.8 vesicourethral orifice Q64.31 vulva Q52.79 acquired N90.5 Atrichia, atrichosis—see Alopecia Atrophia—see also Atrophy cutis senilis L90.8 due to radiation L57.8 gyrata of choroid and retina H31.23 senilis R54 dermatological L90.8 due to radiation (nonionizing) (solar) L57.8 unguium L60.3 congenita Q84.6 Atrophie blanche (en plaque) (de Milian) L95.0 Atrophoderma, atrophodermia (of) L90.9 diffusum (idiopathic) L90.4 maculatum L90.8 et striatum L90.8 due to syphilis A52.79 syphilitic A51.39 neuriticum L90.8 Pasini and Pierini L90.3 pigmentosum Q82.1 reticulatum symmetricum faciei L66.4 senile L90.8 due to radiation (nonionizing) (solar) L57.8 vermiculata (cheeks) L66.4 Atrophy, atrophic (of) adrenal (capsule) (gland) E27.49 primary (autoimmune) E27.1 alveolar process or ridge (edentulous) K08.20 anal sphincter (disuse) N81.84 appendix K38.8 arteriosclerotic—see Arteriosclerosis bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.8 bladder N32.89 neurogenic N31.8 blanche (en plaque) (of Milian) L95.0 bone (senile) NEC—see also Disorder, bone, specified type NEC due to tabes dorsalis (neurogenic) A52.11 brain (cortex) (progressive) G31.9 frontotemporal circumscribed G31.01 [F02.80] with behavioral disturbance G31.01 [F02.81] senile NEC G31.1 breast N64.2 obstetric—see Disorder, breast, specified type NEC buccal cavity K13.79 cardiac—see Degeneration, myocardial cartilage (infectional) (joint)—see Disorder, cartilage, specified NEC cerebellar—see Atrophy, brain cerebral—see Atrophy, brain cervix (mucosa) (senile) (uteri) N88.8 menopausal N95.8 Charcot-Marie-Tooth G60.0 choroid (central) (macular) (myopic) (retina) H31.10- ✓ diffuse secondary H31.12- ✓ gyrate H31.23 senile H31.11- ✓ ciliary body—see Atrophy, iris conjunctiva (senile) H11.89 corpus cavernosum N48.89 cortical—see Atrophy, brain cystic duct K82.8 Déjérine-Thomas G23.8 disuse NEC—see Atrophy, muscle Duchenne-Aran G12.21 ear H93.8- ✓ edentulous alveolar ridge K08.20 endometrium (senile) N85.8 cervix N88.8 enteric K63.89 epididymis N50.89 eyeball—see Disorder, globe, degenerated condition, atrophy eyelid (senile)—see Disorder, eyelid, degenerative facial (skin) L90.9 fallopian tube (senile) N83.32- ✓ with ovary N83.33- ✓ fascioscapulohumeral (Landouzy- Déjérine) G71.02 fatty, thymus (gland) E32.8 gallbladder K82.8 gastric K29.40 with bleeding K29.41 gastrointestinal K63.89 glandular I89.8 globe H44.52- ✓ gum—see Recession, gingival hair L67.8 heart (brown)—see Degeneration, myocardial hemifacial Q67.4 Romberg G51.8 infantile E41 paralysis, acute—see Poliomyelitis, paralytic intestine K63.89 iris (essential) (progressive) H21.26- ✓ specified NEC H21.29 kidney (senile) (terminal)—see also Sclerosis, renal N26.1 congenital or infantile Q60.5 bilateral Q60.4 unilateral Q60.3 hydronephrotic—see Hydronephrosis lacrimal gland (primary) H04.14- ✓ secondary H04.15- ✓ Landouzy-Déjérine G71.02 laryngitis, infective J37.0 larynx J38.7 Leber’s optic (hereditary) H47.22 lip K13.0 liver (yellow) K72.90 with coma K72.91 acute, subacute K72.00 with coma K72.01 chronic K72.10 with coma K72.11 lung (senile) J98.4 macular (dermatological) L90.8 syphilitic, skin A51.39 striated A52.79 mandible (edentulous) K08.20 minimal K08.21 moderate K08.22 severe K08.23 maxilla K08.20 minimal K08.24 moderate K08.25 severe K08.26 muscle, muscular (diffuse) (general) (idiopathic) (primary) M62.50 ankle M62.57- ✓ Duchenne-Aran G12.21 foot M62.57- ✓ forearm M62.53- ✓ hand M62.54- ✓ infantile spinal G12.0 lower leg M62.56- ✓ multiple sites M62.59 myelopathic—see Atrophy, muscle, spinal myotonic G71.11 neuritic G58.9 neuropathic (peroneal) (progressive) G60.0 pelvic (disuse) N81.84 peroneal G60.0 progressive (bulbar) G12.21 adult G12.1 infantile (spinal) G12.0 spinal G12.25 adult G12.1 infantile G12.0 pseudohypertrophic G71.02 shoulder region M62.51- ✓ specified site NEC M62.58 spinal G12.9 adult form G12.1 Aran-Duchenne G12.21 childhood form, type II G12.1 distal G12.1 hereditary NEC G12.1 infantile, type I (Werdnig-Hoffmann) G12.0 juvenile form, type III (Kugelberg- Welander) G12.1 progressive G12.25 scapuloperoneal form G12.1 specified NEC G12.8 syphilitic A52.78 thigh M62.55- ✓ upper arm M62.52- ✓ myocardium—see Degeneration, myocardial myometrium (senile) N85.8 cervix N88.8 myopathic NEC—see Atrophy, muscle myotonia G71.11 nail L60.3 nasopharynx J31.1 nerve—see also Disorder, nerve abducens—see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve accessory G52.8 acoustic or auditory H93.3 ✓ cranial G52.9 eighth (auditory) H93.3 ✓ eleventh (accessory) G52.8 fifth (trigeminal) G50.8 first (olfactory) G52.0 fourth (trochlear)—see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve second (optic) H47.20 sixth (abducens)—see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve tenth (pneumogastric) (vagus) G52.2 third (oculomotor)—see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve twelfth (hypoglossal) G52.3 hypoglossal G52.3 oculomotor—see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve olfactory G52.0 optic (papillomacular bundle) syphilitic (late) A52.15 congenital A50.44 pneumogastric G52.2 trigeminal G50.8 trochlear—see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve vagus (pneumogastric) G52.2 neurogenic, bone, tabetic A52.11 nutritional E43 with marasmus E41 old age R54 olivopontocerebellar G23.8 optic (nerve) H47.20 glaucomatous H47.23- ✓ hereditary H47.22 primary H47.21- ✓ specified type NEC H47.29- ✓ syphilitic (late) A52.15 congenital A50.44 orbit H05.31- ✓ ovary (senile) N83.31- ✓ with fallopian tube N83.33- ✓ oviduct (senile)—see Atrophy, fallopian tube palsy, diffuse (progressive) G12.22 pancreas (duct) (senile) K86.89 parotid gland K11.0 pelvic muscle N81.84 penis N48.89 pharynx J39.2 pluriglandular E31.8 autoimmune E31.0 polyarthritis M15.9 prostate N42.89 pseudohypertrophic (muscle) G71.02 renal—see also Sclerosis, renal N26.1 retina, retinal (postinfectional) H35.89 rhinitis J31.0 salivary gland K11.0 scar L90.5 sclerosis, lobar (of brain) G31.09 [F02.80] with behavioral disturbance G31.09 [F02.81] scrotum N50.89 seminal vesicle N50.89 senile R54 due to radiation (nonionizing) (solar) L57.8 skin (patches) (spots) L90.9 degenerative (senile) L90.8 due to radiation (nonionizing) (solar) L57.8 senile L90.8 spermatic cord N50.89 spinal (acute) (cord) G95.89 muscular—see Atrophy, muscle, spinal paralysis G12.20 acute—see Poliomyelitis, paralytic meaning progressive muscular atrophy G12.25 spine (column)—see Spondylopathy, specified NEC spleen (senile) D73.0 stomach K29.40 with bleeding K29.41 striate (skin) L90.6 syphilitic A52.79 subcutaneous L90.9 sublingual gland K11.0 submandibular gland K11.0 submaxillary gland K11.0 Sudeck’s—see Algoneurodystrophy suprarenal (capsule) (gland) E27.49 primary E27.1 systemic affecting central nervous system in myxedema E03.9 [G13.2] neoplastic disease—see also Neoplasm D49.9 [G13.1] specified disease NEC G13.8 tarso-orbital fascia, congenital Q10.3 testis N50.0 thenar, partial—see Syndrome, carpal tunnel thymus (fatty) E32.8 thyroid (gland) (acquired) E03.4 with cretinism E03.1 congenital (with myxedema) E03.1 tongue (senile) K14.8 papillae K14.4 trachea J39.8 tunica vaginalis N50.89 turbinate J34.89 tympanic membrane (nonflaccid) H73.82- ✓ flaccid H73.81- ✓ upper respiratory tract J39.8 uterus, uterine (senile) N85.8 cervix N88.8 due to radiation (intended effect) N85.8 adverse effect or misadventure N99.89 vagina (senile) N95.2 vas deferens N50.89 vascular I99.8 vertebra (senile)—see Spondylopathy, specified NEC vulva (senile) N90.5 Werdnig-Hoffmann G12.0 yellow—see Failure, hepatic Attack, attacks with alteration of consciousness (with automatisms)—see Epilepsy, localization-related, symptomatic, with complex partial seizures Adams-Stokes I45.9 akinetic—see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC angina—see Angina atonic—see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC benign shuddering G25.83 cataleptic—see Catalepsy coronary—see Infarct, myocardium cyanotic, newborn P28.2 drop NEC R55 epileptic—see Epilepsy heart—see infarct, myocardium hysterical F44.9 jacksonian—see Epilepsy, localization-related, symptomatic, with simple partial seizures myocardium, myocardial—see Infarct, myocardium myoclonic—see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC panic F41.0 psychomotor—see Epilepsy, localization-related, symptomatic, with complex partial seizures salaam—see Epilepsy, spasms schizophreniform, brief F23 shuddering, benign G25.83 Stokes-Adams I45.9 syncope R55 transient ischemic (TIA) G45.9 specified NEC G45.8 unconsciousness R55 hysterical F44.89 vasomotor R55 vasovagal (paroxysmal) (idiopathic) R55 without alteration of consciousness—see Epilepsy, localization-related, symptomatic, with simple partial seizures Attention (to) artificial opening (of) Z43.9 digestive tract NEC Z43.4 colon Z43.3 ilium Z43.2 stomach Z43.1 specified NEC Z43.8 trachea Z43.0 urinary tract NEC Z43.6 cystostomy Z43.5 nephrostomy Z43.6 ureterostomy Z43.6 urethrostomy Z43.6 vagina Z43.7 colostomy Z43.3 cystostomy Z43.5 deficit disorder or syndrome F98.8 with hyperactivity—see Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity gastrostomy Z43.1 ileostomy Z43.2 jejunostomy Z43.4 nephrostomy Z43.6 surgical dressings Z48.01 sutures Z48.02 tracheostomy Z43.0 ureterostomy Z43.6 urethrostomy Z43.6




gum—see Recession, gingival tooth, teeth (excessive) (hard tissues) K03.0 Atypical, atypism—see also condition cells (on cytolgocial smear) (endocervical) (endometrial) (glandular) cervix R87.619 vagina R87.629 cervical N87.9 endometrium N85.9 hyperplasia N85.00 parenting situation Z62.9 Auditory—see condition Aujeszky’s disease B33.8 Aurantiasis, cutis E67.1 Auricle, auricular—see also condition cervical Q18.2 Auriculotemporal syndrome G50.8 Austin Flint murmur (aortic insufficiency) I35.1 Australian Q fever A78 X disease A83.4 Autism, autistic (childhood) (infantile) F84.0 atypical F84.9 spectrum disorder F84.0 Autodigestion R68.89 Autoerythrocyte sensitization (syndrome) D69.2 Autographism L50.3 Autoimmune disease (systemic) M35.9 inhibitors to clotting factors D68.311 lymphoproliferative syndrome [ALPS] D89.82 thyroiditis E06.3 Autointoxication R68.89 Automatism G93.89 with temporal sclerosis G93.81 epileptic—see Epilepsy, localization-related, symptomatic, with complex partial seizures paroxysmal, idiopathic—see Epilepsy, localizationrelated, symptomatic, with complex partial seizures Autonomic, autonomous bladder (neurogenic) N31.2 hysteria seizure F44.5 Autosensitivity, erythrocyte D69.2 Autosensitization, cutaneous L30.2 Autosome—see condition by chromosome involved Autotopagnosia R48.1 Autotoxemia R68.89 Autumn—see condition Avellis’ syndrome G46.8 Aversion oral R63.39 newborn P92.- ✓ nonorganic origin F98.2 ✓ sexual F52.1 Aviator’s disease or sickness—see Effect, adverse, high altitude ear T70.0 ✓ Avitaminosis (multiple)—see also Deficiency, vitamin E56.9 B E53.9 with beriberi E51.11 pellagra E52 B2 E53.0 B6 E53.1 B12 E53.8 D E55.9 with rickets E55.0 G E53.0 K E56.1 nicotinic acid E52 AVNRT (atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia) I47.1 AVRT (atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia) I47.1 Avulsion (traumatic) blood vessel—see Injury, blood vessel bone—see Fracture, by site cartilage—see also Dislocation, by site symphyseal (inner), complicating delivery O71.6 external site other than limb—see Wound, open, by site eye S05.7- ✓ head (intracranial) external site NEC S08.89 ✓ scalp S08.0 ✓ internal organ or site—see Injury, by site joint—see also Dislocation, by site capsule—see Sprain, by site kidney S37.06- ✓ ligament—see Sprain, by site limb—see also Amputation, traumatic, by site skin and subcutaneous tissue—see Wound, open, by site muscle—see Injury, muscle nerve (root)—see Injury, nerve scalp S08.0 ✓ skin and subcutaneous tissue—see Wound, open, by site spleen S36.032 ✓ symphyseal cartilage (inner), complicating delivery O71.6 tendon—see Injury, muscle tooth S03.2 ✓ Awareness of heart beat R00.2 Axenfeld’s anomaly or syndrome Q15.0 degeneration (calcareous) Q13.4 Axilla, axillary—see also condition breast Q83.1 Axonotmesis—see Injury, nerve Ayerza’s disease or syndrome (pulmonary artery sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension) I27.0 Azoospermia (organic) N46.01 due to drug therapy N46.021 efferent duct obstruction N46.023 infection N46.022 radiation N46.024 specified cause NEC N46.029 systemic disease N46.025 Azotemia R79.89 meaning uremia N19 Aztec ear Q17.3 Azygos continuation inferior vena cava Q26.8 lobe (lung) Q33.1 B Baastrup’s disease—see Kissing spine Babesiosis B60.00 due to Babesia divergens B60.03 duncani B60.02 KO-1 B60.09 microti B60.01 MO-1 B60.03 species unspecified B60.00 venatorum B60.09 specified NEC B60.09 Babington’s disease (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) I78.0 Babinski’s syndrome A52.79 Baby crying constantly R68.11 floppy (syndrome) P94.2 Bacillary—see condition Bacilluria R82.71 Bacillus—see also Infection, bacillus abortus infection A23.1 anthracis infection A22.9 coli infection—see also Escherichia coli B96.20 Flexner’s A03.1 mallei infection A24.0 Shiga’s A03.0 suipestifer infection—see Infection, salmonella Back—see condition Backache (postural) M54.9 sacroiliac M53.3 specified NEC M54.89 Backflow—see Reflux Backward reading (dyslexia) F81.0 Bacteremia R78.81 with sepsis—see Sepsis Bactericholia—see Cholecystitis, acute Bacterid, bacteride (pustular) L40.3 Bacterium, bacteria, bacterial agent NEC, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.89 in blood—see Bacteremia in urine—see Bacteriuria Bacteriuria, bacteruria R82.71 asymptomatic R82.71 Bacteroides fragilis, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.6 Bad heart—see Disease, heart trip due to drug abuse—see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen due to drug dependence—see Dependence, drug, hallucinogen Baelz’s disease (cheilitis glandularis apostematosa) K13.0 Baerensprung’s disease (eczema marginatum) B35.6 Bagasse disease or pneumonitis J67.1 Bagassosis J67.1 Baker’s cyst—see Cyst, Baker’s Bakwin-Krida syndrome (metaphyseal dysplasia) Q78.5 Balancing side interference M26.56 Balanitis (circinata) (erosiva) (gangrenosa) (phagedenic) (vulgaris) N48.1 amebic A06.82 candidal B37.42 due to Haemophilus ducreyi A57 gonococcal (acute) (chronic) A54.23 xerotica obliterans N48.0 Balanoposthitis N47.6 gonococcal (acute) (chronic) A54.23 ulcerative (specific) A63.8 Balanorrhagia—see Balanitis Balantidiasis, balantidiosis A07.0 Bald tongue K14.4 Baldness—see also Alopecia male-pattern—see Alopecia, androgenic Balkan grippe A78 Balloon disease—see Effect, adverse, high altitude Balo’s disease (concentric sclerosis) G37.5 Bamberger-Marie disease—see Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic, specified type NEC Bancroft’s filariasis B74.0 Band(s) adhesive—see Adhesions, peritoneum anomalous or congenital—see also Anomaly, by site heart (atrial) (ventricular) Q24.8 intestine Q43.3 omentum Q43.3 cervix N88.1 constricting, congenital Q79.8 gallbladder (congenital) Q44.1 intestinal (adhesive)—see Adhesions, peritoneum obstructive intestine K56.50 complete K56.52 incomplete K56.51 partial K56.51 peritoneum K56.50 complete K56.52 incomplete K56.51 partial K56.51 periappendiceal, congenital Q43.3 peritoneal (adhesive)—see Adhesions, peritoneum uterus N73.6 internal N85.6 vagina N89.5 Bandemia D72.825 Bandl’s ring (contraction), complicating delivery O62.4 Bangkok hemorrhagic fever A91 Bang’s disease (brucella abortus) A23.1 Bankruptcy, anxiety concerning Z59.89 Bannister’s disease T78.3 ✓ hereditary D84.1 Banti’s disease or syndrome (with cirrhosis) (with portal hypertension) K76.6 Bar, median, prostate—see Enlargement, enlarged, prostate Barcoo disease or rot—see Ulcer, skin Barlow’s disease E54 Barodontalgia T70.29 ✓ Baron Münchausen syndrome—see Disorder, factitious Barosinusitis T70.1 ✓ Barotitis T70.0 ✓ Barotrauma T70.29 ✓ odontalgia T70.29 ✓ otitic T70.0 ✓ sinus T70.1 ✓ Barraquer (-Simons) disease or syndrome (progressive lipodystrophy) E88.1 Barré-Guillain disease or syndrome G61.0 Barrel chest M95.4 Barré-Liéou syndrome (posterior cervical sympathetic) M53.0 Barrett’s disease—see Barrett’s, esophagus esophagus K22.70 with dysplasia K22.719 high grade K22.711 low grade K22.710 without dysplasia K22.70 syndrome—see Barrett’s, esophagus ulcer K22.10 with bleeding K22.11 without bleeding K22.10 Bársony (-Polgár) (-Teschendorf) syndrome (corkscrew esophagus) K22.4 Barth syndrome E78.71 Bartholinitis (suppurating) N75.8 gonococcal (acute) (chronic) (with abscess) A54.1 Bartonellosis A44.9 cutaneous A44.1 mucocutaneous A44.1 specified NEC A44.8 systemic A44.0 Barton’s fracture S52.56- ✓ Bartter’s syndrome E26.81 Basal—see condition Basan’s (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia Q82.4 Baseball finger—see Dislocation, finger Basedow’s disease (exophthalmic goiter)—see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter Basic—see condition Basilar—see condition Bason’s (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia Q82.4 Basopenia—see Agranulocytosis Basophilia D72.824 Basophilism (cortico-adrenal) (Cushing’s) (pituitary) E24.0 Bassen-Kornzweig disease or syndrome E78.6 Bat ear Q17.5 Bateman’s disease B08.1 purpura (senile) D69.2 Bathing cramp T75.1 ✓ Bathophobia F40.248 Batten (-Mayou) disease E75.4 retina E75.4 [H36] Batten-Steinert syndrome G71.11 Battered—see Maltreatment Battey Mycobacterium infection A31.0 Battle exhaustion F43.0 Battledore placenta O43.19- ✓ Baumgarten-Cruveilhier cirrhosis, disease or syndrome K74.69 Bauxite fibrosis (of lung) J63.1 Bayle’s disease (general paresis) A52.17 Bazin’s disease (primary) (tuberculous) A18.4 Beach ear—see Swimmer’s, ear Beaded hair (congenital) Q84.1 Béal conjunctivitis or syndrome B30.2 Beard’s disease (neurasthenia) F48.8 Beat(s) atrial, premature I49.1 ectopic I49.49 elbow—see Bursitis, elbow escaped, heart I49.49 hand—see Bursitis, hand knee—see Bursitis, knee premature I49.40 atrial I49.1 auricular I49.1 supraventricular I49.1 Beau’s disease or syndrome—see Degeneration, myocardial lines (transverse furrows on fingernails) L60.4 Bechterev’s syndrome—see Spondylitis, ankylosing Becker’s cardiomyopathy I42.8 disease idiopathic mural endomyocardial disease I42.3 myotonia congenita, recessive form G71.12 dystrophy G71.01 pigmented hairy nevus D22.5 Beck’s syndrome (anterior spinal artery occlusion) I65.8 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Q87.3 Bed confinement status Z74.01 Bed sore—see Ulcer, pressure, by site Bedbug bite(s)—see Bite(s), by site, superficial, insect Bedclothes, asphyxiation or suffocation by—see Asphyxia, traumatic, due to, mechanical, trapped Bednar’s aphthae K12.0 tumor—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site Bedridden Z74.01 Bedsore—see Ulcer, pressure, by site Bedwetting—see Enuresis Bee sting (with allergic or anaphylactic shock)—see Toxicity, venom, arthropod, bee Beer drinker’s heart (disease) I42.6 Begbie’s disease (exophthalmic goiter)—see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter Behavior antisocial adult Z72.811 child or adolescent Z72.810 disorder, disturbance—see Disorder, conduct disruptive—see Disorder, conduct drug seeking Z76.5 inexplicable R46.2 marked evasiveness R46.5 obsessive-compulsive R46.81 overactivity R46.3 poor responsiveness R46.4 self-damaging (life-style) Z72.89 sleep-incompatible Z72.821 slowness R46.4 specified NEC R46.89 strange (and inexplicable) R46.2 suspiciousness R46.5 type A pattern Z73.1 undue concern or preoccupation with stressful events R46.6 verbosity and circumstantial detail obscuring reason for contact R46.7 Behçet’s disease or syndrome M35.2 Behr’s disease—see Degeneration, macula Beigel’s disease or morbus (white piedra) B36.2 Bejel A65 Bekhterev’s syndrome—see Spondylitis, ankylosing Belching—see Eructation Bell’s mania F30.8 palsy, paralysis G51.0 infant or newborn P11.3 spasm G51.3- ✓ Bence Jones albuminuria or proteinuria NEC R80.3 Bends T70.3 ✓ Benedikt’s paralysis or syndrome G46.3 Benign—see also condition prostatic hyperplasia—see Hyperplasia, prostate Bennett’s fracture (displaced) S62.21- ✓ Benson’s disease—see Deposit, crystalline Bent back (hysterical) F44.4 nose M95.0 congenital Q67.4 Bereavement (uncomplicated) Z63.4 Bergeron’s disease (hysterical chorea) F44.4 Berger’s disease—see Nephropathy, IgA Beriberi (dry) E51.11 heart (disease) E51.12 polyneuropathy E51.11 wet E51.12 involving circulatory system E51.11 Berlin’s disease or edema (traumatic) S05.8X- ✓ Berlock (berloque) dermatitis L56.2 Bernard-Horner syndrome G90.2 Bernard-Soulier disease or thrombopathia D69.1 Bernhardt (-Roth) disease—see Mononeuropathy, lower limb, meralgia paresthetica Bernheim’s syndrome—see Failure, heart, right Bertielliasis B71.8 Berylliosis (lung) J63.2 Besnier-Boeck (-Schaumann) disease—see Sarcoidosis Besnier’s lupus pernio D86.3 prurigo L20.0 Bestiality F65.89 Best’s disease H35.50 Betalipoproteinemia, broad or floating E78.2 Beta-mercaptolactate-cysteine disulfiduria E72.09 Betting and gambling Z72.6 pathological (compulsive) F63.0 Bezoar T18.9 ✓ intestine T18.3 ✓ stomach T18.2 ✓ Bezold’s abscess—see Mastoiditis, acute Bianchi’s syndrome R48.8 Bicornate or bicornis uterus Q51.3 in pregnancy or childbirth O34.00 causing obstructed labor O65.5 Bicuspid aortic valve Q23.1 Biedl-Bardet syndrome Q87.89 Bielschowsky (-Jansky) disease E75.4 Biermer’s (pernicious) anemia or disease D51.0 Biett’s disease L93.0 Bifid (congenital) apex, heart Q24.8 clitoris Q52.6 kidney Q63.8 nose Q30.2 patella Q74.1 scrotum Q55.29 toe NEC Q74.2 tongue Q38.3 ureter Q62.8 uterus Q51.3 uvula Q35.7 Biforis uterus (suprasimplex) Q51.3 Bifurcation (congenital) gallbladder Q44.1 kidney pelvis Q63.8 renal pelvis Q63.8 rib Q76.6 tongue, congenital Q38.3 trachea Q32.1 ureter Q62.8 urethra Q64.74 vertebra Q76.49 Big spleen syndrome D73.1 Bigeminal pulse R00.8 Bilateral—see condition Bile duct—see condition pigments in urine R82.2 Bilharziasis—see also Schistosomiasis chyluria B65.0 cutaneous B65.3 galacturia B65.0 hematochyluria B65.0 intestinal B65.1 lipemia B65.9 lipuria B65.0 oriental B65.2 piarhemia B65.9 pulmonary NOS B65.9 [J99] pneumonia B65.9 [J17] tropical hematuria B65.0 vesical B65.0 Biliary—see condition Bilirubin metabolism disorder E80.7 specified NEC E80.6 Bilirubinemia, familial nonhemolytic E80.4 Bilirubinuria R82.2 Biliuria R82.2 Bilocular stomach K31.2 Binswanger’s disease I67.3 Biparta, bipartite carpal scaphoid Q74.0 patella Q74.1 vagina Q52.10 Bird face Q75.8 fancier’s disease or lung J67.2 Birth complications in mother—see Delivery, complicated compression during NOS P15.9 defect—see Anomaly immature (less than 37 completed weeks)—see Preterm, newborn extremely (less than 28 completed weeks)—see Immaturity, extreme inattention, at or after—see Maltreatment, child, neglect injury NOS P15.9 basal ganglia P11.1 brachial plexus NEC P14.3 brain (compression) (pressure) P11.2 central nervous system NOS P11.9 cerebellum P11.1 cerebral hemorrhage P10.1 external genitalia P15.5 eye P15.3 face P15.4 fracture bone P13.9 specified NEC P13.8 clavicle P13.4 femur P13.2 humerus P13.3 long bone, except femur P13.3 radius and ulna P13.3 skull P13.0 spine P11.5 tibia and fibula P13.3 intracranial P11.2 laceration or hemorrhage P10.9 specified NEC P10.8 intraventricular hemorrhage P10.2 laceration brain P10.1 by scalpel P15.8 peripheral nerve P14.9 liver P15.0 meninges brain P11.1 spinal cord P11.5 nerve brachial plexus P14.3 cranial NEC (except facial) P11.4 facial P11.3 peripheral P14.9 phrenic (paralysis) P14.2 paralysis facial nerve P11.3 spinal P11.5 penis P15.5 rupture spinal cord P11.5 scalp P12.9 scalpel wound P15.8 scrotum P15.5 skull NEC P13.1 fracture P13.0 specified type NEC P15.8 spinal cord P11.5 spine P11.5 spleen P15.1 sternomastoid (hematoma) P15.2 subarachnoid hemorrhage P10.3 subcutaneous fat necrosis P15.6 subdural hemorrhage P10.0 tentorial tear P10.4 testes P15.5 vulva P15.5 lack of care, at or after—see Maltreatment, child, neglect neglect, at or after—see Maltreatment, child, neglect palsy or paralysis, newborn, NOS (birth injury) P14.9 premature (infant)—see Preterm, newborn shock, newborn P96.89 trauma—see Birth, injury weight low (2499 grams or less)—see Low, birthweight extremely (999 grams or less)—see Low, birthweight, extreme 4000 grams to 4499 grams P08.1 4500 grams or more P08.0 Birthmark Q82.5 Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome Q87.89 Bisalbuminemia E88.09 Biskra’s button B55.1 Bite(s) (animal) (human) abdomen, abdominal wall S31.159 ✓ with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.659 ✓ epigastric region S31.152 ✓ with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.652 ✓ left lower quadrant S31.154 ✓ with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.654 ✓ upper quadrant S31.151 ✓ with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.651 ✓ periumbilic region S31.155 ✓ with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.655 ✓ right lower quadrant S31.153 ✓ with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.653 ✓ upper quadrant S31.150 ✓ with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.650 ✓ superficial NEC S30.871 ✓ insect S30.861 ✓ alveolar (process)—see Bite, oral cavity amphibian (venomous)—see Venom, bite, amphibian animal—see also Bite, by site venomous—see Venom ankle S91.05- ✓ superficial NEC S90.57- ✓ insect S90.56- ✓ antecubital space—see Bite, elbow anus S31.835 ✓ superficial NEC S30.877 ✓ insect S30.867 ✓ arm (upper) S41.15- ✓ lower—see Bite, forearm superficial NEC S40.87- ✓ insect S40.86- ✓ arthropod NEC—see Venom, bite, arthropod auditory canal (external) (meatus)—see Bite, ear auricle, ear—see Bite, ear axilla—see Bite, arm back—see also Bite, thorax, back lower S31.050 ✓ with penetration into retroperitoneal space S31.051 ✓ superficial NEC S30.870 ✓ insect S30.860 ✓ bedbug—see Bite(s), by site, superficial, insect breast S21.05- ✓ superficial NEC S20.17- ✓ insect S20.16- ✓ brow—see Bite, head, specified site NEC buttock S31.805 ✓ left S31.825 ✓ right S31.815 ✓ superficial NEC S30.870 ✓ insect S30.860 ✓ calf—see Bite, leg canaliculus lacrimalis—see Bite, eyelid canthus, eye—see Bite, eyelid centipede—see Toxicity, venom, arthropod, centipede cheek (external) S01.45- ✓ internal—see Bite, oral cavity superficial NEC S00.87 ✓ insect S00.86 ✓ chest wall—see Bite, thorax chigger B88.0 chin—see Bite, head, specified site NEC clitoris—see Bite, vulva costal region—see Bite, thorax digit(s) hand—see Bite, finger toe—see Bite, toe ear (canal) (external) S01.35- ✓ superficial NEC S00.47- ✓ insect S00.46- ✓ elbow S51.05- ✓ superficial NEC S50.37- ✓ insect S50.36- ✓ epididymis—see Bite, testis epigastric region—see Bite, abdomen epiglottis—see Bite, neck, specified site NEC esophagus, cervical S11.25 ✓ superficial NEC S10.17 ✓ insect S10.16 ✓ eyebrow—see Bite, eyelid eyelid S01.15- ✓ superficial NEC S00.27- ✓ insect S00.26- ✓ face NEC—see Bite, head, specified site NEC finger(s) S61.259 ✓ with damage to nail S61.359 ✓ index S61.258 ✓ with damage to nail S61.358 ✓ left S61.251 ✓ with damage to nail S61.351 ✓ right S61.250 ✓ with damage to nail S61.350 ✓ superficial NEC S60.478 ✓ insect S60.46- ✓ little S61.25- ✓ with damage to nail S61.35- ✓ superficial NEC S60.47- ✓ insect S60.46- ✓ middle S61.25- ✓ with damage to nail S61.35- ✓ superficial NEC S60.47- ✓ insect S60.46- ✓ ring S61.25- ✓ with damage to nail S61.35- ✓ superficial NEC S60.47- ✓ insect S60.46- ✓ superficial NEC S60.479 ✓ insect S60.469 ✓ thumb—see Bite, thumb flank—see Bite, abdomen, wall flea—see Bite, by site, superficial, insect foot (except toe(s) alone) S91.35- ✓ superficial NEC S90.87- ✓ insect S90.86- ✓ toe—see Bite, toe forearm S51.85- ✓ elbow only—see Bite, elbow superficial NEC S50.87- ✓ insect S50.86- ✓ forehead—see Bite, head, specified site NEC genital organs, external female S31.552 ✓ superficial NEC S30.876 ✓ insect S30.866 ✓ vagina and vulva—see Bite, vulva male S31.551 ✓ penis—see Bite, penis scrotum—see Bite, scrotum superficial NEC S30.875 ✓ insect S30.865 ✓ testes—see Bite, testis groin—see Bite, abdomen, wall gum—see Bite, oral cavity hand S61.45- ✓ finger—see Bite, finger superficial NEC S60.57- ✓ insect S60.56- ✓ thumb—see Bite, thumb head S01.95 ✓ cheek—see Bite, cheek ear—see Bite, ear eyelid—see Bite, eyelid lip—see Bite, lip nose—see Bite, nose oral cavity—see Bite, oral cavity scalp—see Bite, scalp specified site NEC S01.85 ✓ superficial NEC S00.87 ✓ insect S00.86 ✓ superficial NEC S00.97 ✓ insect S00.96 ✓ temporomandibular area—see Bite, cheek heel—see Bite, foot hip S71.05- ✓ superficial NEC S70.27- ✓ insect S70.26- ✓ hymen S31.45 ✓ hypochondrium—see Bite, abdomen, wall hypogastric region—see Bite, abdomen, wall inguinal region—see Bite, abdomen, wall insect—see Bite, by site, superficial, insect instep—see Bite, foot interscapular region—see Bite, thorax, back jaw—see Bite, head, specified site NEC knee S81.05- ✓ superficial NEC S80.27- ✓ insect S80.26- ✓ labium (majus) (minus)—see Bite, vulva lacrimal duct—see Bite, eyelid larynx S11.015 ✓ superficial NEC S10.17 ✓ insect S10.16 ✓ leg (lower) S81.85- ✓ ankle—see Bite, ankle foot—see Bite, foot knee—see Bite, knee superficial NEC S80.87- ✓ insect S80.86- ✓ toe—see Bite, toe upper—see Bite, thigh lip S01.551 ✓ superficial NEC S00.571 ✓ insect S00.561 ✓ lizard (venomous)—see Venom, bite, reptile loin—see Bite, abdomen, wall lower back—see Bite, back, lower lumbar region—see Bite, back, lower malar region—see Bite, head, specified site NEC mammary—see Bite, breast marine animals (venomous)—see Toxicity, venom, marine animal mastoid region—see Bite, head, specified site NEC mouth—see Bite, oral cavity nail finger—see Bite, finger toe—see Bite, toe nape—see Bite, neck, specified site NEC nasal (septum) (sinus)—see Bite, nose nasopharynx—see Bite, head, specified site NEC neck S11.95 ✓ involving cervical esophagus—see Bite, esophagus, cervical larynx—see Bite, larynx pharynx—see Bite, pharynx thyroid gland S11.15 ✓ trachea—see Bite, trachea specified site NEC S11.85 ✓ superficial NEC S10.87 ✓ insect S10.86 ✓ superficial NEC S10.97 ✓ insect S10.96 ✓ throat S11.85 ✓ superficial NEC S10.17 ✓ insect S10.16 ✓ nose (septum) (sinus) S01.25 ✓ superficial NEC S00.37 ✓ insect S00.36 ✓ occipital region—see Bite, scalp oral cavity S01.552 ✓ superficial NEC S00.572 ✓ insect S00.562 ✓ orbital region—see Bite, eyelid palate—see Bite, oral cavity palm—see Bite, hand parietal region—see Bite, scalp pelvis S31.050 ✓ with penetration into retroperitoneal space S31.051 ✓ superficial NEC S30.870 ✓ insect S30.860 ✓ penis S31.25 ✓ superficial NEC S30.872 ✓ insect S30.862 ✓ perineum female—see Bite, vulva male—see Bite, pelvis periocular area (with or without lacrimal passages)—see Bite, eyelid phalanges finger—see Bite, finger toe—see Bite, toe pharynx S11.25 ✓ superficial NEC S10.17 ✓ insect S10.16 ✓ pinna—see Bite, ear poisonous—see Venom popliteal space—see Bite, knee prepuce—see Bite, penis pubic region—see Bite, abdomen, wall rectovaginal septum—see Bite, vulva red bug B88.0 reptile NEC—see also Venom, bite, reptile nonvenomous—see Bite, by site snake—see Venom, bite, snake sacral region—see Bite, back, lower sacroiliac region—see Bite, back, lower salivary gland—see Bite, oral cavity scalp S01.05 ✓ superficial NEC S00.07 ✓ insect S00.06 ✓ scapular region—see Bite, shoulder scrotum S31.35 ✓ superficial NEC S30.873 ✓ insect S30.863 ✓ sea-snake (venomous)—see Toxicity, venom, snake, sea snake shin—see Bite, leg shoulder S41.05- ✓ superficial NEC S40.27- ✓ insect S40.26- ✓ snake—see also Venom, bite, snake nonvenomous—see Bite, by site spermatic cord—see Bite, testis spider (venomous)—see Toxicity, venom, spider nonvenomous—see Bite, by site, superficial, insect sternal region—see Bite, thorax, front submaxillary region—see Bite, head, specified site NEC submental region—see Bite, head, specified site NEC subungual finger(s)—see Bite, finger toe—see Bite, toe superficial—see Bite, by site, superficial supraclavicular fossa S11.85 ✓ supraorbital—see Bite, head, specified site NEC temple, temporal region—see Bite, head, specified site NEC temporomandibular area—see Bite, cheek testis S31.35 ✓ superficial NEC S30.873 ✓ insect S30.863 ✓ thigh S71.15- ✓ superficial NEC S70.37- ✓ insect S70.36- ✓ thorax, thoracic (wall) S21.95 ✓ back S21.25- ✓ with penetration into thoracic cavity S21.45- ✓ breast—see Bite, breast front S21.15- ✓ with penetration into thoracic cavity S21.35- ✓ superficial NEC S20.97 ✓ back S20.47- ✓ front S20.37- ✓ insect S20.96 ✓ back S20.46- ✓ front S20.36- ✓ throat—see Bite, neck, throat thumb S61.05- ✓ with damage to nail S61.15- ✓ superficial NEC S60.37- ✓ insect S60.36- ✓ thyroid S11.15 ✓ superficial NEC S10.87 ✓ insect S10.86 ✓ toe(s) S91.15- ✓ with damage to nail S91.25- ✓ great S91.15- ✓ with damage to nail S91.25- ✓ lesser S91.15- ✓ with damage to nail S91.25- ✓ superficial NEC S90.47- ✓ great S90.47- ✓ insect S90.46- ✓ great S90.46- ✓ tongue S01.552 ✓ trachea S11.025 ✓ superficial NEC S10.17 ✓ insect S10.16 ✓ tunica vaginalis—see Bite, testis tympanum, tympanic membrane—see Bite, ear umbilical region S31.155 ✓ uvula—see Bite, oral cavity vagina—see Bite, vulva venomous—see Venom vocal cords S11.035 ✓ superficial NEC S10.17 ✓ insect S10.16 ✓ vulva S31.45 ✓ superficial NEC S30.874 ✓ insect S30.864 ✓ wrist S61.55- ✓ superficial NEC S60.87- ✓ insect S60.86- ✓ Biting, cheek or lip K13.1 Biventricular failure (heart) I50.82 Björck (-Thorson) syndrome (malignant carcinoid) E34.0 Black death A20.9 eye S00.1- ✓ hairy tongue K14.3 heel (foot) S90.3- ✓ lung (disease) J60 palm (hand) S60.22- ✓ Blackfan-Diamond anemia or syndrome (congenital hypoplastic anemia) D61.01 Blackhead L70.0 Blackout R55 Bladder—see condition Blast (air) (hydraulic) (immersion) (underwater) blindness S05.8X- ✓ injury abdomen or thorax—see Injury, by site ear (acoustic nerve trauma)—see Injury, nerve, acoustic, specified type NEC syndrome NEC T70.8 ✓ Blastoma—see Neoplasm, malignant, by site pulmonary—see Neoplasm, lung, malignant Blastomycosis, blastomycotic B40.9 Brazilian—see Paracoccidioidomycosis cutaneous B40.3 disseminated B40.7 European—see Cryptococcosis generalized B40.7 keloidal B48.0 North American B40.9 primary pulmonary B40.0 pulmonary B40.2 acute B40.0 chronic B40.1 skin B40.3 South American—see Paracoccidioidomycosis specified NEC B40.89 Bleb(s) R23.8 emphysematous (lung) (solitary) J43.9 endophthalmitis H59.43 filtering (vitreous), after glaucoma surgery Z98.83 inflammed (infected), postprocedural H59.40 stage 1 H59.41 stage 2 H59.42 stage 3 H59.43 lung (ruptured) J43.9 congenital—see Atelectasis newborn P25.8 subpleural (emphysematous) J43.9 Blebitis, postprocedural H59.40 stage 1 H59.41 stage 2 H59.42 stage 3 H59.43 Bleeder (familial) (hereditary)—see Hemophilia Bleeding—see also Hemorrhage anal K62.5 anovulatory N97.0 atonic, following delivery O72.1 capillary I78.8 puerperal O72.2 contact (postcoital) N93.0 due to uterine subinvolution N85.3 ear—see Otorrhagia excessive, associated with menopausal onset N92.4 familial—see Defect, coagulation following intercourse N93.0 gastrointestinal K92.2 hemorrhoids—see Hemorrhoids intermenstrual (regular) N92.3 irregular N92.1 intraoperative—see Complication, intraoperative, hemorrhage irregular N92.6 menopausal N92.4 newborn, intraventricular—see Newborn, affected by, hemorrhage, intraventricular nipple N64.59 nose R04.0 ovulation N92.3 perimenopausal N92.4 postclimacteric N95.0 postcoital N93.0 postmenopausal N95.0 postoperative—see Complication, postprocedural, hemorrhage preclimacteric N92.4 pre-pubertal vaginal N93.1 puberty (excessive, with onset of menstrual periods) N92.2 rectum, rectal K62.5 newborn P54.2 tendencies—see Defect, coagulation throat R04.1 tooth socket (post-extraction) K91.840 umbilical stump P51.9 uterus, uterine NEC N93.9 climacteric N92.4 dysfunctional or functional N93.8 menopausal N92.4 preclimacteric or premenopausal N92.4 unrelated to menstrual cycle N93.9 vagina, vaginal (abnormal) N93.9 dysfunctional or functional N93.8 newborn P54.6 pre-pubertal N93.1 vicarious N94.89 Blennorrhagia, blennorrhagic—see Gonorrhea Blennorrhea (acute) (chronic)—see also Gonorrhea inclusion (neonatal) (newborn) P39.1 lower genitourinary tract (gonococcal) A54.00 neonatorum (gonococcal ophthalmia) A54.31 Blepharelosis—see Entropion Blepharitis (angularis) (ciliaris) (eyelid) (marginal) (nonulcerative) H01.009 herpes zoster B02.39 left H01.006 lower H01.005 upper H01.004 upper and lower H01.00B right H01.003 lower H01.002 upper H01.001 upper and lower H01.00A squamous H01.029 left H01.026 lower H01.025 upper H01.024 upper and lower H01.02B right H01.023 lower H01.022 upper H01.021 upper and lower H01.02A ulcerative H01.019 left H01.016 lower H01.015 upper H01.014 upper and lower H01.01B right H01.013 lower H01.012 upper H01.011 upper and lower H01.01A Blepharochalasis H02.30 congenital Q10.0 left H02.36 lower H02.35 upper H02.34 right H02.33 lower H02.32 upper H02.31 Blepharoclonus H02.59 Blepharoconjunctivitis H10.50- ✓ angular H10.52- ✓ contact H10.53- ✓ ligneous H10.51- ✓ Blepharophimosis (eyelid) H02.529 congenital Q10.3 left H02.526 lower H02.525 upper H02.524 right H02.523 lower H02.522 upper H02.521 Blepharoptosis H02.40- ✓ congenital Q10.0 mechanical H02.41- ✓ myogenic H02.42- ✓ neurogenic H02.43- ✓ paralytic H02.43- ✓ Blepharopyorrhea, gonococcal A54.39 Blepharospasm G24.5 drug induced G24.01 Blighted ovum O02.0 Blind—see also Blindness bronchus (congenital) Q32.4 loop syndrome K90.2 congenital Q43.8 sac, fallopian tube (congenital) Q50.6 spot, enlarged—see Defect, visual field, localized, scotoma, blind spot area tract or tube, congenital NEC—see Atresia, by site Blindness (acquired) (congenital) (both eyes) H54.0X- ✓ blast S05.8X- ✓ color—see Deficiency, color vision concussion S05.8X- ✓ cortical H47.619 left brain H47.612 right brain H47.611 day H53.11 due to injury (current episode) S05.9- ✓ sequelae—code to injury with seventh character S eclipse (total)—see Retinopathy, solar emotional (hysterical) F44.6 face H53.16 hysterical F44.6 legal (both eyes) (USA definition) H54.8 mind R48.8 night H53.60 abnormal dark adaptation curve H53.61 acquired H53.62 congenital H53.63 specified type NEC H53.69 vitamin A deficiency E50.5 one eye (other eye normal) H54.40 left (normal vision on right) H54.42- ✓ low vision on right H54.12- ✓ low vision, other eye H54.10 right (normal vision on left) H54.41- ✓ low vision on left H54.11- ✓ psychic R48.8 river B73.01 snow—see Photokeratitis sun, solar—see Retinopathy, solar transient—see Disturbance, vision, subjective, loss, transient traumatic (current episode) S05.9- ✓ word (developmental) F81.0 acquired R48.0 secondary to organic lesion R48.0 Blister (nonthermal) abdominal wall S30.821 ✓ alveolar process S00.522 ✓ ankle S90.52- ✓ antecubital space—see Blister, elbow anus S30.827 ✓ arm (upper) S40.82- ✓ auditory canal—see Blister, ear auricle—see Blister, ear axilla—see Blister, arm back, lower S30.820 ✓ beetle dermatitis L24.89 breast S20.12- ✓ brow S00.82 ✓ calf—see Blister, leg canthus—see Blister, eyelid cheek S00.82 ✓ internal S00.522 ✓ chest wall—see Blister, thorax chin S00.82 ✓ costal region—see Blister, thorax digit(s) foot—see Blister, toe hand—see Blister, finger due to burn—see Burn, by site, second degree ear S00.42- ✓ elbow S50.32- ✓ epiglottis S10.12 ✓ esophagus, cervical S10.12 ✓ eyebrow—see Blister, eyelid eyelid S00.22- ✓ face S00.82 ✓ fever B00.1 finger(s) S60.429 ✓ index S60.42- ✓ little S60.42- ✓ middle S60.42- ✓ ring S60.42- ✓ foot (except toe(s) alone) S90.82- ✓ toe—see Blister, toe forearm S50.82- ✓ elbow only—see Blister, elbow forehead S00.82 ✓ fracture—omit code genital organ female S30.826 ✓ male S30.825 ✓ gum S00.522 ✓ hand S60.52- ✓ head S00.92 ✓ ear—see Blister, ear eyelid—see Blister, eyelid lip S00.521 ✓ nose S00.32 ✓ oral cavity S00.522 ✓ scalp S00.02 ✓ specified site NEC S00.82 ✓ heel—see Blister, foot hip S70.22- ✓ interscapular region S20.429 ✓ jaw S00.82 ✓ knee S80.22- ✓ larynx S10.12 ✓ leg (lower) S80.82- ✓ knee—see Blister, knee upper—see Blister, thigh lip S00.521 ✓ malar region S00.82 ✓ mammary—see Blister, breast mastoid region S00.82 ✓ mouth S00.522 ✓ multiple, skin, nontraumatic R23.8 nail finger—see Blister, finger toe—see Blister, toe nasal S00.32 ✓ neck S10.92 ✓ specified site NEC S10.82 ✓ throat S10.12 ✓ nose S00.32 ✓ occipital region S00.02 ✓ oral cavity S00.522 ✓ orbital region—see Blister, eyelid palate S00.522 ✓ palm—see Blister, hand parietal region S00.02 ✓ pelvis S30.820 ✓ penis S30.822 ✓ periocular area—see Blister, eyelid phalanges finger—see Blister, finger toe—see Blister, toe pharynx S10.12 ✓ pinna—see Blister, ear popliteal space—see Blister, knee scalp S00.02 ✓ scapular region—see Blister, shoulder scrotum S30.823 ✓ shin—see Blister, leg shoulder S40.22- ✓ sternal region S20.329 ✓ submaxillary region S00.82 ✓ submental region S00.82 ✓ subungual finger(s)—see Blister, finger toe(s)—see Blister, toe supraclavicular fossa S10.82 ✓ supraorbital S00.82 ✓ temple S00.82 ✓ temporal region S00.82 ✓ testis S30.823 ✓ thermal—see Burn, second degree, by site thigh S70.32- ✓ thorax, thoracic (wall) S20.92 ✓ back S20.42- ✓ front S20.32- ✓ throat S10.12 ✓ thumb S60.32- ✓ toe(s) S90.42- ✓ great S90.42- ✓ tongue S00.522 ✓ trachea S10.12 ✓ tympanum, tympanic membrane—see Blister, ear upper arm—see Blister, arm (upper) uvula S00.522 ✓ vagina S30.824 ✓ vocal cords S10.12 ✓ vulva S30.824 ✓ wrist S60.82- ✓ Bloating R14.0 Bloch-Sulzberger disease or syndrome Q82.3 Block, blocked alveolocapillary J84.10 arborization (heart) I45.5 arrhythmic I45.9 atrioventricular (incomplete) (partial) I44.30 with atrioventricular dissociation I44.2 complete I44.2 congenital Q24.6 congenital Q24.6 first degree I44.0 second degree (types I and II) I44.1 specified NEC I44.39 third degree I44.2 types I and II I44.1 auriculoventricular—see Block, atrioventricular bifascicular (cardiac) I45.2 bundle-branch (complete) (false) (incomplete) I45.4 bilateral I45.2 left I44.7 with right bundle branch block I45.2 hemiblock I44.60 anterior I44.4 posterior I44.5 incomplete I44.7 with right bundle branch block I45.2 right I45.10 with left bundle branch block I45.2 left fascicular block I45.2 specified NEC I45.19 Wilson’s type I45.19 cardiac I45.9 conduction I45.9 complete I44.2 fascicular (left) I44.60 anterior I44.4 posterior I44.5 right I45.0 specified NEC I44.69 foramen Magendie (acquired) G91.1 congenital Q03.1 with spina bifida—see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus heart I45.9 bundle branch I45.4 bilateral I45.2 complete (atrioventricular) I44.2 congenital Q24.6 first degree (atrioventricular) I44.0 second degree (atrioventricular) I44.1 specified type NEC I45.5 third degree (atrioventricular) I44.2 hepatic vein I82.0 intraventricular (nonspecific) I45.4 bundle branch bilateral I45.2 kidney N28.9 postcystoscopic or postprocedural N99.0 Mobitz (types I and II) I44.1 myocardial—see Block, heart nodal I45.5 organ or site, congenital NEC—see Atresia, by site portal (vein) I81 second degree (types I and II) I44.1 sinoatrial I45.5 sinoauricular I45.5 third degree I44.2 trifascicular I45.3 tubal N97.1 vein NOS I82.90 Wenckebach (types I and II) I44.1 Blockage—see Obstruction Blocq’s disease F44.4 Blood constituents, abnormal R78.9 disease D75.9 donor—see Donor, blood dyscrasia D75.9 with abortion—see Abortion, by type, complicated by, hemorrhage ectopic pregnancy O08.1 molar pregnancy O08.1 following ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.1 newborn P61.9 puerperal, postpartum O72.3 flukes NEC—see Schistosomiasis in feces K92.1 occult R19.5 urine—see Hematuria mole O02.0 occult in feces R19.5 pressure decreased, due to shock following injury T79.4 ✓ examination only Z01.30 fluctuating I99.8 high—see Hypertension borderline R03.0 incidental reading, without diagnosis of hypertension R03.0 low—see also Hypotension incidental reading, without diagnosis of hypotension R03.1 spitting—see Hemoptysis staining cornea—see Pigmentation, cornea, stromal transfusion reaction or complication—see Complications, transfusion type A (Rh positive) Z67.10 Rh negative Z67.11 AB (Rh positive) Z67.30 Rh negative Z67.31 B (Rh positive) Z67.20 Rh negative Z67.21 O (Rh positive) Z67.40 Rh negative Z67.41 Rh (positive) Z67.90 negative Z67.91 vessel rupture—see Hemorrhage vomiting—see Hematemesis Blood-forming organs, disease D75.9 Bloodgood’s disease—see Mastopathy, cystic Bloom (-Machacek)(-Torre) syndrome Q82.8 Blount disease or osteochondrosis M92.51- ✓ Blue baby Q24.9 diaper syndrome E72.09 dome cyst (breast)—see Cyst, breast dot cataract Q12.0 nevus D22.9 sclera Q13.5 with fragility of bone and deafness Q78.0 toe syndrome I75.02- ✓ Blueness—see Cyanosis Blues, postpartal O90.6 baby O90.6 Blurring, visual H53.8 Blushing (abnormal) (excessive) R23.2 BMI—see Body, mass index Boarder, hospital NEC Z76.4 accompanying sick person Z76.3 healthy infant or child Z76.2 foundling Z76.1 Bockhart’s impetigo L01.02 Bodechtel-Guttman disease (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) A81.1 Boder-Sedgwick syndrome (ataxia-telangiectasia) G11.3 Body, bodies Aschoff’s—see Myocarditis, rheumatic asteroid, vitreous—see Deposit, crystalline cytoid (retina)—see Occlusion, artery, retina drusen (degenerative) (macula) (retinal)—see also Degeneration, macula, drusen optic disc—see Drusen, optic disc foreign—see Foreign body loose joint, except knee—see Loose, body, joint knee M23.4- ✓ sheath, tendon—see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC mass index (BMI) adult 19.9 or less Z68.1 20.0-20.9 Z68.20 21.0-21.9 Z68.21 22.0-22.9 Z68.22 23.0-23.9 Z68.23 24.0-24.9 Z68.24 25.0-25.9 Z68.25 26.0-26.9 Z68.26 27.0-27.9 Z68.27 28.0-28.9 Z68.28 29.0-29.9 Z68.29 30.0-30.9 Z68.30 31.0-31.9 Z68.31 32.0-32.9 Z68.32 33.0-33.9 Z68.33 34.0-34.9 Z68.34 35.0-35.9 Z68.35 36.0-36.9 Z68.36 37.0-37.9 Z68.37 38.0-38.9 Z68.38 39.0-39.9 Z68.39 40.0-44.9 Z68.41 45.0-49.9 Z68.42 50.0-59.9 Z68.43 60.0-69.9 Z68.44 70 and over Z68.45 pediatric 5th percentile to less than 85th percentile for age Z68.52 85th percentile to less than 95th percentile for age Z68.53 greater than or equal to ninety-fifth percentile for age Z68.54 less than fifth percentile for age Z68.51 Mooser’s A75.2 rice—see also Loose, body, joint knee M23.4- ✓ rocking F98.4 Boeck’s disease or sarcoid—see Sarcoidosis lupoid (miliary) D86.3 Boerhaave’s syndrome (spontaneous esophageal rupture) K22.3




cervix N88.8 uterus N85.8 Boil—see also Furuncle, by site Aleppo B55.1 Baghdad B55.1 Delhi B55.1 lacrimal gland—see Dacryoadenitis passages (duct) (sac)—see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, acute Natal B55.1 orbit, orbital—see Abscess, orbit tropical B55.1 Bold hives—see Urticaria Bombé, iris—see Membrane, pupillary Bone—see condition Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome—see also Turner’s syndrome Q87.19 Bonnier’s syndrome H81.8 ✓ Bonvale dam fever T73.3 ✓ Bony block of joint—see Ankylosis BOOP (bronchiolitis obliterans organized pneumonia) J84.89 Borderline diabetes mellitus R73.03 hypertension R03.0 osteopenia M85.8- ✓ pelvis, with obstruction during labor O65.1 personality F60.3 Borna disease A83.9 Bornholm disease B33.0 Boston exanthem A88.0 Botalli, ductus (patent) (persistent) Q25.0 Bothriocephalus latus infestation B70.0 Botulism (foodborne intoxication) A05.1 infant A48.51 non-foodborne A48.52 wound A48.52 Bouba—see Yaws Bouchard’s nodes (with arthropathy) M15.2 Bouffée délirante F23 Bouillaud’s disease or syndrome (rheumatic heart disease) I01.9 Bourneville’s disease Q85.1 Boutonniere deformity (finger)—see Deformity, finger, boutonniere Bouveret (-Hoffmann) syndrome (paroxysmal tachycardia) I47.9 Bovine heart—see Hypertrophy, cardiac Bowel—see condition Bowen’s dermatosis (precancerous)—see Neoplasm, skin, in situ disease—see Neoplasm, skin, in situ epithelioma—see Neoplasm, skin, in situ type epidermoid carcinoma-in-situ—see Neoplasm, skin, in situ intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma—see Neoplasm, skin, in situ Bowing femur—see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, thigh congenital Q68.3 fibula—see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, lower leg congenital Q68.4 forearm—see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm leg(s), long bones, congenital Q68.5 radius—see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm tibia—see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, lower leg congenital Q68.4 Bowleg(s) (acquired) M21.16- ✓ congenital Q68.5 rachitic E64.3 Boyd’s dysentery A03.2 Brachial—see condition Brachycardia R00.1 Brachycephaly Q75.0 Bradley’s disease A08.19 Bradyarrhythmia, cardiac I49.8 Bradycardia (sinoatrial) (sinus) (vagal) R00.1 neonatal P29.12 reflex G90.09 tachycardia syndrome I49.5 Bradykinesia R25.8 Bradypnea R06.89 Bradytachycardia I49.5 Brailsford’s disease or osteochondrosis—see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, radius Brain—see also condition death G93.82 syndrome—see Syndrome, brain Branched-chain amino-acid disorder E71.2 Branchial—see condition cartilage, congenital Q18.2 Branchiogenic remnant (in neck) Q18.0 Brandt’s syndrome (acrodermatitis enteropathica) E83.2 Brash (water) R12 Bravais-jacksonian epilepsy—see Epilepsy, localizationrelated, symptomatic, with simple partial seizures Braxton Hicks contractions—see False, labor Brazilian leishmaniasis B55.2 BRBPR K62.5 Break, retina (without detachment) H33.30- ✓ with retinal detachment—see Detachment, retina horseshoe tear H33.31- ✓ multiple H33.33- ✓ round hole H33.32- ✓ Breakdown device, graft or implant—see also Complications, by site and type, mechanical T85.618 ✓ arterial graft NEC—see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical, vascular breast (implant) T85.41 ✓ catheter NEC T85.618 ✓ cystostomy T83.010 ✓ dialysis (renal) T82.41 ✓ intraperitoneal T85.611 ✓ Hopkins T83.018 ✓ ileostomy T83.018 ✓ infusion NEC T82.514 ✓ cranial T85.610- ✓ epidural T85.610 ✓ intrathecal T85.610 ✓ spinal T85.610 ✓ subarachnoid T85.610 ✓ subdural T85.610 ✓ nephrostomy T83.012 ✓ urethral indwelling T83.011 ✓ urinary NEC T83.018 ✓ urostomy T83.018 ✓ electronic (electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator) bone T84.310 ✓ cardiac T82.119 ✓ electrode T82.110 ✓ pulse generator T82.111 ✓ specified type NEC T82.118 ✓ nervous system—see Complication, prosthetic device, mechanical, electronic nervous system stimulator urinary—see Complication, genitourinary, device, urinary, mechanical fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC—see Complication, fixation device, mechanical gastrointestinal—see Complications, prosthetic device, mechanical, gastrointestinal device genital NEC T83.418 ✓ intrauterine contraceptive device T83.31 ✓ penile prosthesis (cylinder) (implanted) (pump) (resevoir) T83.410 ✓ testicular prosthesis T83.411 ✓ heart NEC—see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical intrathecal infusion pump T85.615 ✓ joint prosthesis—see Complications…, joint prosthesis, internal, mechanical, by site nervous system, specified device NEC T85.615 ✓ ocular NEC—see Complications, prosthetic device, mechanical, ocular device orthopedic NEC—see Complication, orthopedic, device, mechanical specified NEC T85.618 ✓ subcutaneous device pocket nervous system prosthetic device, implant, or graft T85.890 ✓ other internal prosthetic device, implant, or graft T85.898 ✓ sutures, permanent T85.612 ✓ used in bone repair—see Complications, fixation device, internal (orthopedic), mechanical urinary NEC T83.118 ✓ graft T83.21 ✓ sphincter, implanted T83.111 ✓ stent (ileal conduit) (nephroureteral) T83.113 ✓ ureteral indwelling T83.112 ✓ vascular NEC—see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical ventricular intracranial shunt T85.01 ✓ nervous F48.8 perineum O90.1 respirator J95.850 specified NEC J95.859 ventilator J95.850 specified NEC J95.859 Breast—see also condition buds E30.1 in newborn P96.89 dense R92.2 nodule—see also Lump, breast N63.0 Breath foul R19.6 holder, child R06.89 holding spell R06.89 shortness R06.02





labored—see Hyperventilation mouth R06.5 causing malocclusion M26.5 ✓ periodic R06.3 high altitude G47.32 Breathlessness R06.81 Breda’s disease—see Yaws Breech presentation (mother) O32.1 ✓ causing obstructed labor O64.1 ✓ footling O32.8 ✓ causing obstructed labor O64.8 ✓ incomplete O32.8 ✓ causing obstructed labor O64.8 ✓ Breisky’s disease N90.4 Brennemann’s syndrome I88.0 Brenner tumor (benign) D27.9 borderline malignancy D39.1- ✓ malignant C56 ✓ proliferating D39.1- ✓ Bretonneau’s disease or angina A36.0 Breus’ mole O02.0 Brevicollis Q76.49 Brickmakers’ anemia B76.9 [D63.8] Bridge, myocardial Q24.5 Bright red blood per rectum (BRBPR) K62.5 Bright’s disease—see also Nephritis arteriosclerotic—see Hypertension, kidney Brill (-Zinsser) disease (recrudescent typhus) A75.1 Brill-Symmers’ disease C82.90 Brion-Kayser disease—see Fever, parathyroid Briquet’s disorder or syndrome F45.0 Brissaud’s infantilism or dwarfism E23.0 motor-verbal tic F95.2 Brittle bones disease Q78.0 nails L60.3 congenital Q84.6 Broad—see also condition beta disease E78.2 ligament laceration syndrome N83.8 Broad- or floating-betalipoproteinemia E78.2 Brock’s syndrome (atelectasis due to enlarged lymph nodes) J98.19 Brocq-Duhring disease (dermatitis herpetiformis) L13.0 Brodie’s abscess or disease M86.8X- ✓ Broken arches—see also Deformity, limb, flat foot arm (meaning upper limb)—see Fracture, arm back—see Fracture, vertebra bone—see Fracture implant or internal device—see Complications, by site and type, mechanical leg (meaning lower limb)—see Fracture, leg nose S02.2 ✓ tooth, teeth—see Fracture, tooth Bromhidrosis, bromidrosis L75.0 Bromidism, bromism G92.8 due to correct substance properly administered—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect overdose or wrong substance given or taken—see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning chronic (dependence) F13.20 Bromidrosiphobia F40.298 Bronchi, bronchial—see condition Bronchiectasis (cylindrical) (diffuse) (fusiform) (localized) (saccular) J47.9 with acute bronchitis J47.0 lower respiratory infection J47.0 exacerbation (acute) J47.1 congenital Q33.4 tuberculous NEC—see Tuberculosis, pulmonary Bronchiolectasis—see Bronchiectasis Bronchiolitis (acute) (infective) (subacute) J21.9 with bronchospasm or obstruction J21.9 influenza, flu or grippe—see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC chemical (chronic) J68.4 acute J68.0 chronic (fibrosing) (obliterative) J44.9 due to external agent—see Bronchitis, acute, due to human metapneumovirus J21.1 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) J21.0 specified organism NEC J21.8 fibrosa obliterans J44.9 influenzal—see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC obliterans J42 with organizing pneumonia (BOOP) J84.89 obliterative (chronic) (subacute) J44.9 due to fumes or vapors J68.4 due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors (inhalation) J68.4 respiratory, interstitial lung disease J84.115 Bronchitis (diffuse) (fibrinous) (hypostatic) (infective) (membranous) J40 with influenza, flu or grippe—see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC obstruction (airway) (lung) J44.9 tracheitis (l5 years of age and above) J40 acute or subacute J20.9 chronic J42 under l5 years of age J20.9 acute or subacute (with bronchospasm or obstruction) J20.9 with bronchiectasis J47.0 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease J44.0 chemical (due to gases, fumes or vapors) J68.0 due to fumes or vapors J68.0 Haemophilus influenzae J20.1 Mycoplasma pneumoniae J20.0 radiation J70.0 specified organism NEC J20.8 Streptococcus J20.2 virus coxsackie J20.3 echovirus J20.7 parainfluenzae J20.4 respiratory syncytial (RSV) J20.5 rhinovirus J20.6 viral NEC J20.8 allergic (acute) J45.909 with exacerbation (acute) J45.901 status asthmaticus J45.902 arachidic T17.528 ✓ aspiration (due to food and vomit) J69.0 asthmatic J45.9 ✓ chronic J44.9 with acute lower respiratory infection J44.0 exacerbation (acute) J44.1 capillary—see Pneumonia, broncho caseous (tuberculous) A15.5 Castellani’s A69.8 catarrhal (l5 years of age and above) J40 acute—see Bronchitis, acute chronic J41.0 under l5 years of age J20.9 chemical (acute) (subacute) J68.0 chronic J68.4 due to fumes or vapors J68.0 chronic J68.4 chronic J42 with airways obstruction J44.9 tracheitis (chronic) J42 asthmatic (obstructive) J44.9 catarrhal J41.0 chemical (due to fumes or vapors) J68.4 due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors (inhalation) J68.4 radiation J70.1 tobacco smoking J41.0 emphysematous J44.9 mucopurulent J41.1 non-obstructive J41.0 obliterans J44.9 obstructive J44.9 purulent J41.1 simple J41.0 croupous—see Bronchitis, acute due to gases, fumes or vapors (chemical) J68.0 emphysematous (obstructive) J44.9 exudative—see Bronchitis, acute fetid J41.1 grippal—see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC in those under l5 years age—see Bronchitis, acute chronic—see Bronchitis, chronic influenzal—see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC mixed simple and mucopurulent J41.8 moulder’s J62.8 mucopurulent (chronic) (recurrent) J41.1 acute or subacute J20.9 simple (mixed) J41.8 obliterans (chronic) J44.9 obstructive (chronic) (diffuse) J44.9 pituitous J41.1 pneumococcal, acute or subacute J20.2 pseudomembranous, acute or subacute—see Bronchitis, acute purulent (chronic) (recurrent) J41.1 acute or subacute—see Bronchitis, acute putrid J41.1 senile (chronic) J42 simple and mucopurulent (mixed) J41.8 smokers’ J41.0 spirochetal NEC A69.8 subacute—see Bronchitis, acute suppurative (chronic) J41.1 acute or subacute—see Bronchitis, acute tuberculous A15.5 under l5 years of age—see Bronchitis, acute chronic—see Bronchitis, chronic viral NEC, acute or subacute—see also Bronchitis, acute J20.8 Bronchoalveolitis J18.0 Bronchoaspergillosis B44.1 Bronchocele meaning goiter E04.0 Broncholithiasis J98.09 tuberculous NEC A15.5 Bronchomalacia J98.09 congenital Q32.2 Bronchomycosis NOS B49 [J99] candidal B37.1 Bronchopleuropneumonia—see Pneumonia, broncho Bronchopneumonia—see Pneumonia, broncho Bronchopneumonitis—see Pneumonia, broncho Bronchopulmonary—see condition Bronchopulmonitis—see Pneumonia, broncho Bronchorrhagia (see Hemoptysis) Bronchorrhea J98.09 acute J20.9 chronic (infective) (purulent) J42 Bronchospasm (acute) J98.01 with bronchiolitis, acute J21.9 bronchitis, acute (conditions in J20)—see Bronchitis, acute due to external agent—see condition, respiratory, acute, due to exercise induced J45.990 Bronchospirochetosis A69.8 Castellani A69.8 Bronchostenosis J98.09 Bronchus—see condition Brontophobia F40.220 Bronze baby syndrome P83.88 Brooke’s tumor—see Neoplasm, skin, benign Brown enamel of teeth (hereditary) K00.5 Brown’s sheath syndrome H50.61- ✓ Brown-Séquard disease, paralysis or syndrome G83.81 Bruce sepsis A23.0 Brucellosis (infection) A23.9 abortus A23.1 canis A23.3 dermatitis A23.9 melitensis A23.0 mixed A23.8 sepsis A23.9 melitensis A23.0 specified NEC A23.8 suis A23.2 Bruck-de Lange disease Q87.19 Bruck’s disease—see Deformity, limb BRUE (brief resolved unexplained event) R68.13 Brugsch’s syndrome Q82.8 Bruise (skin surface intact)—see also Contusion with open wound—see Wound, open internal organ—see Injury, by site newborn P54.5 scalp, due to birth injury, newborn P12.3 umbilical cord O69.5 ✓ Bruit (arterial) R09.89 cardiac R01.1 Brush burn—see Abrasion, by site Bruton’s X-linked agammaglobulinemia D80.0

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